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So I've been thinking about developing a series of 'Recitals' for some time now, as potentially fire-stokin' preludes to smokin'-hot scenes with a bevy of prospective play-girls. :cool: Here's the first one -- more to cum!

Recital of Humility
in humility slave waits​
open mouth​
open pussy​
open ass​
hungry for Master's meat​
aching for His touch​
thankful for His attentions​
worthy of His punishment​
craving His penetration​
with any phallus as He chooses​
in every hole as He pleases​
Humility_05.jpg Humility_06.jpg Humility_07.jpg
accepting without question​
accepting without protest​
accepting without words​
whimpering in pain when slave must​
grunting in pleasure when slave cums​
suffering in silence and humility when alone​
silent tears of humility all alone​
slave shall answer the 'Recital of Humility' command without error, else remain chained for yet another hour!
Girls, be sure to tell me what you think -- I'm tryin' ta tickle your submissive female libido here... :)
screen-cap credits: Sarah Jane Ceylon, 'Reorientation Day' @ InfernalRestraints.com
I ain't a girl but am glad this was just a recital and would enjoy sitting in on the next practice session...

I ain't a girl but am glad this was just a recital and would enjoy sitting in on the next practice session...

You are always welcome and hereby extended a standing invitation to attend all future Recitals, Sir Tree! Perhaps not the next, but certainly a future rehearsal will feature the 'Recital of Hospitality'!
Yes, I'd be happy to recite those, Sir Nob.​
They sum up my rather more wordy rules for a slavegirl:​
The Twelve Rules of Humility

1 A slavegirl fears her Master and His displeasure. Whether He is physically present or not, she behaves in every moment of her life with alert awareness of Him and her single purpose in life, which is to please Him.
2 She does her Master’s will. From the moment of her capture, her will is no longer her own. It is His Free will, and His alone, that she must perform in every action.
3 She obeys her Master absolutely.
4 She abides by the Laws taught to her by her Master and shown to her by skilled and experienced slavegirls whose examples He instructs her to observe.
5 She is patient, even when her Master treats her in ways that seem to her to be hard, unreasonable or unjust, accepting absolutely that He is always right.
6 She has no secrets, nor any privacy. She confesses to her Master any fault she has committed whether by wilfulness, omission or negligence, and tells Him of any thoughts or feelings inappropriate to a slavegirl that arise in her. She engages in no conversation or communication with any slave or Free Person without her Master’s permission.
7 She is content with whatever her Master allows her in food, clothing, body ornaments, etc., acknowledging that she is unworthy to receive even the worst and poorest, and that she can call nothing, not even her own body and soul, her own.
8 She is conscientious in attending to every detail of her service, never treating any part of her duty trivially or frivolously.
9 She is silent except when spoken to or there is real and pressing need, or her Master requires her to amuse him with her conversation.
10 She is respectful, knowing that difference between an insect and an angel is as nothing compared to the gulf between a slavegirl and her Master or any Free Person.​
11 She is soft and gentle in her speech, her movements and in all aspects of her service to her Master.
12 She is humble, and shows her humility with her body, whether her Master or any other Free is physically present or not. Whether kneeling, sitting, standing or walking, naked or clothed, she always strives to present her body to best advantage, while keeping her head bowed, her eyes lowered, at all times.​
Yes, I'd be happy to recite those, Sir Nob.​
They sum up my rather more wordy rules for a slavegirl:​
The Twelve Rules of Humility
Give me a pen: I subscribe immediately.
A small addition: a) the slave has no freedom of choice for its corporal needs. The master decided "if and when and how" b) under the dress, very basic (e.g. jute bag), nothing, nudity. c) simple food: canned dog food, acid milk, and twice a week a purgative. The inner cleanliness is essential for a slave. d) always for cleaning the slave should be swhaved by razor (not foam) from head to feet at least once a week
Please, make reservations: but be careful! The list of duties is not a slave "annihilation of the person or personality" but exaltation of the concept of "I am a property." Is honor "belong" to a master. Only the master takes full care of your person. You do not have to think but only execute. The punishment, a joy, because it improves. Suffering, is the medium to share the pleasure of submission. Why wait?
in the last picture I thought she was flipping him the bird and thought that would be none to smart...

