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Remember Visions of Darkness?

Go to CruxDreams.com
Interesting! But only for “digital artists”
Good point. I've edited the Welcome message to read "3D and 2D artists'.
But I viewed the message in my yahoo adress "Hey, lionrobe. Glad to see you here. I've upgraded your account to standard access. :)"
Sorry about that. When I upgraded you to Verified I removed you from Registered. I made the same mistake with Migoz2's account and corrected your account the same day.
Ah, this &@# forum that shut down just when I started trusting in it. I am not going to fall over the same rock twice.
Fair point. I fucked up. I apologize. I'm asking members of VoD to give me a second chance. No hard feelings if you'd rather not.
There is a 2d art section and I am sure others (photography/manipulation) could be added if wanted
VoD succeeded Art of Darkness when hieronymous closed AoD due to a botched and unrecoverable system upgrade. Up to that point, AoD's Photography forum was seldom used, so I made a point not to create one for VoD. I'm sticking with that decision for Dark Art.

Photo manipulations are allowed as long as the majority of the image is the artist's own work (ie a 3D render with a photo of a prop)
Maybe! I’m interested to see they are not mentioning AI in their rules..
I was unfamiliar with the term "AI" for use in creating art until I saw your post, so I looked it up, and have decided it's not allowed. I'll be updating my ToS accordingly.
the question is how long will the net last... the original net was a godsend... and I need to have a place where I could post all the rougher works...
Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

Though nothing is ever guaranteed, my original plan for VoD was to keep it running for at least 10 years and then gauge community interest in keeping it going. I'd like to achieve that goal with DA. AoD was online for 10 years, hence my self-imposed benchmark.

I closed VoD for personal reasons, mostly stress related to moderating content. I regret that decision and have taken steps to mitigate the risk of closing DA for the same reasons:

One thing that proved a constant headache was keeping extreme artwork separated from lighter content. There were two galleries on VoD - the Promenade and Back Room. The Back Room was for extreme stuff (death, torture, etc.). The Promenade was for subjects like shadowy figures stalking the night. Keeping them organized became especially problematic when artists mixed the two in their work. I never blamed artists, but I didn't enjoy the stress of deciding what was more appropriate for each gallery.

I'm not doing that again. Now, all 3D art goes in one gallery, and all 2D art goes in the other. Apart from DA's visual appearance, the galleries are the biggest change from VoD, and I hope everyone will enjoy the simplicity of knowing where to post as much as I'm already enjoying the simplicity of moderating content.

With that in mind, I'm happy to answer anymore questions here, or folks may contacted me at DA.

Thank you.
Good point. I've edited the Welcome message to read "3D and 2D artists'.

Sorry about that. When I upgraded you to Verified I removed you from Registered. I made the same mistake with Migoz2's account and corrected your account the same day.

Fair point. I fucked up. I apologize. I'm asking members of VoD to give me a second chance. No hard feelings if you'd rather not.

VoD succeeded Art of Darkness when hieronymous closed AoD due to a botched and unrecoverable system upgrade. Up to that point, AoD's Photography forum was seldom used, so I made a point not to create one for VoD. I'm sticking with that decision for Dark Art.

Photo manipulations are allowed as long as the majority of the image is the artist's own work (ie a 3D render with a photo of a prop)

I was unfamiliar with the term "AI" for use in creating art until I saw your post, so I looked it up, and have decided it's not allowed. I'll be updating my ToS accordingly.

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

Though nothing is ever guaranteed, my original plan for VoD was to keep it running for at least 10 years and then gauge community interest in keeping it going. I'd like to achieve that goal with DA. AoD was online for 10 years, hence my self-imposed benchmark.

I closed VoD for personal reasons, mostly stress related to moderating content. I regret that decision and have taken steps to mitigate the risk of closing DA for the same reasons:

One thing that proved a constant headache was keeping extreme artwork separated from lighter content. There were two galleries on VoD - the Promenade and Back Room. The Back Room was for extreme stuff (death, torture, etc.). The Promenade was for subjects like shadowy figures stalking the night. Keeping them organized became especially problematic when artists mixed the two in their work. I never blamed artists, but I didn't enjoy the stress of deciding what was more appropriate for each gallery.

