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Member Birthdays

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Let us hope His Imperial Rodency accepts our humble offerings and is not angered by our tardiness !


Happy Birthday RR!
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Let us hope His Imperial Rodency accepts our humble offerings and is not angered by our tardiness !
Happy Birthday RR!

I'm sure as a rodent of wealth and taste he will be forgiving
avatar RR dressed.jpg

The alternative would be frightening

He has just dunked five of us in a big tank
filled with animal shit. i have three pairs
of knickers in the wash basket and as i
am re reading it again i am wetting another
pair .i have read it more than a dozen times
and i`m still horny as hell,he is the best
cyber lover i have ever had, how he put`s up
with my demands beats me,i am surprised
he has`nt told me to bugger off long ago.
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