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Rebellion In 2014?

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intruding a slightly serious note - there is a famous Hill of Crosses,
a lot more than 100, in Siauliai, Lithuania

Hill of Crosses LIthuania 025.jpg

it's a national monument to people who've died for the country,
so not recommended for manip use, but I thought it might be of interest
The time has come. I carry my cross through the jeering crowds. The cross doesn’t seem that heavy at first but seems to gain weight with each step. My breasts sway from my chest as I stagger forward and the three spikes that dangle from my neck that will fix me to the wood look larger and gain weight as I start up the hill.

The path is well manicured grass that feels cool under foot. I am breathing heavily when I get to my Golgotha. The cross is taken from me and arranged to be dropped in the ground once I am nailed to it. I find myself drawn to it, straddling the wood then lowering myself to sit on it. I refuse help to recline on the stipe and offer my wrist to be nailed.

I feel the sharp point of the spike against my flesh and a see a blinding white light as the hammer drives it through and into the wood. I am attached to the cross as long as I will live. The spike through my wrist is imbedded in the wood deep enough I could not pull it free but was not driven all the way in. Tree is about to swing the hammer again.

“Stop, Tree, wait a moment!” I scream. He looks down at me and asks “What?”

“Just give me a moment” I beg. My left hand dives between my legs and my fingers plunge into my warm, wet pussy. The mob howls as I finger myself…

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Tree shakes his head but indulges me. It doesn’t take long before my legs buck as I bring myself to a climax. Panting I put my feet on the grass and whisper “Finish it, Tree!”

He swings the hammer twice more and the head of the spike is less than a half inch from pressing on my wrist.
It was strange feeling the metal shank slip through my wrist while the hammer blows shuddered though the wood. Tree walks to the left side and I offer my wrist for the second spike.


I feel the sharp spike against my skin and brace for the blow when I hear “What are you doing there Barbaria?”

…I look up and see Tree looking down at me. I feel the heavy collar around my neck and the chain that wraps my body and holds my wrists behind my back and bound to my ankles. I am kneeling almost shoulder deep in human waste in a septic tank. I sigh and say “I don’t know, Tree, just figuring out how the cross can’t be much worse than this…”

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Thanks Barbaria, the first picture took 4 Corel pictures, merging, and blending...

...but it was a worthy cause...:rolleyes:


I guess I should be flattered....I have morphed from the rebel who wrecked the site to a worthy cause...upward mobility of sorts?
I guess I should be flattered....I have morphed from the rebel who wrecked the site to a worthy cause...upward mobility of sorts?
Please do not flatter yourself...

Tree pulled Barbaria out of the septic tank and after hosing her off brought her to the shower and let her soak. He poured a drink and sat on the dark deck lit with only a candle in a hurricane globe. By the time Barbaria came out Tree was more than a bit drunk. He was a bit surprised to see her wrists cuffed behind her back.

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“Is Joan inside?” Tree asked.

“No, why do you ask?” Barbaria asked.

“Your wrists are cuffed behind your back.”

“I feel more comfortable fucking my executioner when I feel helpless” Barbaria said.

There is a theme forming here….

Dont feel like that, cuz we respect ur nails :p

We respect them so much we wear them around our necks on the way to the hill

"My breasts sway from my chest as I stagger forward and the three spikes that dangle from my neck that will fix me to the wood look larger and gain weight as I start up the hill." Tree
We respect them so much we wear them around our necks on the way to the hill

"My breasts sway from my chest as I stagger forward and the three spikes that dangle from my neck that will fix me to the wood look larger and gain weight as I start up the hill." Tree
Or we can carry like Arcimboldo's Judith ;)

No my dear grandchild.................those will stay were they are and we get 12 inch ones for your wrists and feet and not round but square ones................much better for the feeling on your sensory nerves and bones
It will b more hurts n pains Grandpa! I m scared !! :D
Pleassseeee dooooo n 't ;)
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