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Sexpionage IV

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Girl, Taken (15)

A disused warehouse, East Side, Vågen, Bryggen, Bergen, Norway, 2:20 pm Sunday 7th April 2024

Agent Ashley Townsend looks up at Grzegorz Barta, her expression a mix of anger and fear.

“Open your legs and get into position,” Barta growls.

She sees the violence in his face, fuelled by anger and retaliation. It was only a few hours short hours ago that her attempt to continue under cover as a whore working inside Barta’s organisation was thwarted, but it already seems like a lifetime ago.

She was trapped, held captive by these perverted monsters and how Moore and Underwood would get anywhere near to rescuing her and poor Issy, she had no idea.

“Open your fucking legs Kurva,” Barta now sounds angry and Ashley already knows that if she refuses him, the consequences will be dire, for both them both.

She opens her legs and crawls closer to Issy. The younger girl’s eyes are soddened with tears and her head shakes slowly but very surely. Repeatedly beaten and raped, Issy had no fight left in her anymore.

Ashley lays down on her back and opens her legs, raising her hips a little to make her mound more prominent. Fleetingly, and crazily, she thinks of the time a few days ago when she declared to Roger Moore, the Head of the entire MI6 organisation, that she shaved her pussy, when in fact the Brazilian he had been referring to was food. It all seemed so irrelevant now.

Issy doesn't look at the older girl as she lowers her body down, her long brown hair falling in front of her face to graze Agent Townsend’s stomach.

Slowly and uncertainly her tongue extends and brushes Ashely cunt, flicking against her engorging clit.

“Nghhhhhhh!” Issy grunts as she's jolted forward from the force of Barta’s thrust into her pussy from behind.

Another rape.

The brutality of the sudden violation causes Issy to lick and suck at Ashley’s pussy with panic and desperation, a frantic stimulation that quickly has Agent Townsend’s legs shaking as small convulsions begin inside her stomach.

She notices that one of Barta's hands has reached around between Issy’s legs, and he's touching her now, bringing her to the edge. He wants them both to cum together.

The way Issy is going about her task, then it's not going to be long for Ashley, while the boss brings the young Underwood girl ever closer to the edge. Even Barta's breathing is getting heavier as he thrusts faster and harder into his helpless captive.

Ashley focuses on the dim cell light directly above her head as the feelings inside her grow.

“God, please, no more Master, please!!!” Issy cries, and begs, whimpering her words, but Barta only picks up speed.

Then Ashley cums ... oh so hard.

Violent pulses race through her body as she convulses and spasms again and again as Barta stiffens, arches and pours his seed into a climaxing Issy … as all three of them orgasm together.

When a little clarity returns to Agent Townsend’s mind, she looks down and sees Issy between her legs. Some of Barta’s thick, white load is on her ass and her chest is heaving as if she just climaxed … which of course, she did.

"Did we all just cum at the same time?" With a smirk, Barta stands up and stretches. He steps over to Ashley and growls.

“Get up you American cunt. You're not done yet.”

“What?” Is all Ashley can say as he grabs her by the arm and yanks her to my feet, causing Issy to roll away to the side. Momentarily Agent Tonwsend feels light-headed and wobbly on her still partially numb legs.

“Lick it up.”

The older girl looks down at Issy's ass. The pool of his cum, creamy white and glistening.

“You have to be …” Agent Townsend cannot help herself from objecting.

Barta grabs behind her neck and bends her over, her mouth an inch away from Issy's back.

“Lick up all my cum bitch.”

With an almost silent whimper, Ashley I opens her mouth and leans down. Her tongue touches his warm cum on Issy's back, and she proceeds to lap it up, doing the best she can not to leave any residue.

“Don't swallow,” Barta says, then adds, “Issy, get up.”

Resigned to pretty much anything, the younger girl sighs and sits up, staring at Barta, her Master as she gets onto her unsteady feet.

“Kiss,” he says. “Share my seed.”

Both girls know they have no option. Ashley moves in closer to Issy so that she can press her mouth against her. Some of Barta's thick, sticky cum slides into the younger girl’s mouth, as both sets of lips part.

“Now look at me,” Barta says, and as the girls separate, letting thick globs of his sperm slide down their chins, they see for the first time that Jerzy is filming everything.

A curt smile appears on his face as he says, “Put them back into the cages, and send the video to her father. Then seconds later, with the girls incarcerated once more, the men are gone,

Ashley moves to the corner of her cage and spits the revolting cum out. Issy doesn’t. She swallows, and she has no idea why.

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Bergen sentrum politistasjon, Allehelgens gate 6, 5016 Bergen, Norway, 2:30 pm Sunday 7th April 2024

“Thanks for holding, Roger,” Clark O’Shaughnessy said to his SIS counterpart in London. “I now have you patched into a conference call originating in the headquarters of the Bergen police in Norway.

