Thank you! Your welcome.
Well I might put up some more pics where the victim has not so much blood. I might have them suffering longer before dying with their legs spread.
They will most probably end being necro fucked tho. That's just my thing lol
Some of these renders from Quoom’s Fall of the Barbarian Queen have appeared before, and taken out of context are amazing examples consummatum est crux art.
Great pictures. There is still too much tension in the body for my taste. A dead body hangs relaxed on the wrists, the knees sink with the weight of the body, the heavy head sinks between the deep shoulders ...
I really liked the pixs of the two women on the ground. Taken down from the cross after they were dead, left to be viewed.A few renders, the first two cropped from recent ones by hornet1ba
Hornet1ba - My 3d Renderings
Imposter unmasked ? I'm getting confused......... Who is the real Empress Emilia? This does in fact rate a WTF. ;)www.cruxforums.com
the third a whimsical one-off by Crumera, all three incredibly on topic.
So. You’re letting her off easy.After being nailed to the cross for hours, Babaria was speared by a roman soldier... now, as her blood floods her lungs, the terrible torture is coming to and end...
View attachment 990522
...well, being her a staff member... I dont want to get banned for torturing her too much!...So. You’re letting her off easy.
I'm not sure if you get more demerits for crucifying her, or for letting her off easy....well, being her a staff member... I dont want to get banned for torturing her too much!...
I think we should hear her...I'm not sure if you get more demerits for crucifying her, or for letting her off easy.