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My Full Crucifixion Guidelines

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Lucas Soranus

This is a collection of my ideas from various forum posts here on this board, discussing my outline for implementing crucifixion punishment in my fantasy. I would love to hear any thoughts on what is contained here, and potentially add to this.


The condemned may be sentenced to be crucified in one of two ways: either as a limited-time punishment or as a form of execution. There are some differences between these two cases. The sentence also specifies whether the condemned will be given a loincloth, or will be crucified naked. Location is chosen to maximize the audience.
These two punishments serve different purposes. The point of punishment crucifixions is to humiliate and torture, but not cause any permanent damage. To those ends, the condemned is simply sentenced to be tied to the cross for a certain number of hours, with the determination being made on the age, sex, health, and general level of fitness of the condemned, as well as any previous criminal record, with sentencing recommendations calling for subsequent offenders to be crucified for a longer period of time than their previous sentence (usually by 2 hours). Too many repeat offenses may carry lead to a death sentence.
Executions, on the other hand, are to be a long torturous death, and thus are reserved for harsher crimes. The condemned is nailed to the cross rather than tied, and these sentences are generally (but not always) done naked. Once the first nail has been driven, there is no going back.

Before the Cross​

The lead-up to crucifixion is different depending on the nature of the sentence. For those not condemned to die, the crucifixion is considered punishment in and of itself, and pre-crucifixion torture may be non-existent or limited to a light whipping (that doesn’t tear the skin). Death on the other hand spares nothing and allows guards wide discretion in terms of what to do. Generally, this is seen in the form of heavy whipping, that is allowed to break the skin.
The march to the location also varies between types, with the biggest difference being that death sentences involve a lengthy procession with the crossbeam tied to the back of the condemned, something that is not usually the case in punishment crucifixions, which also tend to have shorter walks. The condemned marches out in just a loincloth either way, however.

At the Foot of the Cross​

Once the destination has been reached, the crucifixion process begins. The condemned is secured to the cross in the manner specified by their sentence. The condemned is stripped naked if necessary at this time, and can be done at any point in the process, ranging from before being secured to the cross, to up to 15 minutes after the cross has been raised. A card is also placed above the head of the condemned, displaying their name and the details of their crime. Once the cross has been fully raised, the sentence of the condemned has begun and the time for punishment crucifixions is started.

While on the Cross​

Once on the cross, the condemned can not come down until the end of their sentence (or never in the case of a death sentence). There is one exception to this rule that we will get to later, however. Attendants have some fairly wide discretion as to how to treat those on the cross, with limits only being placed on punishment crucifixions to prevent permanent damage. Some common examples include the following, but it is far from a comprehensive list:
  • The condemned may be sexually touched and forced to orgasm
  • The condemned may be whipped
  • The condemned may have leads attached to their body and then be electrocuted
  • The condemned may have clothespins attached to his body
  • The condemned may be crucified on a cross that contains a dildo, which may provide temporary relief if they choose to be penetrated by it
In some cases, particularly mouthy crucifiees may see their sentence lengthened (max 2 additional hours) or see a loincloth removed. In rare cases, a sentence may be upgraded to a death sentence, at which point the condemned is taken down in preparation for nailing before the cross is re-raised to allow them to hang until death.

After the Cross​

After the sentence of the condemned is up, they are taken down from the cross. They are generally laid down on the ground and left there until they are able to get up on their own. At which point they are then led back for post-processing and release. If they are on the ground for more than an hour, however, they are forcibly awakened and led back. Those sentenced to death, are left on the cross after they die for a week before being taken down and buried in an unmarked grave.

Death in Temporary Crucifixions​

Death may occur in longer temporary crucifixions. These deaths are seen as the just deserts of a condmened who could not last for the required time, and are not given intervention, but are simply left to die. The bodies in these cases are treated like the bodies of those with explicit death sentences.

Voluntary Crucifixions​

In addition to being a criminal punishment, someone may request to be crucified. These requests are all-encompassing and allow the requester full discretion in terms of the circumstances of their crucifixion, including the location of the crucifixion, position on the cross, the option of a loincloth, any pre-crucifixion torture (temporary crucifixion only), and most importantly, the type of sentence. Requests are made by going down to the courthouse and filling out a form, upon the signing of which, the requester is taken into custody and prepared for crucifixion. Once the form is signed, there is no backing out. The volunteer can have the charge card either list them as a volunteer or say whatever they claim to be the reason they deserve the cross. This cannot be changed once finalized.
Some adjustments are permitted to be made after the fact, but they only go in one direction. Sentences can be lengthened, but not shortened. Loinclothes can be removed, but not added. Furthermore, a death sentence can be requested later, but cannot be backed out of once agreed to. These adjustments can be made, even after the condemned is on the cross. These are also extended to all those with crucifixion sentences, not just volunteers.
Voluntary crucifixions are recorded separately from criminal crucifixions are are not factored into sentencing for future crucifixions.


