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News From Margot

Go to CruxDreams.com
The Big Sale at Red Feline Continues

Until Sunday!

Get any or all of our films with a big 25% discount!​

When our redfeline site is back to normal you'll get to see new goodies like the one below, a gif from a 26 minute rehearsal film where Bea suffers the lash under Dani.



Hello Margot,

I had FluxPlayer installed on my iMac which when opened, would show all my purchases of Red Feline downloads. After Installing OS X Mojave, FluxPlayer disappeared from the Applications folder. Hence, I can no longer view my purchases of RF movie downloads. The last downloads were of "Training Camille Ep. 2,3,4" and " Inquisition Rehearsal".

I know that FluxPlayer was superseded by a different application (the name of which eludes me) but that is no longer installed in the Applications folder either. Can you tell me how to download the later player so that I can again view the RF downloads I have purchased, please?

That you, Ranger1951. (was Ranger1)
Hello Margot,

I had FluxPlayer installed on my iMac which when opened, would show all my purchases of Red Feline downloads. After Installing OS X Mojave, FluxPlayer disappeared from the Applications folder. Hence, I can no longer view my purchases of RF movie downloads. The last downloads were of "Training Camille Ep. 2,3,4" and " Inquisition Rehearsal".

I know that FluxPlayer was superseded by a different application (the name of which eludes me) but that is no longer installed in the Applications folder either. Can you tell me how to download the later player so that I can again view the RF downloads I have purchased, please?

That you, Ranger1951. (was Ranger1)
I'll have to ask tech support at Flickrocket.
This link can help: https://dvds.redfeline.com/us/support?OID=716207
However, I have the direct contact.
I'll let you know when they respond.
A rehearsal day for Dani and Bea before Monxa Mala


We will be releasing an exclusive HD clip of that day, 26 min long. It's kind of cool.

Do you have a release date for that? I didn't see it on the website unless I overlooked it.

It was set up for the viewing pleasure of our members at the Red Feline Club. We're setting up the club in a different way now, so it will be there again. But we're considering releasing it in our stores as an HD film and maybe for download as a DVD.

We have a bunch of short rehearsal clips that were made before the production of Maleficarum II Monxa Mala like the following, where Bea takes her revenge and whips Dani on The Wheel.


BTW, today is the last day of the "MOVING SALE". Get our films with a 25% discount!

Jac had an annoying experience this morning. He went to check the balance in the bank account and found out that the bank did not reflect the balance he expected. He was baffled until he realized that .... It's a bank holiday in the US!

Yes, and because of that, our famous Moving Sale is still ON!

You can get our films with nice 25% discount!

Download our films

Get our DVDs

Check this out


That gif is from the great vampire movie Dead But Dreaming

That scene was shot in three days. Three days of Amy being whipped, naked, in front of a bunch of actors, crew, and lots, lots of curious people who happened to be around. How's that for a very public flogging.
Hello Margot,

I had FluxPlayer installed on my iMac which when opened, would show all my purchases of Red Feline downloads. After Installing OS X Mojave, FluxPlayer disappeared from the Applications folder. Hence, I can no longer view my purchases of RF movie downloads. The last downloads were of "Training Camille Ep. 2,3,4" and " Inquisition Rehearsal".

I know that FluxPlayer was superseded by a different application (the name of which eludes me) but that is no longer installed in the Applications folder either. Can you tell me how to download the later player so that I can again view the RF downloads I have purchased, please?

That you, Ranger1951. (was Ranger1)
Hello, I got this response from Flickrocket:

There are no changes which cause issues as described in the text. If you let me know the email address of the customer I can check if there is a problem with his account. I don't think there's anything general with MacOS Mojave from 2018.

- FlickRocket Support -

Send me your email address linked to the account to redfeline@gmail.com, so we can check.
Hello, I got this response from Flickrocket:

There are no changes which cause issues as described in the text. If you let me know the email address of the customer I can check if there is a problem with his account. I don't think there's anything general with MacOS Mojave from 2018.

- FlickRocket Support -

Send me your email address linked to the account to redfeline@gmail.com, so we can check.
Thanks, Margot for your response. I was guided to <https://dvds.redfeline.com/us/player> and downloaded/installed Octa Player. To update content, I had to sign in which, thanks to a spreadsheet I set many years to record such details, I was able to sign in using an email that is years out of date and the accompanying obsolete password. content was updated (see attachment) so that problem was solved (thank you).

I will get back to you with a question concerning "Training Camille Ep. 2,3,4" with vid caps illustrating the issue.

Warm regards, Ranger1951 (formerly Ranger1).
Hello again, Margot,

To explain my question regarding Training Camille Ep. 2,3,4, I’ve taken shots to illustrate each point.

