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Miss Moore Goes To The Abbey, 1861...

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While the clipper ship sailing to America to verify whether Miss Barbara Moore is truly on a diplomatic mission or is a spy sent to harm the crown her life is spared but her body is not!

The abbot would continue Miss Moore’s ‘interrogation’ with the hopes she would confess and the whole issue would be moot and she could be disposed of. The daily (and nighty) whippings would continue.

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I cannot believe Siss is seemingly enjoying my torment. I am housed in a cage when I am not being tortured. Siss visits me and folds her arms. In near contempt she says “Damn Barbara you look pathetic!”

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“It’s a tad difficult not to look any better when I am treated like this” I retort. “How did you convince the French you aren’t a spy?”

“I used my ‘assets’ and made love to Sister Messaline. I could consider becoming a nun after a night with her.”

“Oh, Siss, how could you?” I cry.

“You silly twit, are you telling me you haven’t bedded Bishop Draco?”

“I would rather die than sleep with him” I exclaim!

“Your wish could come true you naïve girl. Seduce him if you want to live! Remember Barb the beatings will stop when you morale improves!”

I realize I am in a no-win situation and that night to avoid the sting of the whip I relent and seduce the repulsive Bishop Draco. I must admit it took little effort to seduce the lecherous bastard!

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Meanwhile across the Atlantic Ocean President Lincoln assembles his cabinet members. The letter had arrived from England by clipper ship wondering what the status of this Miss Barbara Moore as a diplomatic envoy or a spy for the young United States.


(Ed. note- The Secretary of state is Wm. Seward, third from your right.)

“Tell me, William what are Miss Moore and Miss Siss doing in England and France” Mr. Lincoln demands.

“Sir, both of them are convincing the British and the French to remain neutral in the event the south succeeded from the Union.”

“Then why don’t they have diplomatic papers?” the president asks.

“Sir, we did not wish to alarm the southern states.”

“So how do we respond?” Lincoln asks.

“Fortunately Miss Siss has had success with the French. Unfortunately Miss Moore has had less success with the Church of England and is convinced she is a spy” Secretary Seward explains.

“What does the Church of England has to do with the crown?” Mr. Lincoln asks.

Secretary Seward rolls his eyes and wonders if he is talking to Donald Trump but says “I suggest we send a missive to the Crown and suggest Miss Moore is a rogue operative but as a citizen of the United States she will be executed mercifully.”

“But she was only following your directive!” Mr. Lincoln protests.

“Sir her orders stated if she is caught or captured the Secretary would disavow any knowledge of her action.”

“Did she fully understand the orders?”

“She should (if she read the fine print)…


That 'disavow any knowledge' line seems a good tag line for a TV show or movie... What would you call it??? Maybe 'Mission Improbable'??? ...no, that's no quite it...
While the clipper ship sailing to America to verify whether Miss Barbara Moore is truly on a diplomatic mission or is a spy sent to harm the crown her life is spared but her body is not!

The abbot would continue Miss Moore’s ‘interrogation’ with the hopes she would confess and the whole issue would be moot and she could be disposed of. The daily (and nighty) whippings would continue.

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I cannot believe Siss is seemingly enjoying my torment. I am housed in a cage when I am not being tortured. Siss visits me and folds her arms. In near contempt she says “Damn Barbara you look pathetic!”

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“It’s a tad difficult not to look any better when I am treated like this” I retort. “How did you convince the French you aren’t a spy?”

“I used my ‘assets’ and made love to Sister Messaline. I could consider becoming a nun after a night with her.”

“Oh, Siss, how could you?” I cry.

“You silly twit, are you telling me you haven’t bedded Bishop Draco?”

“I would rather die than sleep with him” I exclaim!

“Your wish could come true you naïve girl. Seduce him if you want to live! Remember Barb the beatings will stop when you morale improves!”

