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Poll--Were you raised Catholic?

Go to CruxDreams.com
Ah, atheism. A simple faith, Steph, but one that is of great comfort to me.

OK, running tally time:

"Were you raised Catholic?"


So far a narrow majority. Only 410 more members to poll.
Well, okay, guess I'll add my two cents. . .I was raised--and still am--Lutheran (originally LCA, now ELCA--to be distinguished from the "other" Lutherans [as in Missouri Synod]). My current girlfriend is Catholic. I suppose, in the end, as Dana Carvey (I think) said on Saturday Night Live. . .I'm "Catholic Light". . .lol
And here I always thought Episcopalians were Catholic lite. You learn something every day, I reckon.

OK, we're breaking 50-50 so far.

409 to go.
OK, guys. And there are some gals out there besides.

This thread started as a Yea or Nay. Were you raised Catholic?

That's all we need. Three months and change since the last reply. We don't need your life's history, although if it's interesting feel free to share.

Were you raised Catholic. Yes, or No?

Heaven and Makar bid you speak. . .
i was many years ago a seminarist

but many years ago.....................
admihoek said:
i was many years ago a seminarist

but many years ago.....................

I seriously considered the priesthood myself, Admihoek. More years ago than I care to think about. Never did make it as far as seminary, though.

As for Catholics and the crux kink, I repeat. The central image of the faith is a mostly naked, vaguely effeminate guy nailed to a cross. The Church exposes its members to that image from early childhood on.

What were they thinking? And what did they expect?
They learned all their members only obedience to every one who had the happiness to be born in better circumstances and expect that every one follows them without any discussions. The man Jesus ( was he Go(o)dness?) had very fine ideas but I am sure when he should come back he would sure chase the whole Roman clerics away just as he does the clerics in Jerusalem in his period. All the bad in the world could be found in faith, the terrorisms e.g. fanatic IslamÂ’s and donÂ’t forget the crusades by the Christian against the same Islam the extermination of the Indians, the civilisation from people who never asked for it. No I stop it is to much and thatÂ’s just why I stop with that faith. But in the other hand I am glad to live in this time with my friends and all the things in this time.

:shock: :wink:
Admihoek, the term for people like you and me is apostate. In recent years they've come up with another in American English, "recovering Catholic."

And I like living in a time that the Church can't burn us at the stake anymore.
for them sure but i feel me a real human.
Re: Poll -- Were you raised Catholic?

Gee! After 6 months I've finally caught up with this post!

I was brought up Methodist, and still active in the Church.
Certainly the bulk of visual imagery of the crucifixion is generated by the Catholic faith, but non-conformist churches portray Christ's death by verbal description rather than pictorial imagery. I guess my interest in the subject is rooted in my church upbringing, but certainly developed (along with similar punishment themes) in theological and historical studies at University.

Thanks, Mel. Short, succinct, to the point.

By my count that's 7 yes, 7 no. There's about a billion Catholics in a world population of 6 billion, so 50% of crux fetishists raised Catholic is signifigant.

Scientific pollsters will point out that a sample of 14 out of 6,000,000,000 is less than representative, but remember this is a semi-scientific poll.
remember this day monday 31-10 as the day that maarten, luther his decrees many centurions ago on a catholic churchdoor nailed and that we go just on this day t the result of our poll? how nice
Ah, but the poll isn't closed, Admihoek. That's just the latest results.

There are still several hundred members to hear from. :wink:

and Luther started his crusade against the catholics so that there are now many people who named themselves christian but not Romanisch Catholic in the old countries of europe started people some years after that proclamation with the iconoclastic fury and several years after that was it in the northern countries (luthers) forbidden to show the man (or woman?):evil: on the cross. that's why i today thought about it. 8)
That iconoclastic fury is now in the past. And we are free to get erotic and thoroughly blasphemous thrills from naked people on crosses and not wind up burned at the stake.

At least for now. I know some folks who'd like to change all that, and impose their own morals and mores on everybody else by force of law.

In the end they'll lose, of course. And they know it, which makes them all the more frantic.

Enough political commentary. There are now 717 members, and only 14 have posted in this thread.

Come on, people, 'fess up. Were you raised Catholic, yes or no?

Yes Yes me me........I was raised catholic
Sorry it took me so long guy's and girl's...I have been
exorcised from the group like lots of others...
waitng patiently for everything to work out!
Another Papist

I too was raised Catholic and attended 12 years of Catholic Schooling....lots of nun memories, espscially Sister Mike Tyson...she was tough!
16-14, Catholics increase their lead.

As has been noted, this poll is almost ludicrously unscientific. But of the crux fetishists who've actually spoken out over 50% have Catholic backgrounds.

Somehow I don't think that's what the nuns had in mind.

And there are now 883 members who haven't weighed in. C'mon, folks, 'fess up.
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