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Scourging Males

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The scourging is one of my favorite parts of a crucifixion. I find an imminent nailing to be the only time when one can explore what it feels like to receive a bloody whipping with minimal concern for the after effects.

Others here have persuaded me to take it easy even in this situation, though, because of scourging’s potential to “ruin the rest of the day.” Therefore, I would prefer to be tied with my hands over my head and beaten with a single tail whip until cutting lashes have lacerated the skin on my back. When a certain number of breaks have been made in my skin, the lictor should be instructed to stop.

I like the idea of counting cuts that have merged as a single break to provide an incentive to concentrate on a limited area, such as the upper back. I also like the idea of applying an equal number of lashes as non-cutting blows to the rest of my body from the neck to the knees just to provide more torment and texture for my hanging on the cross. Alternating sets of six or twelve “crack the back” lashes and six or twelve “wrap the rest” lashes would achieve this balance without much extra thought.

However, I continue to have a curiosity about how a flagrum would feel as it’s barbed ends puncture my flesh and allow the lictor to tear my skin as the whip is drawn back for the next blow. If anyone brings such an implement to my scourging, I would encourage the lictor to trade a few whip cuts for flagrum lashes.
For me, I would like to be tied arms together overhead and to be whipped front and back, not excluding arms, legs, thighs, and butt. To have a crown of thorns applied while still tied after the whipping. For me, it's much more about hanging on the cross in agony, outstretched, hazy, surrendered to the pain and my fate. But I would much rather do so hanging on my cross looking around at my crucified, sweaty, bleeding, WHIPPED body than an unspoilt body. And that my cross-mates around me, male and female, also clearly endured a whipping before being nailed to the cross.
every crucifixion should begin with the scourging, it is a part of the crucifixion; a naked body is particularly sensitive to every blow, an even greater feeling of helplessness for the condemned, the scourging before the crucifixion increases the anticipation of pain before the actual hanging on the cross
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