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Odds And Ends And Anything You Fancy

Go to CruxDreams.com
That page now has a link after the story to an account of Boris Johnson's latest failed attempt to mercilessly whip MPs :devil:
Boris is a disgusting piece of shit that has zero respect for democracy and zero respect for the parliamentary process. He is clearly not fit for purpose and should go right now.
(Sorry to make a political post in the regular forum but this has to be said - Feel free to delete this post if you think it violates the rules :)
Wrong procedure, DP ::nono:
First post this line, but do not subscribe it ::icon_writing:
Boris is a disgusting piece of shit that has zero respect for democracy and zero respect for the parliamentary process. He is clearly not fit for purpose and should go right now.
Then, you separately post the next line : :deal:
Sorry to make a political post in the regular forum but this has to be said - Feel free to delete this post if you think it violates the rules :)
Then, you ask a member to make a third post,:icon_tfno: to confirm that your first post was mandatory, because it was either an 'odd' or an 'end' or 'anything you fancy'!:confused:
it was either an 'odd' or an 'end' or 'anything you fancy'!:confused:
all those in favour, say "Aye!"
to the contrary, say "No!"
can't give a shit, say "Anything you fancy!"
Boris is a disgusting piece of shit that has zero respect for democracy and zero respect for the parliamentary process. He is clearly not fit for purpose and should go right now.
(Sorry to make a political post in the regular forum but this has to be said - Feel free to delete this post if you think it violates the rules :)
You can think of a major country (Russia, China, the United States, India--even Hungary and Poland) where this isn't so?
A new Asterix adventure is coming, with a female lead (though not, sadly, a barbarian queen).

that's great news! She sounds like Cloelia, one of my heroines, the teenage lassie who was one of the hostages handed over to Lars Porsena when he was threatening Rome, but she escaped from his camp and swam back across the Tiber. The Roman elders were terrified that her misbehaviour would bring the wrath of LP on them full force, and took her out of the city to be handed back, but he was so impressed with her he let her go free.
that's great news! She sounds like Cloelia, one of my heroines, the teenage lassie who was one of the hostages handed over to Lars Porsena when he was threatening Rome, but she escaped from his camp and swam back across the Tiber. The Roman elders were terrified that her misbehaviour would bring the wrath of LP on them full force, and took her out of the city to be handed back, but he was so impressed with her he let her go free.
I had never heard of her. That is a great story! Thanks.
I believe there's a new Star Wars film coming out?

907236 - Attack_of_the_Clones Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala Star_Wars Stormtrooper fakes numikon.jpg1221808 - Lone_Wolf_(artist) Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala Star_Wars fakes.jpg2134745 - Attack_of_the_Clones Caver Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala Star_Wars fakes.jpg2136210 - Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala Star_Wars Yoda fakes ision.jpg2136155 - Anakin_Skywalker Attack_of_the_Clones Hayden_Christensen Natalie_Portman Padme_Amida...jpg2136179 - Horny_hobbit Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala Star_Wars fakes.jpg2144130 - Darth_Vengeant Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala Star_Wars fakes.jpg2647836 - Natalie_Portman Padme_Amidala R2-D2 Star_Wars bobopez fakes.jpg2784898 - Natalie_Portman Outtake_Dreams Padme_Amidala Star_Wars The_Phantom_Menace fakes.jpg2864190 - Attack_of_the_Clones Padme_Amidala Star_Wars almostheroesart.jpg
I love that second from last picture - that's really cool :)

It is, although I have to admit to a fondness for #5 :)

Rare Roman coin discovered on remote Scottish island. Eulalia probably dropped it last time she was out there. :rolleyes:


"rare" in this context meaning rarely found in Scotland, and therefor archaeologically important. Roman coins of this age and type are otherwise almost literally dirt common, and in this condition worth almost nothing.

Right, from the archaeological to the anthropological. As someone not acquainted with communal female showers, could any of the ladies confirm whether the illustrations below are typical of such places?

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