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1a2c2fd4209652ae4fe14adfddd302e6.jpg Only one Glass
2ffb13746549410bc78d1e3444aba488.jpg Captured by Indian warriors
5f792b4552afd06b5b570786f8e79615.jpg Aboriginal body painting
450a6e87702030a515ecceb8cabbfcc5.jpg A bike tour
1920-dress.jpg Fashion from 1920
Lockheed-P38.jpg air-plaine-girl-naked-erotika-vkontakte-36.jpg Lockheed-P80.jpeg imago0053245764s.jpg Lufthansa20Ju52-c3d4a20c-4.jpg
1729712099608.png Lockheed P-80 Shooting Star. The first American jet fighter to become operational, but arrived too late (early 1945) to impress in WWII.
In the Korean War, on the other hand, the P-80 was deployed, and involved in the very first jet-to-jet dogfights (against the Russian built Mig-15).
Its cockpit is said to have been very cramped, almost claustrophobi (source : Tom Wolfe, The Right Stuff)..
In the nearby city of Jena, several people have now complained because the IMMELMANN reconnaissance squadron flew low over the city (of course not at supersonic speed).
79d3d8205a5c26a065eb28aca9cb415c.jpg be6e9579deaa5dcb92e7ec06f35d899e.jpg c4740e9fe34837cb7bf0da207083f244.jpg Some girls
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