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Prince Shevak And The Dark Princess

Go to CruxDreams.com
How did I miss this earlier? Another great chapter Wragg! But who is left to save the day?:eek: All are crucified except for Blaire and Roxie...those two horny girls...what could they do?:rolleyes:

Well, this IS Crux Forums...:rolleyes:

I can well imagine the two of you will think of something :rolleyes:

Seismometers go off scale when those two get together...:doh:

Would have rather gone down fighting!:( Oh well, the prince doesn't always come to the rescue, does he?:( Only in fairy tales!:p

Awww, C'mon Shevak! Can't let the girls have all the cruxy fun ;)

Thanks to all for help and encouragement - here and in PMs

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