I realize I am in a no-win situation and that night to avoid the sting of the whip I relent and seduce the repulsive Bishop Draco. I must admit it took little effort to seduce the lecherous bastard!

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Meanwhile across the Atlantic Ocean President Lincoln assembles his cabinet members. The letter had arrived from England by clipper ship wondering what the status of this Miss Barbara Moore as a diplomatic envoy or a spy for the young United States.

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(Ed. note- The Secretary of state is Wm. Seward, third from your right.)

“Tell me, William what are Miss Moore and Miss Siss doing in England and France” Mr. Lincoln demands.

“Sir, both of them are convincing the British and the French to remain neutral in the event the south succeeded from the Union.”

“Then why don’t they have diplomatic papers?” the president asks.

“Sir, we did not wish to alarm the southern states.”

“So how do we respond?” Lincoln asks.

“Fortunately Miss Siss has had success with the French. Unfortunately Miss Moore has had less success with the Church of England and is convinced she is a spy” Secretary Seward explains.

“What does the Church of England has to do with the crown?” Mr. Lincoln asks.

Secretary Seward rolls his eyes and wonders if he is talking to Donald Trump but says “I suggest we send a missive to the Crown and suggest Miss Moore is a rogue operative but as a citizen of the United States she will be executed mercifully.”

“But she was only following your directive!” Mr. Lincoln protests.

“Sir her orders stated if she is caught or captured the Secretary would disavow any knowledge of her action.”

“Did she fully understand the orders?”

“She should (if she read the fine print)…


That 'disavow any knowledge' line seems a good tag line for a TV show or movie... What would you call it??? Maybe 'Mission Improbable'??? ...no, that's no quite it...
Nice epi Tree ... It was a good read!
You give me high expectations to live up to :spank: and I ask you not to do that again...

Fair enough. Peace offering. :D
The clipper ship races eastward back to Britain added by a strong tailwind. Could the government of the United States of America be willing to sacrifice Miss Moore for saving the sovereignty of nation? This does not bode well for young Barbara. Unfortunately she has more immediate concerns as the abbey mistress has returned! Miss Joan Tree confronts Bishop Draco Wragg angrily accusing him saying “I’m gone for a week and you fucked the American cunt, didn’t you?”

“It is not what you think. The American trollop found me irresistible. Beside I took her arse also!”

“Listen, your eminence, I am no fool! You are only slightly more attractive than the grim reaper Jollyrei and I noticed someone used a generous amount of my root of the Joan tree!”

“It was only to help her relax” the bishop pleas.

“Listen, I want that bitch dead and I want you to make it happen!”

“I have no problem with that but we must wait for the reply from America.”

“I think not! According to English law a woman who seduces a bishop of Church of England has committed a capital crime and must be punished with extreme prejudice!” Joan notes.

“Miss Joan, it was only one romp. You are far guiltier than Miss Moore! I suppose I should have you tried and executed” the bishop says smugly.

“And perhaps I should cut your balls off, boil them, and feed them to you with a spoon” Joan scowls.

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There is an awkward lull in the conversation but Miss Barbara Moore’s fate is sealed…

Yes, I am a bit concerned about the old man's heart.
If he can cope with Joan.....

And he'd better have a steel will and nerve as well. Joan is not (how shall I put this tactfully?) known for being easy to get along with.

Nor's the Bishop. Don't they make a perfect couple? ;)

Fair enough. Peace offering. :D

He doesn't part with that lightly, does Jollyrei! :p

The clipper ship races eastward back to Britain added by a strong tailwind. Could the government of the United States of America be willing to sacrifice Miss Moore for saving the sovereignty of nation? This does not bode well for young Barbara. Unfortunately she has more immediate concerns as the abbey mistress has returned! Miss Joan Tree confronts Bishop Draco Wragg angrily accusing him saying “I’m gone for a week and you fucked the American cunt, didn’t you?”

“It is not what you think. The American trollop found me irresistible. Beside I took her arse also!”