I'm not doing that again. Now, all 3D art goes in one gallery, and all 2D art goes in the other. Apart from DA's visual appearance, the galleries are the biggest change from VoD, and I hope everyone will enjoy the simplicity of knowing where to post as much as I'm already enjoying the simplicity of moderating content.

With that in mind, I'm happy to answer anymore questions here, or folks may contacted me at DA.

Thank you.
Hey Nyghtfall3D! Welcome back to Cruxforums, and thanks for your information, you’re obviously building your site with care and consideration. I’ve hit a snag trying to register for Dark-Art, perhaps I could ask you about it in a private message here.

I think “DA” is a confusing abbreviation as many people use that to refer to DeviantArt ;) even those of us who got kicked out of DeviantArt during one of their moral purges :eek:. But I don’t have a better idea :doh:

Very happy about A.I. not being allowed. :thumbsup: though it’s contentious and you might get complaints, but for me, you’re doing the right thing :)
Last edited by a moderator:
I’ve hit a snag trying to register for Dark-Art, perhaps I could ask you about it in a private message here.
Definitely, and sorry for the trouble.
I think “DA” is a confusing abbreviation as many people use that to refer to DeviantArt
I agree but have yet to come up with anything myself. I've never seen DeviantArt abbreviated with a hyphen, so perhaps Dark Art could be D-A?
Three different points in one post:

Welcome @Nyghtfall3D. Good to see you on CF.

AI is indeed a contentious issue. Some of you might be surprised to see that @jucundus himself has been playing with it and posting on DA


Abbreviation for Dark-Art.net: DAN?
Abbreviation for Dark-Art.net: DAN?
Good idea :)

As for A.I., there’s a difference between judicious use of A.I. elements as merely a part of one’s workflow, and spamming a load of A.I. glurge with little human intervention. DA is riddled with the latter. I hope DAN won’t be. A tricky one to negotiate.
I understand the reason behind not separating heavy from light artwork, but as someone who does whatever takes my interest at the time, from old school damsel in distress to torture (and rarely fatalities) it is really whether I post all my work here or select only the moderate (stress and implied pain to some degree) to heavy (torture and death), with series including those in one or more images, and leave the light (pinup to implied threat; no pain) stuff out.
I've renamed and moved the board. We are now called Pixels in Peril, or PiP for short:

I understand the reason behind not separating heavy from light artwork
There are varying degrees of "dark art", and it's all welcome. Artists needn't feel limited to the types of subject matter they share. My latest contribution is a Viking warrior my wife asked me to create for her. All the character is doing is looking into the distance in a gloomy forest with a scratch and a bruise on her face.
Dobrý postřeh. Upravil jsem uvítací zprávu na „3D a 2D umělci“.

Omlouvám se za to. Když jsem vás upgradoval na Ověřeno, odstranil jsem vás z Registrovaných. Udělal jsem stejnou chybu s účtem Migoz2 a tentýž den jsem váš účet opravil.

Spravedlivý bod. posral jsem se. Omlouvám se. Žádám členy VoD, aby mi dali druhou šanci. Žádné těžké pocity, pokud raději ne.

VoD succeeded Art of Darkness when hieronymous closed AoD due to a botched and unrecoverable system upgrade. Up to that point, AoD's Photography forum was seldom used, so I made a point not to create one for VoD. I'm sticking with that decision for Dark Art.

Photo manipulations are allowed as long as the majority of the image is the artist's own work (ie a 3D render with a photo of a prop)

I was unfamiliar with the term "AI" for use in creating art until I saw your post, so I looked it up, and have decided it's not allowed. I'll be updating my ToS accordingly.

Thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it.

Though nothing is ever guaranteed, my original plan for VoD was to keep it running for at least 10 years and then gauge community interest in keeping it going. I'd like to achieve that goal with DA. AoD was online for 10 years, hence my self-imposed benchmark.

