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Not Been Feeling Very Well.....

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There has been this weird pain in my chest, cant explain it, but havent been feeling very well as a result.

Could my friends here and anyone else who would be friends, send me some female crux pics to me? maybe that will help!

(maybe I just need to rest a while. this has been going on for a few days now it seems.....)
Chest pain always should be investigated. Get thee to a physician!
Alicia get to a good doctor and get it looked at and i dont mean your chest, that looks alright.I mean get the chest pain looked at.You`ve only just joined us we dont want to lose you
Thanks everyone! We have sched an appoint for the 13th, they couldnt get us in any quicker than that.
Good, it may be nothing, I have had that experence, or it may be something. Don't take a chance!
Well see! I cant die yet, I havent had the chance to be crucified! *nervous laugh*
Chest pain mustn't be considered as "nothing serious"!

You've taken the right decision by taking this appointment. Wish you all the best!
Doc just called, the appointment has been moved to the 15th. It's a small town and she is only one doc I guess. Oh well, I can hold out that long, right?
It's been getting stronger actually. some times it quits, then it comes in stronger than it was before. We have called the doctor again, but there is nothing left now to do but wait.
Damn' ! Tell me, I'm not a doctor, but, this pain, does it come by "waves", as your heart beats?

Sorry if I make mistakes or if I'm not clear, but English isn't my main language...
Actually. Yes it does. Seems to slow down, and then speed up. Mother is calling the doctor again for the fourth time. I think I am going to lay down for a while, ok? I feel really tired to be honest. Damaged, wil continue ourr story later on. ok?
At least it sound like she has her Mother with her, Damaged...pray she has the sense to ring 911 if Alicia's that poorly

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