The courtyard of the praetorium had turned into a bloody orgy. The daughters of the nobility now turned into crux sluts by the emperor's justice were in the clutches of true psychopaths used to committing the greatest brutalities. In fact, many of the legionnaires were nothing more than criminals, murderers and rapists who were forced to join the legion as an alternative to going to the galleys, the mines or being gladiators.
The girls were passing one after another through the lash posts and there naked and totally defenseless they received the blows in any part of their body without limit or method.
The girls could only squirm uselessly in their bindings without being able to do anything to avoid the painful sting of the leather or rope.
The wounds hurt like hell and the salt and vinegar that soaked the flagrums got into the wounds, making the skin burn as if they were touched with lit torches.
Then the girls could only cry and scream. Some begged their executioners for mercy and promised to submit to the most depraved sexual acts as long as they stopped the torture or at least were allowed to rest for a while.
Some learned that if they stopped screaming and let themselves hang by their arms it might seem that they had lost consciousness, but that did not fool the executioners who threw buckets of ice water on them to wake them up and continue the flogging with more anger and violence.
You bitch, dance for me, move that ass, ha ha.
When a girl lost consciousness for the second or third time, the executioners released her from her bonds, the girl fell exhausted to the ground and then the carnifex chose the next to be flogged.
Take that one who looks like she's eager to feel the whip.
Come on, little girl, come here we are going to scratch that beautiful skin a little, you cannot go to the cross without being properly marked, ha ha.
No, no, please, no.
Now I'm whipping you from behind but then when you're crucified I'll whip you from the front, ha, ha.