I closed VoD for personal reasons, mostly stress related to moderating content. I regret that decision and have taken steps to mitigate the risk of closing DA for the same reasons:

Jedna věc, která dokázala neustálou bolest hlavy, bylo držet extrémní umělecká díla oddělená od lehčího obsahu. Na VoD byly dvě galerie - Promenade a Back Room. Zadní místnost byla pro extrémní věci (smrt, mučení atd.). Promenáda byla pro subjekty jako stínové postavy pronásledující noc. Udržet je organizované se stalo obzvláště problematické, když umělci ve svých dílech mísili obojí. Nikdy jsem neobviňoval umělce, ale nebavil mě stres z rozhodování, co je pro každou galerii vhodnější.

Už to nedělám. Nyní je veškeré 3D umění umístěno do jedné galerie a veškeré 2D umění do druhé. Kromě vizuálního vzhledu DA jsou galerie největší změnou oproti VoD a doufám, že každého potěší jednoduchost vědět, kam psát, stejně jako mě už teď baví jednoduchost moderování obsahu.

S ohledem na to zde rád odpovím na další otázky, nebo mě lidé mohou kontaktovat v DA.

I've renamed and moved the board. We are now called Pixels in Peril, or PiP for short:

There are varying degrees of "dark art", and it's all welcome. Artists needn't feel limited to the types of subject matter they share. My latest contribution is a Viking warrior my wife asked me to create for her. All the character is doing is looking into the distance in a gloomy forest with a scratch and a bruise on her face.
hi please what is the allowed size of embedded images?? I ask because my pictures are often 5 mb
@Nyghtfall3D, your last forum was a truly unique place while it lasted. You brought together a very special mix of talented artists and people who liked to discuss this type of images. I never found another site where I felt so much at home with what I am doing,. Which made loosing it rather bad.

But really, my impression at that time was that you simply lost interest in 3d art, so the forum became all work and no fun. You hardly ever published images yourself, especially towards the end. You started playing music and talked about it in the forum. You started a YouTube channel, about literature if l remember correctly. Also, there were not really many people among the contributers who shared your particular interest/fetish.

Honestly, I have a hard time believing that the separation of the forum into a more and a less extreme gallery was the primary reason that brought the forum down. And I admit having difficulties to believe that it won't happen again in a year or two from now.
@Nyghtfall3D, your last forum was a truly unique place while it lasted.
Thank you.

But really, my impression at that time was that you simply lost interest in 3d art, so the forum became all work and no fun.

Guilty on all counts. At one point I even assured everyone that my change in focus on other interests would not effect the board. Later, I gave everyone three months notice about closing it and then spent that time staunchly defending my decision while everyone was trying to convince me to change my mind.

In retrospect, I burned one hell of a great bridge, and I feel like an ass.

Honestly, I have a hard time believing that the separation of the forum into a more and a less extreme gallery was the primary reason that brought the forum down. And I admit having difficulties to believe that it won't happen again in a year or two from now.

I understand. You have ever right to distrust me. Truth be told, the stress of running the board is what drove me to my other interests, and there were other contributing factors behind that stress:

- The GDPR had gone into effect the year before and was giving me fits about whether xenForo (the software behind VoD and what I'm running PiP with now) was truly compliant. It's $40,000 fine for non-compliant sites didn't help (I work for a call center and my wife is disabled). Thankfully, that's no longer a concern.
- I was tired of scrutinizing member artwork to determine whether characters looked 18+.
- I was tired of second-guessing myself about content I moderated.

The second factor made the hassle of keeping content separated between galleries worse because I had legal ramifications to worry about if I failed to catch under-age content and take action against it. Over time, all three factors snowballed into one big ball of anxiety that contributed to two panic attacks, started effecting my marriage, made running VoD a chore, and led to my decision to close it.

With my GDPR concerns laid to rest and me no longer separating galleries, all I have to focus on now is whether characters look like minors, and it's already made a big difference in how I even look at content on PiP. I'm no longer examining subject matter for hints of elements that I would consider more extreme than others, or trying to guide artists on which gallery to post in. If a character looks under age, the post is gone. Case closed.

I have a lot of work to do in re-building everyone's trust in me. I'm grateful for everyone who's joined PiP so far, but I understand the trust I broke may be beyond repair for anyone who decides not to join.
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