People are also allowed to volunteer themselves to take the place of someone who is condemned. In these cases, the individuals inherit the sentence from the one they are replacing and both have it placed in their records. There are no restrictions in terms of the type of crucifixion that can be substituted for, including death sentences. These similarly, cannot be backed out of once agreed to, and sentence adjustments can be made as specified above. To original condemned is forced to attend the crucifixion of their substitute, and are tied to a pole with their hands behind their back with or without a loincloth depending on their original sentence.
For those with temporary crucifixions, a substitution may be made while the condemned is already on the cross, with the substitute being crucified for the remainder of the time with an additional 2-hour penalty being added.

Crucifixion Attendant​

Crucifixions are generally overseen by guards who manage crucifixions as a full-time job. However, there are rules in place to allow people to volunteer to oversee a crucifixion. These attendants have to follow the rules as outlined above, but otherwise have the same powers as those who manage crucifixions full-time. The only difference is that volunteers are forced to wear a loincloth while performing their official duties. These duties are performed for the duration of the sentence for temporary crucifixions, and for 8 hours for death sentences.
They are also subject to a 1-hour crucifixion in that loincloth, with adjustment requests being allowed, after the completion of their duties. Failure to abide by the rules results in that sentence being upgraded to a death sentence in the nude. The attendant is given three warnings, with the third leading to immediate nailing. These crucifixions are marked on the charge card as being for attendants and are similarly recorded separately from criminal crucifixions.

Survival Crucifixions​

This is a special type of crucifixion that involves crucifying a group of criminals, and leaving them there until one or more of them die, allowing the rest to be taken down. This type of crucifixion is done with ropes as to avoid/minimize permanent damage to the survivors, but nails can be involved in certain configurations as specified below.

This can be done in several configurations:
  1. The first involves having a group of two or more criminals, and setting the conditions for being let down to be after a certain number of crucifees have died. The most simple iteration would be having two on the cross, and then letting one down once the other dies, however, this can be extended to any number (ex. total of 10 crucified, with a conclusion after 4 have died).
  2. The second involves designating a certain individual(s) to die. This can either be directly stated (by nailing those individuals) or not stated (in which all would still be bound with ropes). Any who die before the designated individuals are considered collateral damage and are not saved, but are to die on the cross just the same. A failsafe may also be put in place to allow at least one to live so there should be a survivor, but that is not required.
This is a collection of my ideas from various forum posts here on this board, discussing my outline for implementing crucifixion punishment in my fantasy. I would love to hear any thoughts on what is contained here, and potentially add to this.
Clearly an (interesting) summary of previous questionnaires. I will read it once more and try to submit my thoughts.
I would only add a wider range of options between sentencing and execution of the sentence - in particular, the submission of the condemned to various forms of humiliation, rape, other sexual abuse, forms of 'light' torture apart from whipping - either while s/he is imprisoned awaiting crucifixion, or in public on the way to and at the place of crucifixion.
I would only add a wider range of options between sentencing and execution of the sentence - in particular, the submission of the condemned to various forms of humiliation, rape, other sexual abuse, forms of 'light' torture apart from whipping - either while s/he is imprisoned awaiting crucifixion, or in public on the way to and at the place of crucifixion.
I think that a period of 'due process' should be granted between sentencing and execution of said sentence, some of which at least should be spent witnessing the crucifixion and punishment of others whilst publicly being punished/ raped/ tortured and possibly rented out to those willing to bid on time spent doing pretty much what they like to the condemned, perhaps discounts are offered to those affected by the crimes of the condemned, literally hours of fun could be had by all.....
I would only add a wider range of options between sentencing and execution of the sentence - in particular, the submission of the condemned to various forms of humiliation, rape, other sexual abuse, forms of 'light' torture apart from whipping - either while s/he is imprisoned awaiting crucifixion, or in public on the way to and at the place of crucifixion.
I did leave it open ended when it comes to death sentences for a reason, but maybe it should be opened up a bit more to include anything that doesn't cause permanent harm. My thought was that the crucifixion was the punishment in and of itself.
Damn! That would be me! :confused::facepalm:
I thought that would be a fun provision to keep people from complaining too loudly.
Two remarks :
1) crucified with ropes may also be harmful for skin and muscles over a longer period.
2) harsh flogging (ripping open skin and flesh) before lethal crucifixion, is not a good idea, because it shortens the survival time of the condemned, so it is contrary to a purpose of a long agony.
In some cases, particularly mouthy crucifiees may see their sentence lengthened (max 2 additional hours) or see a loincloth removed.
I suggest to change that in : "... AND a loincloth removed!"
Two remarks :
1) crucified with ropes may also be harmful for skin and muscles over a longer period.
2) harsh flogging (ripping open skin and flesh) before lethal crucifixion, is not a good idea, because it shortens the survival time of the condemned, so it is contrary to a purpose of a long agony.
Both fair points. What suggestion would you have for an alternative to ropes that might be less harmful?
Both fair points. What suggestion would you have for an alternative to ropes that might be less harmful?
Of course, in our fantasies, we can define the border conditions of a crucifixion to our own desires (e.g. ignoring aspects of pain, side effects,..).
In Bdsm practice, it is warned for that rope suspension can cause permanent damage to skin, muacles, tendons,, etc...