“Listen, your eminence, I am no fool! You are only slightly more attractive than the grim reaper Jollyrei and I noticed someone used a generous amount of my root of the Joan tree!”

“It was only to help her relax” the bishop pleas.

“Listen, I want that bitch dead and I want you to make it happen!”

“I have no problem with that but we must wait for the reply from America.”

“I think not! According to English law a woman who seduces a bishop of Church of England has committed a capital crime and must be punished with extreme prejudice!” Joan notes.

“Miss Joan, it was only one romp. You are far guiltier than Miss Moore! I suppose I should have you tried and executed” the bishop says smugly.

“And perhaps I should cut your balls off, boil them, and feed them to you with a spoon” Joan scowls.

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There is an awkward lull in the conversation but Miss Barbara Moore’s fate is sealed…


Yeah, well, we Wragg's never were particularly fond of Bishop's Ball Soup.... :doh:
If he can cope with Joan.....
I don't quite know what he sees in her, frankly, but as you say, they may be the perfect couple.

He doesn't part with that lightly, does Jollyrei! :p
He's back to writing, at least. :cool:

“Listen, your eminence...You are only slightly more attractive than the grim reaper Jollyrei..."
I don't quite know what he sees in her, frankly, but as you say, they may be the perfect couple.

He's back to writing, at least. :cool:

Listen, Prince Charming, you wouldn't know beauty if I was sucking your cock...
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...and you will live an eternity before that happens, you pathetic bastard...


Even before the clipper ship carrying President Lincoln’s missive to the Royal Crown, Miss Barbara Moore is in the secretive court of the Church of England where she is to be tried for seduction of a church of a Church Elder (it is a status and not a comment about Bishop Draco’s age) and unholy fornication with the intent to bribe the same. After the charges have been read at the preliminary hearing she is asked how ‘in the eyes of God’ she wishes to plea. She looks up at the magistrate and says “I am unfamiliar with the rules of your church and any violations were certainly without intent or malice. I beg your church’s mercy and forgiveness.”

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It is explained to Miss Moore that while she offered no defense other than her ignorance it would be up to the church elders as to her sentence. Miss Moore is presented to the bishops’ refectory where she is stripped and forcefully locked in a pillory despite her indignant protests. As she stands awkwardly bent over the bishops circle about her.

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One of them asks Bishop Draco if Miss Moore was the wench that seduced him. He strolls around her and lewdly looks at her tight little and with a raised eyebrow declares “She is indeed the American whore. I suggest she be taken out behind the abbey and be hanged!”

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“Are you all crazy? You don’t hand someone for having intercourse!” Miss Moore screams.

But they would have except right then the door to the chamber swings open and the queen’s courier is let in. He hands the presiding elder an envelope secured with the queen’s wax seal. He opens it then looks up at Miss Moore saying “Your neck has been spared the noose, Miss Moore. Take her to the whipping post, give her 20 lashes, and then deliver her to the tower!”

Barbara is removed from the pillory and is led to the whipping post with all the clergymen men of the abbey following her. Barbara cannot believe what is happening to her all for trying to help her country. And this whole disgusting thing of sleeping with Bishop Draco Wragg has been a fiasco!

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She is bound to the whipping post by men in red hoods that look more like her executioners than those who will administer her flagellation.

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Ropes bind her belly to the post. She begs for mercy that would not be forthcoming. She feels the first sting of a whip followed momentarily by a second. Barbara thinks two down but a voice counts only ‘one’. Barbara cries “No, that was two!”

One of the men replies “It’s only one each!”

“Oh crap I cannot take forty lash… AAAUUUGGHHH!!!”

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I am so weak when they finish with me. I cannot resist as they lock my wrists and neck into the iron yoke. I am walked naked through the streets of London wondering if my country has sent a message to save me yet all I hear in my head is a nasally New English voice saying “Ask not what your country can do for you… ask what you can do for your country!”

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-Miss Barbara Moore

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