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Sabina 3.0

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apostate630 said:
From Jedakk:

The closeups are what blow me away too. It's a combination of the more realistic figure, high-resolution textures that capture tiny details of real human skin, the improved, natural-looking lighting system, and better rendering system. Bottom line, just greatly improved technology. And maybe even some modestly improved skills in using it. Attached are some more renders I captures while going through the animation; finally took a little time to give her a scream expression for this frame, at least. I will capture that and re-use it elsewhere in the animation with modifications and tweaks.

Note in the closeups that the model (maybe her name was Magda?) for the texture had pierced ears, and the piercings show up in these renders. She also had stubble on her pubic area, but I cleaned that up, plus some makeup on her face, before I used this texture.

These are amazing!!!The realism is among the best I've ever seen! :ymapplause:
One small complaint: I wish you would have left the stubble, or, better yet, given her pubic hair. Maybe it's because I'm from the 60s & 70s, but I prefer to see some bush.
"Note in the closeups that the model (maybe her name was Magda?) for the texture had pierced ears, and the piercings show up in these renders."

... real people are taken for the models? i hope this does not include, scalping and flaying them, and putting the skin on a scanner :) - perhaps, some system of cameras?

it would be strange, if someone recognizes the "stolen skin"... different still, from recognizing a person, in an actor or model

it is a very impressing and realistic work. (i only hope, that Jedakk does not condemn himself, if in some years even superior technique becomes available, to begin all from the start again...)
Jedakk has been trying for an effect wherein Sabina's butt flattens as she presses herself onto the stipes.

I find the said effect subtle but convincing. What do you guys think? Remember, he's seeking feedback.


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More commentary from Jedakk, and a few more preliminary renders.

Looks like it wasn't just my imagination then, she really is remarkable. Good comments and much appreciated - us artists and writers live for constructive feedback!

Regarding what Melissa said, I plan to have other Poser characters around her in the immediate background, because they need to be animated too at least to some extent. Although it would be interesting to render her with a real person in the scene.

Naraku, it's a matter of preference. My old Sabina figure had pubic hair because the genitals of the V3 figure I was using were either non-existent or not very convincing, so I opted to just hide them. This S4 figure is good enough that I opted for the bare look. Plus, we are told that Roman women often, or as a rule, plucked their pubic hair. And in the story this character comes from, she's not really a slave, so would likely have followed fashion.

Malins, I've seen pictures of the models after a photo shoot for one of these textures, and they seemed like they were none the worse for wear! I doubt they'd recognize their skin stretched over a different human figure like this, but there could be little details that give it away if they know what to look for. That mole at 7 o'clock near Sabina's navel, for example.

Attached are a few more test renders. In this frame, she is trying to rest on the point of the cornu. She has already tried to rest her right butt cheek on it and has now moved to place her left butt cheek on it, searching for some way to rest without having its point enter her. I think this is what a victim might do, initially, until she found how painful it would be. Or not, maybe the pain of resting your weight on a point like that would be tolerable if it presented some respite from hanging on those nails. The dark spots at the corners of her mouth are on the texture, and this is something I've got to fix.


Enjoy, folks.


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Well, Jedakk, this series of images has made my weekend worthwhile. 8)

The effect of the 'squash' of her butt against the pole does work in these still images. If you are doing a 2D animation from the 3D image, then what is more important is if it looks right during the animation -- from where the viewer sees things happen. You are wise to have her butt off-center, so the compression of the far-side might be possibly left to the viewer's imagination (the compression will be implied by how her pelvis slows down and bounces away).

Best regards,

(And thank you, Apostate, for relaying messages and comments.)
These pictures are astoundingly realistic. Quite, quite remarkable

Yusebby, Phlebas, a reply from Jedakk:

Yusseby, you are right! In the pics from frame 893, her butt is about to contact the cross, at which point I plan to have her bounce back just a little to show how tentative she is, fearful that she's going to do something to increase her suffering. Then she'll ease back and press against the wood with just a little rebound, which ought to be apparent in the animation. In frame 1601, she's pushed herself up higher and is about to plant her butt hard against the stipes and lean forward in an effort to support herself by friction so that she can rest her feet for a moment but still avoid the cornu. This will not work very well for her, but should be interesting in the animation. :) All of her motions follow spline curves between the keyframes, so there's smooth accelleration/decelleration where it should be.

Phlebas, thanks for the support!

The details are amazing! I recommend that everyone check out the two close-ups in the last post & use the magnifying glass function (if your system has one). You can see freckles, eyelashes, every hair on her head & some on her neck...incredible!
Jedakk, you have really raised the bar with this one.
:ymapplause: :ymapplause: :ymapplause:
From Jedakk.

Hearing that others get it is always worth a lot. No telling how many times in the past I thought I'd hit on something really cool, only to be brought down to earth by a generally unimpressed audience. That's usually because it wasn't all that cool, in reality. My feeling is that what I'm doing now is a quantum leap over what I was able to produce a couple of years ago, and looks like everyone else feels that way too.

I have been tied up on technical issues, correcting textures, animation issues, and getting a Roman legionary character updated with better materials and such. I was using a copy of the animation to do that, and ended up posing him in frame 1379, where Sabina is trying to rest her left butt cheek on the cornu. When I was creating that pose, I was thinking in terms of physics and how her hips would angle if she tried to support herself that way, and then I had to put in twists and bends in her torso to accommodate that. When I looked at the finished pose, I really liked the sinuosity of her body it exhibited. So that's the frame I used while working on the soldier.