The harmful aspect of rope crucifixion is the hanging aspect. The body weight is carried by the ropes, which transfer the effort, pain, and the risk of damage, to the muscles.
I would therefore suggest rope cruciixion without hanging to the cross. Just standing naked, arms spread, visible to all, or with a seat for support (that could cause a sore butt of course).
Of course, in our fantasies, we can define the border conditions of a crucifixion to our own desires (e.g. ignoring aspects of pain, side effects,..).
In Bdsm practice, it is warned for that rope suspension can cause permanent damage to skin, muacles, tendons,, etc...

The harmful aspect of rope crucifixion is the hanging aspect. The body weight is carried by the ropes, which transfer the effort, pain, and the risk of damage, to the muscles.
I would therefore suggest rope cruciixion without hanging to the cross. Just standing naked, arms spread, visible to all, or with a seat for support (that could cause a sore butt of course).
Well this is technically fantasy so I think rope might suffice.
People are also allowed to volunteer themselves to take the place of someone who is condemned.
It's amazing! With regard to the temporary crucifixion, it is possible to make a greater variety in the rules. A volunteer can reduce the duration of the crucifixion by one hour at the cost of two hours on the cross. One hour is taken from the time of another condemned, and the second is a voluntary crucifixion. At the same time, the duration of voluntary crucifixion cannot exceed the time of the main sentence, so the total reduction is no more than two-thirds, but two will be crucified. It is especially worth encouraging the joint crucifixion of spouses or lovers. The husband should be crucified for the wife's crime at the same time as she is. The wife has a choice - to be crucified with her husband or to suck his penis at the cross.
harsh flogging (ripping open skin and flesh) before lethal crucifixion, is not a good idea, because it shortens the survival time of the condemned, so it is contrary to a purpose of a long agony.
I've decided to make a revision to reflect this consideration, changing all pre-crux torture to only be humiliatory.

The revised Before the Cross section is now as follows:
The lead-up to crucifixion is not all that involved. The crucifixion is considered punishment in and of itself, and pre-crucifixion processing is humiliatory in nature only. For the temporary crucifixions, this is to mitigate any permanent damage, whereas for death sentences this is to ensure maximum survival time on the cross, in the magnitude of several days if possible. The condemned is held for three days prior to their crucifixion, during which time they may be sexually abused by the guards, or forced to perform sexual acts on their fellow crucifees. All of this is filmed and archived as well.
The march to the location, on the other hand, varies between types, with the biggest difference being that death sentences involve a lengthy procession with the crossbeam tied to the back of the condemned, something that is not usually the case in punishment crucifixions, which also tend to have shorter walks. The condemned marches out in just a loincloth either way, however.
I'm toying with adding a new section to this document regarding something I'm a bit interested in adding for those sentenced to death. Obviously sexual humiliation is now part of the process, but maybe we can explicitly add something in place to give all condemned the option of one "last fuck" before they're marched out to their death. This would be allowing two condemned to choose to pair off and have sex one last time on their terms, not being told what to do by the guards. What do you guys think?
I'm toying with adding a new section to this document regarding something I'm a bit interested in adding for those sentenced to death. Obviously sexual humiliation is now part of the process, but maybe we can explicitly add something in place to give all condemned the option of one "last fuck" before they're marched out to their death. This would be allowing two condemned to choose to pair off and have sex one last time on their terms, not being told what to do by the guards. What do you guys think?
Then as a last carry-over from the last fuck they are crucified together. The mutual choice of partner can be up to the condemned themselves whether they prefer a woman or a man, so long as they both want to be each other's last fuck and afterwards each other's cross-mate crucified side by side or maybe facing each other.
Then as a last carry-over from the last fuck they are crucified together. The mutual choice of partner can be up to the condemned themselves whether they prefer a woman or a man, so long as they both want to be each other's last fuck and afterwards each other's cross-mate crucified side by side or maybe facing each other.
They will be crucified side by side, facing slightly inward to see each other and also be able to speak to each other.
Just how I like it!!
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