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Thanks! There may be more in the future, but for now this is the only one I have left in the cookie jar. :)

The characters tattooed on her back says "slave of the Cui family of Boling County," one of the most prominent noble/gentry clans during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 A.D.) in China. The Chinese girl, of course, is wearing a dress from that era.

Speaking of a cross...I guess that board can be easily turned into a crossbar for a different scenario. :sisi1
I like the flat serface of the board

And unfortunately my knowledge of Japanese history is limited to mostly what I learned from Total War: Shogun
It's been a while since I made an "on-topic" photomanipulation, and this is where I came closest in recent months. It was part of an art jam on DeviantArt where everybody is required to include a cute animal and a flower, so that's all I did--a cute animal and a flower inserted into a crux shot that everybody here is familiar with. I call it "Reunion." What's the story behind the scene? Well, your guess is as good as mine. :cool:

@Eulalia commented on dA that this reminded her of Velut Luna's "Amica, the slavegirl of Pompeii." Based on her description, that sounds like a scene that is nothing short of epic; what I have here, of course, is only a quick and light snack in comparison.


  • Reunion.jpg
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@Eulalia commented on dA that this reminded her of Velut Luna's "Amica, the slavegirl of Pompeii." Based on her description, that sounds like a scene that is nothing short of epic; what I have here, of course, is only a quick and light snack in comparison.
The interaction between the crucified girl and the dog reminds me of a scene in 'Amica' - oh yes, you already said that! :D
Nice work, Shiva - rather charming. :)
The interaction between the crucified girl and the dog reminds me of a scene in 'Amica' - oh yes, you already said that! :D
Nice work, Shiva - rather charming. :)
Thanks, Bob! I found quite a few dogs in similar poses when I was "shopping" for this job, and I picked this one because of those innocent puppy eyes. That dog really looks rather concerned and puzzled. :)
It's been a while since I made an "on-topic" photomanipulation, and this is where I came closest in recent months. It was part of an art jam on DeviantArt where everybody is required to include a cute animal and a flower, so that's all I did--a cute animal and a flower inserted into a crux shot that everybody here is familiar with. I call it "Reunion." What's the story behind the scene? Well, your guess is as good as mine. :cool:

@Eulalia commented on dA that this reminded her of Velut Luna's "Amica, the slavegirl of Pompeii." Based on her description, that sounds like a scene that is nothing short of epic; what I have here, of course, is only a quick and light snack in comparison.
She wanted the dog to bring someone with a knife to cut her free - but all the dog brought was a flower - shit.:frown:
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