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Naked In Court

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You have been sentenced to death. Being crucified is the method of your execution. Be assured there will be hours the crowd will watch as the cross tortures your body to death.
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The crowd enjoys the torment of your naked body hanging nailed to the cross as much as you hate its brutal hold of you...
You have been sentenced to death. Being crucified is the method of your execution. Be assured there will be hours the crowd will watch as the cross tortures your body to death.
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The crowd enjoys the torment of your naked body hanging nailed to the cross as much as you hate its brutal hold of you...
I came here because of crucifixion, which is still my first pleasure in my new BDSM life, not nailed of course, this is just a fantasy even if I first wanted to be crucified nailed before knowing about the risks it means.
I came here because of crucifixion, which is still my first pleasure in my new BDSM life, not nailed of course, this is just a fantasy even if I first wanted to be crucified nailed before knowing about the risks it means.
Well, you were sentenced to death. You might as well look good while you get there :rolleyes:
Do I look good enough for you once I am dead? ;)
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Tree prefers the hours you will suffer displayed so completely on the cross. Your breasts heave with each breath you fight to take. Your arms show the strain of holding your body above the ground. Your legs do not have the strength to help support your weight. your knees are split, displaying your most private parts. You beg for mercy but get nothing but jeers and laughs.

I suppose you will 'good enough' once you are dead, but Tree enjoys your agony getting there... :rolleyes:
Tree prefers the hours you will suffer displayed so completely on the cross. Your breasts heave with each breath you fight to take. Your arms show the strain of holding your body above the ground. Your legs do not have the strength to help support your weight. your knees are split, displaying your most private parts. You beg for mercy but get nothing but jeers and laughs.

I suppose you will 'good enough' once you are dead, but Tree enjoys your agony getting there... :rolleyes:
You see, this is where you and I disagree. I totally get the agony, the suffering, the sweat and the tears.

I just feel it's a waste of an excellent masochist and slave in the case of @Crucified Veronika, if you let her die. I mean, you don't find women like her just hanging around anywhere....
Tree prefers the hours you will suffer displayed so completely on the cross. Your breasts heave with each breath you fight to take. Your arms show the strain of holding your body above the ground. Your legs do not have the strength to help support your weight. your knees are split, displaying your most private parts. You beg for mercy but get nothing but jeers and laughs.

I suppose you will 'good enough' once you are dead, but Tree enjoys your agony getting there... :rolleyes:
I already know most of it when Sylvia crucifies me, and I must confess it's the best part of crucifixion for me when I begin to struggle for life.

Of course, up to now, I have missed being crucified in front of a crowd even if it is one of Sylvia's pleasures to show me naked to strangers.
You see, this is where you and I disagree. I totally get the agony, the suffering, the sweat and the tears.

I just feel it's a waste of an excellent masochist and slave in the case of @Crucified Veronika, if you let her die. I mean, you don't find women like her just hanging around anywhere....
Thank you, dear wise friend, I fully agree as a "victim" that I prefer to be used and used again and not die, and I am sure Sylvia agrees with you too! :)
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- Because the accused refuse to make sacrifices in honor of Caesar and declare herself a member of the odious sect of Christians, you Lucia Domitia, member of the ancient patrician gens, have been condemned to lose your Roman citizenship. In this way, you are no longer a noblewoman but a slave, and consequently this court condemns you to be crucified in the arena.

- You have already heard the sentence, if you renounce your faith and taking into account your previous social position I will do everything possible to alleviate your sufferings on the cross.

- Stay away from me Satan, I will die for my faith and for my sweet Jesus and go to heaven, and my fortitude during martyrdom will serve as an example to others to accept him. You, on the other hand, corrupt judge, will go to hell for all eternity.

- How dare you? You will regret your insult. Carnifex, make sure that crurifragium is not performed on her and give her water and drugs so that she remains alive and awake on the cross for three days and two nights. May the sedile provided for her crotch be a cornu bristling with nails. Once she has remained crucified during the three days of the games, proceed to torture those enormous udders with hot tongs and hot needles. Finally amputate the tits slowly with greased ropes. If, despite this torture, she remains alive, let her be smeared with resin and set on fire.
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- This woman has been caught with her lover cheating on her husband, the old ulama have ruled the death penalty for her.
- Why did you bring her here?
- This revolutionary court must choose the form of execution: stoning, impalement or crucifixion.
- Let's vote

Stoning: 3 votes
Impalement: 6 votes
Crucifixion: 12 votes.

