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New here, and just wanted to introduce myself to the community if I’m allowed to.

My name is T and I go by CCG due to my friend calling me that back as far as high school. A trusted friend who I told of my obsession was the first person I ever decided to tell. Stands for “Crazy Crucifixion Guy” if you must know. But it was always said with a smile and a playfulness that I enjoyed.

I’ve wanted to try this sort of thing ever since I was young. As young as seven years old if you can believe it! I used to sleep on a bunk bed as a child and there was a wooden ladder with the guardrail also made of wood. It was a perfect T shape. I’d sometimes go on to it when no one was looking with the help of some hair ties around my wrists to subdue me to it.

I’m a really open individual and love to talk about this topic in great detail with anyone else who will listen (of course I will listen too but I just always felt singled out by people whenever I’d try to talk about this).

Oh and the stories written here so far that I’ve read have been phenomenal. Especially ones written in the POV of the ones receiving.

I’m so nervous to be typing all this. So worried I’ll be judged and all that, unfairly before anyone gets to truly know me. >.< just been my experience so far with the outside world. But I’m open to changing my mindset and slowly allowing myself to be okay. All this forum shows me is that I’m not alone in my obsession and that I can definitely have a healthy mindset about having been ostracized by the general public. ^_^
Telling your stories here is kind of therapeutic. No one judges, at least nobody I know. Welcome to CruxForums!
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