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Now This Just Isn't Funny

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:confused: I suppose it means something to someone :confused:

Balls containing rabbits? "Balked" runs?

Now in the olden days it was simple, knight kills dragon, rescues girl.
Or was it . . . . . . ?
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Yes, the whole point is to go back to the old days. I knew this might not translate well (even though they play baseball in Oz, and send players to the US to make big bucks). A "balk" is when a pitcher makes a "deceptive move" to trap a runner off base. The penalty is that the runners all advance one base--so one can theoretically score without any support from your own team. In the '80's, when this was written, there was a craze for enforcing the rule strictly. The game depends on flashes of excitement caused by good hitting. Balks are like penalty kicks in soccer. Who wants to watch a game full of penalty kicks. (If there were female pitchers, this cartoon would certainly elicit a balk call.)
:confused: I suppose it means something to someone :confused:

Balls containing rabbits? "Balked" runs?

Now in the olden days it was simple, knight kills dragon, rescues girl.
Or was it . . . . . . ?
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This reminds me of a stanza from "Fie on Godness," a song from Camelot that didn’t make it into the movie. It’s sung by knights who are sick to death of being the Good Guys.

When I think of the rollicking pleasures that earlier filled my life
Lolly lo, lolly lo
Like the time I beheaded a man who was beating his naked wife
Lolly lo, lolly lo
I can still hear his widow say
Never moving from where she lay
"Tell me what can I do, I beg, sir, of you
Your kindness to repay"
Fie on goodness, fie
Fie on goodness, fie

The rest of the song reiterates how much their discontent derives from sexual frustration.

Yes, the whole point is to go back to the old days. I knew this might not translate well (even though they play baseball in Oz, and send players to the US to make big bucks). A "balk" is when a pitcher makes a "deceptive move" to trap a runner off base. The penalty is that the runners all advance one base--so one can theoretically score without any support from your own team. In the '80's, when this was written, there was a craze for enforcing the rule strictly. The game depends on flashes of excitement caused by good hitting. Balks are like penalty kicks in soccer. Who wants to watch a game full of penalty kicks. (If there were female pitchers, this cartoon would certainly elicit a balk call.)

Ok that makes sense. In cricket both batsman and bowler will try to deceive the other, to force a wrong decision. Australia has a long tradition of professional cricketers playing baseball in the off season, to keep fit and keep their eye in. But baseball is know here more from American film and TV rather than personal experience.
There was the time that Don Bradman and Babe Ruth met. Babe was surprised that Bradman wasn't a big "husky" guy :).

I'm sure I could find a way to interest you in cricket
Ok that makes sense. In cricket both batsman and bowler will try to deceive the other, to force a wrong decision. Australia has a long tradition of professional cricketers playing baseball in the off season, to keep fit and keep their eye in. But baseball is know here more from American film and TV rather than personal experience.
There was the time that Don Bradman and Babe Ruth met. Babe was surprised that Bradman wasn't a big "husky" guy :).
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I'm sure I could find a way to interest you in cricket
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I'm sure these would interest Babe Ruth. He was a notorious boozer and womanizer. He let himself go--never worked out much until late in his career trying to save his job. His road room mates didn't see him much because he was out all night. He had a notable conversation (mostly one way with "Silent Cal") with President Coolidge. "Howdy, Prez. Hotter than hell, ain't it?"
By contrast, Stan "the Man" Musial worked hard and played into his early forties. He was a formidable hitter. Don Newcombe, an ace pitcher for the Dodgers, once said, "You pitch to the hitter's weakness. Every hitter has a weakness--except Musial." Stan was long retired when the Cardinals had another quality hitter (since decamped to California for more money): Albert Pujols. The fans started calling him "hombre". He cut them off. "There's only one 'Man' in St. Louis."
Well, the poem is about "suffering through the seasons" in professional sports, where everything is about business and money--except maybe Musial.
I'm sure these would interest Babe Ruth. He was a notorious boozer and womanizer. He let himself go--never worked out much until late in his career trying to save his job. His road room mates didn't see him much because he was out all night. He had a notable conversation (mostly one way with "Silent Cal") with President Coolidge. "Howdy, Prez. Hotter than hell, ain't it?"
By contrast, Stan "the Man" Musial worked hard and played into his early forties. He was a formidable hitter. Don Newcombe, an ace pitcher for the Dodgers, once said, "You pitch to the hitter's weakness. Every hitter has a weakness--except Musial." Stan was long retired when the Cardinals had another quality hitter (since decamped to California for more money): Albert Pujols. The fans started calling him "hombre". He cut them off. "There's only one 'Man' in St. Louis."
Well, the poem is about "suffering through the seasons" in professional sports, where everything is about business and money--except maybe Musial.
The Cardinals' lead broadcaster is Mike Shannon. He played in 3 World Series in the 60s. I went to the same grade school he did... a few years after him. Mike's first baseball coach was my gym teacher (and the head janitor). Growing up Catholic does this to you...
The Cardinals' lead broadcaster is Mike Shannon. He played in 3 World Series in the 60s. I went to the same grade school he did... a few years after him. Mike's first baseball coach was my gym teacher (and the head janitor). Growing up Catholic does this to you...

My favorite Mike Shannon quote--appropriate for this Sunday, too!


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A priest is speaking to the woman prisoner.
'The appeal was unsuccessful, your execution is tomorrow,' he says. 'You've got twelve hours to live.'
'Oh my God,' says the woman. 'ls there anything more I can do?'
'You could try a nice long of mud bath,' says the priest.
'And will that me get me a reprieve?' asks the woman.
'No,' replies the priest. 'But it will help you get used to lying in dirt.'
A Yorkshireman is walking along the beach at Scarborough when he comes across a lamp partially buried in the sand.

He picks up the lamp and gives it a rub.

A large genie appears out of the bottle and tells him he has been granted one wish.

The guy thinks for a moment and says, "I want to live forever."

"Sorry," said the genie, "I'm not allowed to grant eternal life."

"OK, then, I want to die after the government balances the budget and eliminates the debt."

The genie stares at him a second or two, then says … "Well you crafty old sod."
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