- It is decided, she will be crucified, but in order not to scandalize honest women, she will be taken to the desert. Only other men will be able to see her ordeal.

- The ulama prefer that other women also see the ordeal, so they can see what can happen to them if they cheat on their husbands.

- Sister Martirio, the confessor of the convent, has told us the sinful dreams that you revealed to him in the confessional. For the learned Dominican friars of the Inquisition, those beatific visions that you claim to have and those mystical raptures that you yourself declare are nothing other than carnal communion with diabolical and infernal incubi.

- No, it is not true, I know that they are mystical raptures inspired by God.

- Given your stubbornness, I order that you be handed over to the executioner to be subjected to torment.

- No, please have mercy, your honor.

- Torturer, take her to the torture chamber, she's yours now.
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In 1614 Shogun Ieyasu Tokugawa decreed the prohibition of Christianity in Japan and the persecution of Christians. While Western monks and nuns were being crucified, the Shogun wanted young Japanese nuns to be given the opportunity to abandon Christianity and thus be saved from the cross. None of them accepted so those girls were subjected to torment and in the end they were tried by different judges throughout Japan.
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For this, they were stripped of their sacred habits and had to appear naked and tied while the judges handed down their cruel sentences.
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- Come on!, are you crazy? Do you know how long it takes to die on the cross and how painful is? You, Rei, are the daughter of one of my faithful mikados, save yourself by renouncing that religion and convince your companions. Otherwise I will have a thousand torments applied to you when you hang from the crosses.
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- Forgive me, my lord, I cannot renounce Christ, so have me crucified to make me worthy of him. I only ask you one thing.

- What is it?.

- I and my sisters want to be crucified alongside my Western sisters.

- Okay, I grant you, executioner, take them and crucify them along with the others.
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- What are those hot irons for?

- For you, the shogun has decided that as you are a noble woman you deserve a worse ordeal so you suffer a brutal fire torment during your crucifixion.

- Oh my God.

- Come on, you have what you want Christian, lie down on the cross and extend your arms and legs.

- I offer you my suffering, Lord
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- Princess Naqi'a, your father the king has betrayed us even though you and your three younger sisters were handed over as hostages. Now you will pay with your life for this betrayal. Chief of the executioners, take her to the city walls and flay her alive, but do it slowly so that her father can hear her screams from the walls.
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- Pray that your father will take pity upon hearing your sister's screams. If the city does not surrender, one of you will be skinned tomorrow, the next the day after tomorrow, and the third in three days. Start tearing off her skin, executioner!
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- The chief executioner says that during the torture you told an incredible story. That you have traveled in time and have come from the distant future thanks to a time machine. That you are a historian and that you wanted to see the conquest of Nineveh in person. I will tell you what you are, strange blonde woman, you are a Circassian spy at the service of the Assyrians to assassinate me and I guarantee you that you will see the conquest of Nineveh...nailed to a cross.
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The "san benito" was the garment that the Spanish Inquisition forced the inmates of this court to wear. This is demonstrated by the painting by Pedro Berruguete from the beginning of the 16th century.
......and in Goya's "Auto de Fe" that serves as the basis for this manipulation of Damian. As we see in the paintings, the "sanbenito" was not only the "capirote" that is, the tall conical hat, but a complete suit. After executing the victim, the "sanbenito" was hanging on the walls of the church for generations so that it served to point out and humiliate the family of the condemned. That's where the expression in Spanish comes from "colgar a alguien el sanbenito- hanging someone's sanbenito", that is, blaming someone for something when he is innocent.

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The idea that condemned women are completely naked and only wear the hood on their heads seems totally improbable but very erotic to me.
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After the trial, the beautiful naked women should wear the infamous cap, showing their naked flesh trembling and making the men get hard as they pass by. That would be very humiliating for the prisoners.

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It wouldn't even be necessary to take it off at the stake, the hat would burn at the same time as the condemned woman.
One of the first times I saw a naked and bound girl with a conical hood on her head was Lisa Enos in Snuff-Movie (2005). The photo is not very good but the idea seemed very erotic to me because the girl is going to be whipped and crucified.
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