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You can also register me, I really want to wake up as Frankenstein's monster.
Of course, and if no one comes up with the idea of burning us at the stake, we would live forever.
I'm back home now and slowly catching up with everything I've missed for 3 weeks. I'm still recovering and a little short on stamina right now, but getting better every day and taking antibiotics. I picked up a bacterial infection somewhere and that turned into pneumonia on top of my copd. It was a close call and I was in the hospital 14 days, before my lungs were clear enough to go home.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and well wishes so very much. It really means a lot to me that I can call the good people here my friends. I'm back, but I may not post very much for a little while.

Again, thanks to all my dear friends here on CF for your support.
I'm back home now and slowly catching up with everything I've missed for 3 weeks. I'm still recovering and a little short on stamina right now, but getting better every day and taking antibiotics. I picked up a bacterial infection somewhere and that turned into pneumonia on top of my copd. It was a close call and I was in the hospital 14 days, before my lungs were clear enough to go home.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and well wishes so very much. It really means a lot to me that I can call the good people here my friends. I'm back, but I may not post very much for a little while.

Again, thanks to all my dear friends here on CF for your support.
Welcome Back!

It's so good to see you posting here again. Hopefully you are feeling better now. We've all missed you here
I'm back home now and slowly catching up with everything I've missed for 3 weeks. I'm still recovering and a little short on stamina right now, but getting better every day and taking antibiotics. I picked up a bacterial infection somewhere and that turned into pneumonia on top of my copd. It was a close call and I was in the hospital 14 days, before my lungs were clear enough to go home.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and well wishes so very much. It really means a lot to me that I can call the good people here my friends. I'm back, but I may not post very much for a little while.

Again, thanks to all my dear friends here on CF for your support.
You take your time, but by God it's good to have you back, Wulf! :)
I'm back home now and slowly catching up with everything I've missed for 3 weeks. I'm still recovering and a little short on stamina right now, but getting better every day and taking antibiotics. I picked up a bacterial infection somewhere and that turned into pneumonia on top of my copd. It was a close call and I was in the hospital 14 days, before my lungs were clear enough to go home.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts and well wishes so very much. It really means a lot to me that I can call the good people here my friends. I'm back, but I may not post very much for a little while.

Again, thanks to all my dear friends here on CF for your support.
Glad you are on the mend and take your time getting better!
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