1. Following content update of RF download purchases, all downloads are apparently listed. And yet, this second screen shot shows that I purchased the download of Training Camille when it was first announced although it is not shown in Octa Player download list.


  • 2021-10-12 RF downloads .png
    2021-10-12 RF downloads .png
    344 KB · Views: 133
  •  Training Camille 01.png
    Training Camille 01.png
    103.7 KB · Views: 111
2021-10-12 Training Camille 346.6MB.png2021-10-12 Training Camille 422.3MB.pngPoint 2. As shown on the RF download link, the offered Training Camille Sessions 2,3 and 4 is stated to run for 32 minutes long and is 422.3MB

The first vid cap shows presumably start posts for full movie (top left), Session II (top right)
Session III (bottom left) and Session IV at bottom right. That Session IV is missing as the differences in run time (32 minutes) and in file size (442.3MB vs 346.6MB) would explain.
his screen shot of the MP4 entitled "TRAINING CAMILLE SESSIONS 2 - 3 - 4" shows the full clip run time as 22 minutes 35 seconds. The vid cap is taken at 00 seconds elapsed time - i.e. the clip's first frame.

The second vid cap shows it was taken 16 seconds into the clip (at the start of Session II)
Third vid cap taken at 9 minutes 48 seconds and marks end of Session II.
Fourth vid cap taken 10 minutes 18 seconds marks start of Session III.
Fifth vid cap taken 10 minutes 14 seconds marks end of Session III. Frame remains on screen until 19 mins 33 secs.

At 19 mins 43 secs, the first vid cap is repeated - there is no Session IV in the clip despite being in its title.
As the advertised run time is 32 minutes and the actual clip only runs for 22 minutes and 35 seconds, I guess the missing 9 minutes 25 seconds would show the missing Session IV of Training Camille.

I would love to hear thoughts, Margot, on this oversight, please.

Sincerely, Ranger1951.


  • Training Camille Session 205.png
    Training Camille Session 205.png
    125.4 KB · Views: 166
  • Training Camille Session 204.png
    Training Camille Session 204.png
    169.4 KB · Views: 180
  • Training Camille Session 203.png
    Training Camille Session 203.png
    159.7 KB · Views: 173
  • Training Camille Session 202.png
    Training Camille Session 202.png
    170.7 KB · Views: 153
  • Training Camille Session 201.png
    Training Camille Session 201.png
    176.7 KB · Views: 147
  • Training Camille Session 200 vidcap 1.png
    Training Camille Session 200 vidcap 1.png
    107.1 KB · Views: 146
  • Training Camille Session 206.png
    Training Camille Session 206.png
    120.8 KB · Views: 143
his screen shot of the MP4 entitled "TRAINING CAMILLE SESSIONS 2 - 3 - 4" shows the full clip run time as 22 minutes 35 seconds. The vid cap is taken at 00 seconds elapsed time - i.e. the clip's first frame.

The second vid cap shows it was taken 16 seconds into the clip (at the start of Session II)
Third vid cap taken at 9 minutes 48 seconds and marks end of Session II.
Fourth vid cap taken 10 minutes 18 seconds marks start of Session III.
Fifth vid cap taken 10 minutes 14 seconds marks end of Session III. Frame remains on screen until 19 mins 33 secs.

At 19 mins 43 secs, the first vid cap is repeated - there is no Session IV in the clip despite being in its title.
As the advertised run time is 32 minutes and the actual clip only runs for 22 minutes and 35 seconds, I guess the missing 9 minutes 25 seconds would show the missing Session IV of Training Camille.

I would love to hear thoughts, Margot, on this oversight, please.

Sincerely, Ranger1951.
I'll pass this message to those in charge of setting this up. They'll test the video and see what's the story. It's news to me and totally weird... maybe not.
We're still working on our site, https://redfeline.com. We're fixing some problems that are giving us a headache, it's the most complex of all the sites we have.

We managed to bring back https://vermeerworks.com. It's working normally, as are the other sites like https://pachamamafilms.com and https://amyhesketh.com.

Because of that heavy work, we haven't taken off the "MOVING SALE" from the store. You can still get our films with a 25% discount.

It will be over any moment now so take advantage of it and get our movies!



We're getting a bunch of gifs now, like the one below from Dead But Dreaming.