Recital of Gratitude

Gratitude_01.jpg Gratitude_02.jpg Gratitude_03.jpg
slave thank Master every minute for air to breathe​
every hour for warmth and comfort of hard prison​
Gratitude_04c.jpg Gratitude_04b.jpgGratitude_04a.jpg Gratitude_05.jpg
for simple slave days spent longing​
devoted to Master pleasure​
Gratitude_06.jpg Gratitude_07.jpg Gratitude_04.jpg
slave beg Master for any and all attention​
slave serve Master obedient upon command​
Gratitude_08.jpg Gratitude_09.jpg Gratitude_10.jpg
Master punish slave whenever displeased or angry​
Master hurt slave always for sport or to amuse​
Gratitude_11.jpg Gratitude_12.jpg Gratitude_13.jpg
Master gag slave daily with dominant desire​
Master nourish slave hunger with hot life seed​
Gratitude_14.jpg Gratitude_15.jpg Gratitude_16.jpg
Master withdraw only when satiated​
slave gasping sobbing thankful tears​
Gratitude_17.jpg Gratitude_18.jpg Gratitude_19.jpg Gratitude_20.jpg
Master humble slave to languish​
chained in darkness all alone​
Strictly shall slave answer to the 'Recital of Gratitude' directive, else endure swiftly punitive consequences!
screen-cap credits: Nicki Blue, 'No More Tears' @ InfernalRestraints.com
Whom Nature makes a slave, no government, no power in the universe, can make free.​
No, she is fettered by a chain no law can break.​
You may call her free, but you only label her with a lie.​
One fine summer day, Sir Tree decided to call on his good friend and neighbor, Sir Nob, to discuss some profitable farmin' opportunities. He figured there'd be no better time to start learnin' his brand-new city-cow to the ways of good old-fashioned country hospitality.
Recital of Hospitality
Friend of slave Master is slave Master equal
Overlords both slave shall service and obey
Upon arrival, Sir Tree decided to first treat this sassy-fresh city-cow to a deserving comeuppance, courtesy of Sir Nob's handy pig wallow.
without question without protest without hesitation
slave serve Master through all of night and day
Sir Tree's was extremely annoyed that his cock had been impertinently spurned all day by this latest of additions to his livestock holdings. Finally it seemed, after a brief-but-authoritative introduction to the fetid wonders of sunshine-baked pig-sewage, he would be able to enjoy this stubborn city-cow's ultimate capitulation to the reality of just who was now in charge of her life.
slave is Master property treated like animal
pleased to wallow like pig if so Master amuse
But the rancorous stench of rancid pig-urine managed to dampen even Sir Tree's unbridled ardor. So he stowed-away his flagging tool for the moment, and marched a now-compliant city-cow up the hill to the barn in search of Sir Nob. "Well that exercise was worthwhile, in that at last I've got her mind set on the same wavelength as mine" thought Tree. "She wants to get away from Nob's stinking pig-pit as bad as I do!"
slave serve Master all day through all of night
whenever wherever however Master may choose
"So you been humpin' any goats lately, Tree?" winked Sir Nob. "No, but I sure bet I smell like it, with all your stinkin' pig-waller muck on my dick!" grinned Sir Tree, as city-cow gagged down his enormous member until her windpipe blocked. "Nob, that is one nasty pit, how can you stand it so close to the house?" Tree casually remarked, as city-cow's eyes grew wide in panic for lack of air.
Master may choose goat sheep cow dog or pig
slave welcome Master odor taste regardless
slave offer Master every-hole cum-dump
while squeal like sow and howl like bitch
Screen-Cap Credits:
• 'Mud Slut'@ InfernalRestraints.com
• Rain DeGrey as city-cow
• Matt Williams as Sir Tree
• PD as Sir Nob
Whom Nature makes a slave, no government, no power in the universe, can make free.​
No, she is fettered by a chain no law can break.​
You may call her free, but you only label her with a lie.​

Love it! Figuring this was yours, I Googled the first line (in quotes) and was rewarded with 'No Results' -- another timeless Eulalia original for The Book, yes? :)
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