19. The next level
“We have something for you to listen to,” said the inquisitor. At this point all the electrodes were switched off and Nathalie was panting and sweating after only ten minutes of torture. Now the electricity was gone, the pain was also dissipating quickly, but she felt warmth still spreading through her body where her tissues had been stirred. And her muscles felt a bit numb from the rapid movements.
A sound file began to play and the voices made Nathalie look up. She blinked as it appeared impossible to her to suddenly hear the voices of her comrades.
“We need to do something.”
“And we will. Tomorrow we will have an online meeting with representatives of every resistance cell in the country. To talk about strategies.”
“Isn’t that dangerous? They could be listening in.”
“We use secured connections, don’t worry. The girls from the online campaign are real wizkids.”
“Alright, so what will be the plan?”
“We need to bring everyday life to a halt. Move people to go on strike. All over the country, all at the same time.”
“Imagine how frustrated those bastards of the Party will be when the factories close, public transport stops, everything comes to a halt.”
“But how do we achieve that?”
“Don’t forget, behind every man is a woman. We need to inspire our sisters. All of them. So they can move the men as well.”
“They won’t be moved by Nathalie’s fate alone.”
“Of course not. We need to spread information about all the sisters that were apprehended, tortured and then disappeared. Remember, there are many.”
“The Maenads?”
“No, not those. Though they were true heroines, they were not perceived as such by the public. As outraged as people were over the fate of Chloe Waterhouse, they were equally appalled by the deeds of the Maenads.”
“That’s why the revolution failed back then.”
“Also why the Party ultimately won.”
“What happened to those heroic women?”
“Most of them fled the country. Some were apprehended, tortured and executed. Others still live among us, living in hiding.”
“How did you get this?” Nathalie gasped.
“We hacked the stream,” said the technician with clear pride in his voice.
“Sadly we now have the plans but not the names of those involved. They all had their identity concealed,” explained the inquisitor further. “Which is why we need you to tell us who is speaking here. We think there are about six different female voices.”
Nathalie looked at the man with disgust and shook her head.
“I won’t tell you,” she scoffed panting.
“Well, maybe you will in a little while. We have something setup for you.”
“This is going to be wonderful,” grinned the technician. “I ran the entire audio file, which is an hour long, through a wavelength creator. And if I feed that through some oscillators and into the electrical application, you get something like this…”
Nathalie gasped and grunted when the electrodes all switched on again and her muscles resumed contracting. But then the sound file was played and suddenly there were painful bursts and spikes, alternating in the three places of her body. The words she heard, were translated into electrical spikes. The high pitches in the voices heard, felt very sharp and they burned more fiercely. The low pitched words, syllables and sounds felt more like a deep heat.
“Wonderful, isn’t it?” said the technician. “It’s like your friends are torturing you!”
“Stop, please stop!” wailed Nathalie while the tears now streamed down her cheeks and she uttered several high pitched screams in respond to the painful pulses that were sent through one of her breasts or her crotch. It appeared to be completely random and yet she could clearly fit the electrical pulses with the words that were spoken. They truly were connected, though the place on her body was randomly assigned.
Nathalie wept and cried for mercy, begging them to stop. The inquisitor told her they would stop the moment she began calling names. But she shook her head in refusal, despite the terrible pain they sent through her breasts and vaginal entrance.
“Activate the deep probe,” said the inquisitor and as the technician flicked another switch, the final electrodes were also engaged, the one stuck on her lower abdomen and the one deeply embedded inside her vagina, which pressed painfully against her cervix. Suddenly Nathalie uttered a deep grunt, while her abdomen spasmed tightly. A terrible pain went through her lower body as her womb contracted fiercely, pressing her cervix painfully down on the dildo inside her, which sent strong electrical pulses into her quivering flesh. The rest of the pain was nothing compared to this.
“Please STOP!” the girl screamed on the top of her voice. Her body was shaking while the conversation continued and her body spasmed with all the electrical pulses that tore through her breasts, her nipples, her clitoris and now also her womb.
“Give us the names,” repeated the inquisitor, but the girl answered with a high pitched scream.
After ten more minutes of extreme torture, the voices stopped and the electrodes switched off.
“We have to give her a few minutes,” said the technician, “or else her body becomes numb in places.”
Nathalie was panting and shaking, slightly slumped in the seat, and she wept bitter tears.
“Are you ready to give us the information?” asked the inquisitor. But still she shook her head.
“Turn up the levels,” he then instructed. “Go for level 6 this time.” Which meant twice the strength of electricity being used on the girl.
Nothing could have prepared Nathalie for what was coming next. As soon as the electrodes were switched on again, her body convulsed and when the recording of the conversation of her friends resumed, she screamed on the top of her lungs as her body felt like it was worked on with heated knives. She vomited in despair and the muscle contractions were so severe, the whole chair was shaking with her. Then she collapsed and began to scream the names of her friends…