I did a hell of a lot of renders in the process of testing materials on the soldier's armor and weapons, and I took some of those and put them into a set of views in Photoshop, using my Sessorium background - those are attached. Even though he's an M3 character and doesn't have the quality of texture that Sabina has, the soldier looks pretty good, I think. I am still having problems with the reflectivity of his armor; it should be highly reflective, but some of the reflections are almost mirror-quality. Check out the cheek piece on his helmet in the view from the back - you can see a near-perfect front view of Sabina reflected there. I started to blur that in Photoshop but decided to let everyone else have a laugh at it. I notice also that these renders are pretty large, so if you need smaller versions to post, let me know, I can batch resize them all if necessary.


All I have to add is "HOLY SHIT!!!"


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I think the new images of Sabina are brilliant . To be honest however I think the soldier looks plastic and should be dropped. I like the background and I'm sure I've seen that smoke before. I think the background should be gradually blurred. I think the new Sabina 3 deserves the best !!



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I will relay your comments, Melissa. Jedakk is uncomfortable with the legionary figure as well.

My own hope is that he can morph the character into a molester in the vein of Jastrow. Whether he does so or not is the artist's choice.


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Metal is difficlult in Poser. Big surfaces that is.
Maybe Jedakk could find a leather texture for the armor.

apostate630 said:
Actually, I prefer this one. He's looking her in the eye.
only looking in her eye eeuuuhhhhhhh :(( :)) :((
admihoek said:
apostate630 said:
Actually, I prefer this one. He's looking her in the eye.
only looking in her eye eeuuuhhhhhhh :(( :)) :((

Oh, yes, he's looking at other things.

But it's that looking his victim in the eye that caters to my kink. As does the up-close-and-personal aspect. The artist known as Fls was very good at this.


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Folks, once more, feedback.

I know I've posted a few other artists here, but the purpose of this thread is to get feedback for the Jedakk's laborious labors.

Pray, chime in.
apostate630 said:
Folks, once more, feedback.

I know I've posted a few other artists here, but the purpose of this thread is to get feedback for the Jedakk's laborious labors.

Pray, chime in.
i'll do but thought i just enjoy them and that i did :ar!
The main problem with people making useful comments on Sabina 3 is that 99.9% of us haven't a clue how poser or any of that stuff works so what we say may sound silly to the informed 0.1%. However here is my twopennorth even though you may well be fed up of hearing from us.
Firstly I'd like to know what the story is about. Just a simple intro with background, narration and music would do. I'd also like to know more about the characters. I'm sure this could be done without any animation effects which would save time.
Secondly I'd like to see the story develop, again I think this could easily be done with short stills and narration.
Thirdly we come to the final scene. Think like the director Clint Eastwood. Perhaps shots of two women arguing over the clothes, two dogs fighting, soldiers laughing, close ups of Sabina. Much of this could be done with stills and pan and zoom and appropiate narration and background music.
Although Sabina is the main event I think you need to build up the suspense and create a really threating atmosphere if you wish to create a true masterpiece. And don't forget the music!
OK...I've had my twopennorth.

I agree Melissa. I've tmapered with animation and it seems difficult and painstaking work.

However, after accomplishing a few pieces it is nothing to drag them into the free Moviemaker program that comes with Windows, blend them together with some fade transitions, tack in a sound narration, or even text bubbles and let the imagination run wild!

The "Church Picnic" and "Footprints in the Sand" still image movies were made with only one image each, by a guy (me) who didn't know much about what he was doing!

Just a wee bit more effort and the thing can really come to life!

Even so, by themselves, they are great images!

Comments from Jedakk:

I don't expect to get much in the way of technical critiques; that would be very difficult unless the person had actually worked with Poser on a pretty advanced level. It's more a matter of like or dislike, and whether the characters look realistic and where there are problems. For example, I didn't realize that the Sabina character's texture didn't match the geometry of her lips until after I'd already sent you quite a few renders. I might still have missed it except for a second problem with the corners of her mouth that was more obvious. It's a problem in the Magda texture which took me a good bit of effort to correct. You can see the problem in the Test 5 Face Closeup attached, where her top lip is two-toned. In the Face Rt pic, you can see that what you're looking at is that the lip texture doesn't extend out to the boundary of her upper lip. There is also the dark spot in the corner of her mouth, which is where the lip texture extended out too far to the sides. The Test 6 Face Closeup shows the result of my efforts to correct all of that.

Re the legionary, he's just set decoration, part of the background like the other figures in the distance, not a character in the story. And I suppose that Melissa has never read the story or else hasn't made the connection. It's important to understand that there will be still images that will be illustrations for the story - of which the one scene I posted is not, just something I put together playing around. The images will not be THE story. I will not be doing anything similar to the slide shows they did with narration and music, definitely not my style.

The animation will serve two purposes: First, as an animation on its own, and second as a source for stills that will serve as illustrations for the story. Goldenruler is right, animation is a lot of work and the learning curve is steep, but I think I'm getting a handle on it.

Unfortunately, I have had some real-world distractions over the past few days - finally doing my 2009 income taxes plus I have three speeches to write for our VP which require some research.


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