I'll have more news later.
A quote from a review of Jac Avila's take on De Sade's JUSTINE.​

Those who have followed the terrible duo of Jac Avila and Amy Hesketh through the years will probably readily agree that it was only a question of time until they'd try their hands on Marquis De Sade's Justine - and now that they do, they certainly don't disappoint, as they deliver a wild and violent, perverted and also grossly erotic film ... that though falls short of being just a sleazefest for the torture porn crowd, thanks to a very elegant directorial effort, an original narrative approach, and even some black humour. Now "elegant directorial effort" does not mean Jac Avila hides anything from the audience, as he's known for the exact opposite and doesn't disappoint in that respect - but his pictures of torture are well-composed tableaux rather than purely functional pictures, which is also mirrored in the film's art direction. As for narrative approach, Justine and Juliette break down the fourth wall more than once to comment on things happening on screen or push the story forward, which works to great dramatic effect. And regarding black humour, the probably funniest scene is perhaps Rodin sitting down in his tableau of torture with an out-of-age bottle of beer as if watching a TV show after work, being slightly bemused by the naked women being strapped to all kinds of torture devices. And now you add to that a strong cast, and you've got a film ... that's certainly not easy for everybody to stomach, but if you can open your mind to what's going on on screen you'll certainly be rewarded!

Read the complete review HERE:

BTW, the Moving Sale is, still ON!
25% OFF in all our films!

It might be over at any moment.

So... take advantage
Download our films

Get the DVDs

Our main site is up and running but under construction. Take a look:

Meanwhile, after so many delays, postponements, cancellations and a great number of problems, including some with the health of the principals, the production of CruXtreme V - The Playmates is nearing its completion.


That's really nice, because now we'll have three films in the post production line. And right after that movie is done, the team will begin a new, more ambitious film, La Femme De Chamber, not as big as the others, just a bit more ambitious, a painfully erotic films with a dash of De Sade and tons of heavy sex... :mrgreen: at least that's how Jac described the film to Amy during one of their exchanges.

With La Femme Jac plans to close the year as far as production. The new year, 2022 will begin with two big productions, maybe three. It will end with Jac and Amy getting together in the US for something big.

The MOVING SALE hasn't been moved out of the store, I can't imagine why, maybe either Jac or Amy didn't have the time to deal with that, so, you might as well take advantage of it.

We're setting up our website https://redfeline.com in a completely and amazing new way.

It takes work, sure, but it's looking great. We're uploading info about our films, with trailers, yes, trailers, of all of the films. You can take a look at the page dedicated to our very first film in the Red Feline line, Red Feline On The Cross.
That page will grow and there will be more information about it in different places.

There's a nice trailer of the film in that page.

The site itself shows many of the films, it takes time to set each of the films in a page and we're doing one at a time.

Later on we'll put all the post we had in our original site before. We're implementing sections to the page for a great exploration of our work.

And guess what, we'll set up a streaming platform for our films! Where for a monthly fee you'll be able to watch many of our films at any time you want, yes, like Netflix.

Meanwhile, the Red Feline Team of three are almost done with a new film! And getting ready for the next one!

A lot of action, yes.

Nothing artificial, real, red-raw whip-weals! Yet I've a feeling Jane enjoyed every moment of that shoot ;)
The Return To Normal Naughty


A new beginning for me, promoting our work, once again, after a long, long time unable to concentrate on that because I had to come to the rescue and/or migrate ALL the websites we handle, 10 of them, plus two sites we support, ralphus.net and stakeburn.com with all the work that comes with it.

But now I'm slowly getting into a new groove; yes maybe that expression makes no sense to some people because gone are the days of vinyl records, even if some geeks, like our geek par excellence, Erix, have turntables (look it up or I should say goggle it) and are buying actual vinyl records and collecting them.


Erix blowing the dirt off an old mambo record in the film Olalla

The slow process of returning to promote our work, instead of working with code to recover and build entire websites, begins with a little bit of news.

The Red Feline Team, the naughty trio, or should I say threesome, are almost done with CruXtreme V - The Playmates.

That's the one film that took the longer to produce... really long. If there was a problematic year, this was it. Last year was awful, with lockdowns and so on, but even with that, the Red Feline Team came up with three productions.

This year was very complex because of the sequels of the pandemic and the recovery efforts by the entire planet to get back to normal. Very little was done in terms of production, in our case. But that one film is almost completed and if all goes well, a second one will get into production and hopefully completed before the year ends. But who knows, right?


Mila is set on the Wheel of Pain for further torments while Dani waits, chained up to the wheel.​

A nice thing happened a short time ago, Amy appeared on a newspaper. A long article about films and literature of horror in Bolivia. The interesting thing is that after all that talk about the genre of horror produced in the South American country, the listing of the horror films made are mostly ours.

Not much material in the country, as a whole. Nice to know that we get the recognition as the bigger producers of horror, even if not directly mentioned.


Meanwhile, our new star of pain, Dani, is going places. Touring with bands, hosting her TV Show, appearing every weekday, late afternoon, in a major network in Bolivia, and all of that on top of suffering at the hands of Jac dearest.


Dani as one of the goth girls touring with a metal goth band.​

It took a bit of an effort to come up with this post. I'll get better as things return to norma. I'll have more news soon.

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