Tree opinion... if you are going to hang someone for their execution, tie their hands. They wouldn't just let their arms hang limp at their side while the rope is choking them...
She is having one of those 'oh, shit' moments...
You would what goes through her mind in those last moments, but she does not talk before she is hanged...
A wise move removing her shoes. While it is her execution, she knows she she is the star of the show. She does not want to distract the audience by kicking her shoes off and having them bang on the floor!!!
She stands in defiant beauty. Throughout her training she had been taught if captured her country would deny her existence. Captured, her enemy is about to end her existence. She is determined to be brave, but how long will that last when they tie her hands and hoist her by her neck?
"Quit crying, bitch! The shotgun is going to hurt my shoulder a long time. You'll never feel the blast..."
One will have her head blown off, the other just a broken collar bone!