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Rebecca and The Bloody Codes

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Somewhat obscure phrases in the latest chapter.

As you’ve probably comprehended, Kentish accent then exchanged v and w at the beginning of words and often substituted d for th.

Enough to make a dog laugh – very funny
The beast with two backs - intercourse.
Strum – fuck
Man-trap – vagina
Bannocking – a hiding, a beating for instruction
Bryesten – breasts, plural of bryest, from Old Frisian
Brand-irons - The fire-dogs or cob-irons which confine the brands on an open hearth.
Chapter 15 Test of Obedience

“OK. You have a chance right now.” Said Allen. But just then he was interrupted by a knock on the door. Spite looked in and said, “Mr. Fair here’s to see you. You said to let you know.”

“Show him in and you stay too – in silence!” Spite nodded in deference and showed in the short, oily lawyer.

“Good Day, Keeper Allen,” Mr. Fair said with an exaggerated bow. “I have papers for you.”

“Good Day Mr. Fair.” Taking the commitment papers tied with a black ribbon for the capital punishment content, he asked, “Tell me, Always, did the trial get delayed or did my lazy henchmen stop off at a tavern?”

“No, the trial was much delayed. They brought her here promptly based on myself just arriving. I hurried and it looks like I might be just in time.”

“You’d like to stay and watch the unveiling of the prime article?”

“The very reason I came post haste,” said the attorney, winking and taking a chair beside the keeper for a good view of Rebecca. “She’s an anatomy isn’t she, but with a nice Apple-dumpling shop.”

“So it appears,” replied Allen with enthusiasm. “Owen, remove her irons.”

Spite leapt to the task and shortly had the cuffs and shackles off. Rebecca’s wrists and were chafed and cut from the hard, tight metal.

"Thank ye, Sir," The girl said, rubbing her sore wrists.

“I remind you, girl. If you don’t behave, the consequences can be dire.” The Keeper said with a wink to the lawyer.

“Last month, we had another pretty dark-haired harlot who did nothing but speak out and complain. We went to Justice Page and he added Air and Exercise to her death sentence.”

Rebecca looked confused.

“That she be whipped at the cart’s tail all the way to Tyburn,” explained Mr. Fair.

Rebecca’s hand shot to her mouth and she gasped in fear.

“Naked from the waist, she was,” continued Breaker. “Dragged behind an oxcart. It be over three mile, ye know. An hour of sweating, tortured agony, flogged constantly by two of my best. By the time she got to the gallows, her back was raw meat with ribs showing.”

Rebecca panted hard in panic at the thought, a sheen of seat breaking out on her skin.

“Now, Rebecca, I want you to take off all your clothes and show us your body.”

Rebecca gaped at the man. “Pardon me, sir. I must not have heerd right!”

“You heard right. Strip naked. This is your first and most important test to prove you can be good.” Allen dropped the sweet pretense and spoke in a voice as hard as iron, “If you fail this, you will not get a second chance and you’ll be getting Air and Exercise!" All three men laughed at the sadistic threat.

"Start with your cap and let down that bright hair.”

For a few seconds, the thoughts sped through Rebecca’s head at lighting speed. She was quite shy and innocent and had been brought up to protect her virtue. However, her desperation to save her life and help her family was more powerful in the end than her strong sense of modesty.

Without another word, her hands went up to remove the linen cap holding her tied up hair.
A few must have survived or we would not be enjoying her beauty and talent today!
Knowing the sexual proclivities in that family, they need only have postponed the noose until, say, nineteen to have allowed for offspring. Remember that a pregnant whore could "plead her belly," and have the execution delayed until the child was born.
Probably a common practice in the Moorer family in Kent. (Family name supposedly derived from a Briton matriarch saying, in the midst of being raped by a dozen newly arrived Anglo-Saxons, More!
Knowing the sexual proclivities in that family, they need only have postponed the noose until, say, nineteen to have allowed for offspring. Remember that a pregnant whore could "plead her belly," and have the execution delayed until the child was born.
Probably a common practice in the Moorer family in Kent. (Family name supposedly derived from a Briton matriarch saying, in the midst of being raped by a dozen newly arrived Anglo-Saxons, More!
The name would have come down through the male line, so no " pleading the belly" there. As for the sexual proclivities, the less said the better.
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