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Naked In Court

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Defendants, the judge has asked you to sit down, so do as you are told.
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So you see a nude girl in court, and it's not fun? ;)
Now, let it not be said that I would turn up my nose at a naked woman in court.

However, it is such a waste of police and court time to have that occur and have to let such a person go. Surely some offence could be found. A parking ticket, a speeding fine unpaid, littering, perhaps even nudity in a public place...
Now, let it not be said that I would turn up my nose at a naked woman in court.

However, it is such a waste of police and court time to have that occur and have to let such a person go. Surely some offence could be found. A parking ticket, a speeding fine unpaid, littering, perhaps even nudity in a public place...
If I got caught naked by policemen while Sylvia was whipping me in a public place (as a forest) and you saw me in court in my Eve costume, would you condemn me just because I am a whip lover? ;)
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In certain countries it is not only customary for the convicted girl to appear completely naked in front of the court but also tied up and sometimes even, when her confession is not required, gagged. She already has her lawyer to defend her.

This is not the case of Zafira, a feminist activist who will surely be sentenced to death for her subversive ideas and lesbianism.
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The lawyer doesn't defend her very well,...actually that man seems more like the prosecutor, but Zafira doesn't pay attention to what he says. The young woman tries to squeeze her legs together to hide the vaginal fluids that shine between her shaved lips, but she cannot hide her hardened nipples.
The judges and elder ulema stare at her naked body with a mixture of cruelty and lust. The men have not decided what punishment they will impose on her among those prescribed by the harsh laws recently approved by the revolutionary government: impalement, skinning alive, crucifixion?...probably the latter. Zafira is certain that they are going to sentence her to crucifixion in the hellish desert and that scares her but also makes her horny.
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But that will be later, first she has to denounce her lesbian friends and feminist accomplices and that is another reason why she is naked and tied in front of the court. Since she does not want to confess, the judges suggest that she be subjected to torture on the spot and discuss the method. To Zafira's surprise, it is her own lawyer who suggests that she to be subjected to the pear of anguish as a "less cruel method".
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So Zafira is handed over to the executioner who prepares her for torture.

- It's good for you that your pussy is so wet, so the pear will enter more easily, ha, ha.
"Miss Veronika, your pleas of innocence has no bearing over the actions you have committed. This court orders you to be crucified outside the city walls naked as you are now and suffer the tortures of the cross until you are dead!!!"
@Crucified Veronika oh dear, it appears Judge Tree has taken this case. It looks like a whipping and then crucifixion might be the (ultimate) punishment.

A bit stern punishment for public nudity, I will admit....
*Humph* That's what they all say. It's no use throwing yourself on the mercy of this court.

It is only fitting the punishment fits the crime.

You will be taken from this place to the central square, there to be chained to the post for all to see, and whipped every hour on the hour....
I would love that !)
"Miss Veronika, your pleas of innocence has no bearing over the actions you have committed. This court orders you to be crucified outside the city walls naked as you are now and suffer the tortures of the cross until you are dead!!!"
Here I am, not yet dead ;)
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