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Furthermore, I add that I have quite often crucified girl friends and I use to make them carry a patibulum of same size.
Two weeks ago for example, my girlfirend and another girl had to carry a patibulum exactly same size as the one on the picture. They were able to carry it more than an hour before being crucified. We were 4 mens to high them fixed on the patibulum on the main stripe. Not very easy but can be done. The day after, one of the girl had to carry a complete cross whose paatibulum was the same. It has been very hard for her but she is a real masochist and she was able to walk about half an hour bearing the cross helped by one of us.
A friend of mine own a small castle perfectly equiped for such crucifixions and we use different patibulums according to the girl that we want to crucifiy and according to her capacities.
The weight depends mainly on the wood quality. You can choose a very heavy one or a light one. Depnds on how you want that the girl suffer (and what she can bear).
When we choose to make her carry a whole cross, it is important to choose one that the girl can wear.

Mass crucifiction001.jpg
The patibulum on this manipulation is exactly the same size as t one of those I use with the girls we use to crucifiy with my friends. It is heavy just enough to make the girl suffer when they carry it but it is a part of the game. If the girl is really masochist, it is not a problem for her. I think that for real condemned in the roman times, it was absolutly not a problem to enforce the condemned to carry such patibulums. I am not sure that the roman asked their victim to choose on which cross they w
It depends, of course, how the victim carries her beam​
as with weights in the gym or competitive weightlifting, there's a right way to do it -​
the girl in the front of your picture is able to hold it on her shoulders, and ought to be able to manage,​
I'm not so sure about the one behind, with her arms spread out and tied along the beam,​
but you clearly speak from great experience, Crucificateur,​
it's very interesting to learn from you.​
You should be enjoying your holiday!!...now get back out in that sun!!
perhaps Crucificateur's doing all this on a Tablet or iPad​
while basking nude on some tropical beach - let's hope so!:D
Thinking more about it while ironing (it's pissing with rain here, of course)​
it struck me that beam's a potentially lethal weapon -​
if I were being driven along like that,​
half-maddened with torture, flogging and fear,​
knowing I was going to be crucified anyway,​
I'd surely take the desperate chance to suddenly swing round​
and swipe one or more of my tormentors with the beam,​
to give them at least a taste of their own medicine -​
"as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb"!​
"It depends, of course, how the victim carries her beam"
I read somewhere how the fishwives of Leith and Newhaven would walk 9 miles carrying 80lb of fish on their backs to sell in the streets of Edinburgh. With those ancestors - Eulalia should find it a breeze to carry the Patibalum to her crucifixion.:D
perhaps Crucificateur's doing all this on a Tablet or iPad​
while basking nude on some tropical beach - let's hope so!:D
Thinking more about it while ironing (it's pissing with rain here, of course)​
it struck me that beam's a potentially lethal weapon -​
if I were being driven along like that,​
half-maddened with torture, flogging and fear,​
knowing I was going to be crucified anyway,​
I'd surely take the desperate chance to suddenly swing round​
and swipe one or more of my tormentors with the beam,​
to give them at least a taste of their own medicine -​
"as well be hanged for a sheep as for a lamb"!​

YES! my iPad is as hot as the greek sun :)
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