A request , the names have been blocked to protect the innocent and the not so innocent !!!!
hehehe, not sure they would have left a perfectly good spear behind, but idk .Intense, misskatie.
Posted by Jackie1111 on the Second Life group Cruxwinds.
Jackie tell me she wasn’t quite dead yet when this screenshot was made, still said a few words. But I have no problem pretending otherwise.
The original was taken at "night," so I did a version with the brightness dialed up a bit.
I think that is Justine there.
A couple of informational points.
The better crosses we use usually have several animations including death. With the right software Possum and I can add screams and moans to our performances.
All sims 'cycle' thru a simulated day. This is called "estate" time. However you can set the sim to several different times of day (Jackie hasn't learned how to do this yet) so we usually set it for "midday" when we are doing photo shoots.
The 'soldiers' standing there are actually props which can be moved around the sim.
There is a lot we can do.
The original:
View attachment 809755
You can watch too Alice, at the end : she tried to move a last time on the Cross, then she surrendered, exhausted. Her last gesture is like she passed away.... I love the end of Alicia because you can be sure that if she has no more strength to move, her nervous system continues to transmit pain to the brain. The suffering is still here but she can no more express it even with voice, screams, etc.The art is good for imagination for what the reality is. But this is good reality actress of Makar of name Vika. She is acting at conclusion with being dead of the video Back in the USSR.
View attachment 485663
About Alice, some pics : last seconds...and Alice like dead.
The instant when the slave ceases to struggle is very subtle and in a certain way delicious to watch. So, some seconds before, Alice had a few strength : she tried to move, to get a better position or at least a "less worse"... But the Cross is among the most cruel invention of mankind :
Cross provides only pain, pain and pain ! If you move in a way, so you can get a short relief for arms (and can better breath) but some seconds later, it would become unbearable for legs.... So, you have to give up the position and allow some "relaxation" for legs...and the pain comes again for arms. Etc. Suffering is permanent and "peaks of pain" only can go from arms to legs, then legs to arms, etc. etc. Like a cycle, an evil cycle.....
But at the end, the gravity wins and muscles are KO : the slave surrenders, exhausted. Alice is magnificent at the end.
I remember an other video of Makar with an other slave (i forgot her name) : the same fate leads to exhaustion...But with a "bonus" : the slave spread her legs unwillingly I think, and offers to viewers her genitals whereas she tried to hide during all the crucifixion process. And the cameraman made a zoom on genitals and you can surreptitiously see her vagina hole. This vision is very special because at this moment, the slave has no more strength, and she could not struggle if a man wanted to rape her ! Her poor vagina muscles would be unable to tense in order to prevent a penis from entering. It's a total vulnerability associating : nudity with genitals parts exposed, absolute weakness, humiliation.
Personnally, I have lot of admiration and respect for these slaves who accept to bear this ordeal where pain and extreme sufferings are not feigned.
And knowing some slaves have a child to feed and are here to earn money, it is the Ultimate Sacrifice a mother can do for her children (for example Jenia delivered a baby some weeks ago her crucifixion, which can be viewed by examining her belly and her breast is full of maternal milk...). The slaves are from Eastern countries former USSR, where standard of living is not high, so these girls want money and are not here for a BDSM pleasure.
I really love her pubes shape....the Venus mount is not prominent, very discrete....View attachment 828375 "Is she dead? Really?"
"I don't know, dude. She was like jerking around as usual, then just pushed up and dropped down suddenly. She ain't moving. Must be dead. Shit! I was enjoying the show!"
"Maybe she just fainted. She's done this before, quite a few times. Always came to."
"Yeah, but this time she don't seem to be breathing at all. Just hanging there. Fuck. I think its over for the bitch. Too bad."
"Hey, wait. Now they're poking at her armpits and tits with sharp sticks, and her pussy too. What for?"
"Trying to see if she's really dead. Trying to bring her around, I guess. I dunno. She's not moving at all."
"Whoa, dude! Did you see that? She moved!"
"You sure?"
"Yeah, look! She jerked again."
Alice suddenly raises her head and groans as her slender, tortured body returns to consciousness. She begins to push up and move side to side.
View attachment 828396"Yay! Our girl is back with us, dude!"
It would be great to get pics when Makar was removing the slave from the Cross. After this torture, i imagine the slave, exhausted and needing to be taken in arms and gently put on the soil.... Indeed at the end of the video Alice & Koshka, you can watch both slave almost sleeping, recovering from this session.... I would have liked to be here and taking care of them...
In the real life, you can find on Youtube a video from a Filipina girl who wanted to be really crucified with nail on Easter : huge and so beautiful the way people took care of the hands and feet really pierced, and even kiss her feets before and during the hamer hits the nails piercing the limbs. It's a very strong message too : religious love for Christ leads this woman to bear a part of the martyrdom....
Indeed, it's not so far with Makar's models : they are here to earn money to feed their family....it's a hard work ... A holy Sacrifice too. How many porn actress would do such a contract ???