“Thanks for including me on the call, Clark”

“No problem at all. With us in Bergen on this call is CIA Agent Barbara Moore and Politioverbetjent Jørgen Hagen. Hagen is with the Bergen police and has taken both my Barbara and your Jason Underwood into custody in relation to a local murder case. Underwood is currently being held elsewhere in the building, but Hagen, has sent his assistant off to fetch him. With any luck. Underwood should be joining us on the call shortly.”

“Splendid. Thanks for arranging this, Clark. I suspect that it’s high time we take ownership of this operation and remove it from the dark. Agreed?”

“Regrettably so, but quite necessary at this point …. Ahhh, I believe Underwood is coming now.”

“Mr Underwood, as requested, sir!” Announced Politibetjent1 Maja Jensen, snapping off a ‘regulation perfect’ salute as she ushered a handcuffed Jase into the room.

“Thank you, Maja. Why the cuffs?”

“Mr Underwood apparently became unruly under questioning and took a swing at one of the interrogation officers, prompting them to restrain him.”

“I see. Remove his cuffs please, Maja. I don’t believe he’ll be of any further trouble now.”


“Good! Now that everyone is present,” began Clark O’Shaughnessy, “I think it would be helpful if Agent Underwood could enlighten us all as to what this is all about and to what exactly has transpired up to this point in time.”

“Thanks. I will,” responded Jase, his voice even but sharp. “As both Langley and London are well aware, but unwilling to admit to until now, Agent Moore and I have independently, without Agency sanction or support, taken on the daunting task of finding and rescuing my daughter Issy, who is at this very moment being held, violated, and tortured here in Bergen by that monstrous bastard, Grzegorz Barta. Issy’s abduction and the disgustingly horrific violations and abuses of body and mind she’s been forced to endure daily at the hands of Barta and his minions have been graphically communicated to me by phone … the object of that being to force me to rush, as any parent would, to discover where she’s being held hostage and surrender myself in exchange for her release.”

“Barta’s motivation is revenge,” Roger Moore quickly offered in the way of explanation for the benefit of the Bergen police. “Our Jason, you see, played the leading role in an operation some time ago that nearly succeeded in taking Barta down.”

“Why then were Moore and Underwood operating without London’s and Langely’s sanction or support?” Asked Hagen pointedly.

“That’s a long story, and quite irrelevant now. Let it suffice to say there were organizational reasons that need not be aired here,” snapped Roger Moore. “The important questions before us now are: what have Barb and Jason learned and what’s to be the plan going forward?”

“Barb and I have, in fact, accomplished quite a lot,” responded Jase with Barb nodding in vigorous agreement. “We’ve successfully traced Barta here to Bergen and infiltrated his operation with the assistance of CIA agent, Ashley Townsend, who regrettably is now his prisoner along with Issy.”

“Fuck!” Exploded O’Shaughnessy. “That explains why Townsend had gone silent!”

“Yeah, we kinda co-opted her services,” admitted Barb. “And unfortunately, things didn’t exactly go as planned.”

“And quite possibly will have gotten her killed before this is over! Damnit, Barb! She’s a rookie! You ought to have known better than to put her in danger!”

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that Clark … but that’s water under the bridge. To continue with where things presently stand, we now know precisely where Barta is holding Issy … and Ashley Townsend too. It’s in an old unused warehouse located down in the city’s historic Hansa district. We also know that Barta operates out of a nearby nightclub, known as the Bryggen. He’s there daily, conducting business.”

“And what of this murder you two are accused of committing?” interjected Roger Moore.”

“Totally innocent. We’re not actually accused. Just hauled in for questioning. The deceased name is Felix Habik. He’s one of Barta’s goons who died trying to rape Ashley in her room at the Bergen Hostel.

“A hostel? What the fuck was Ashley doing there?” Roared O’Shaunessey.

“It’s actually a house of ill repute. We set her up there to play the role of a prostitute, with the goal of somehow getting Felix to lead us to where Issy was being held. Ashley didn’t kill him, Clark. His death was accidental. He fell and hit his head.”

“Unbelievable,” muttered O’Shaughnessy barely audibly.

“In any case,” interjected Jason quickly, “we now need a plan for going forward and I can see only one possibility … that I go into the Bryggen nightclub this very evening and willingly give myself up to Barta.”

“But there’s no guarantee, if you do, that Barta will surrender your daughter and Agent Townsend.” observed Hagen.

“He probably won’t, but he’s unaware … presumably … of the fact that we know the location of where he’s holding Issy and Townsend.”

“Okay, but … since we already know they’re in that warehouse, why not just storm it using a heavily armed police swat team? Let the professionals handle it. Eh?”

“Because, storming it from the outside would take time, and Barta could simply order his people stationed there to kill both Issy and Townsend before the police managed to break in and find them. We need to have someone there on the inside who might make a difference … and that will be me. I need to give myself up and presumably be taken to see my daughter before any police action is launched.”

“And, to cover all eventualities,” added Barb, “my role will be to station myself outside to watch over all the Bryggen Club’s exits … while Hagen and Maja Jensen, posing as a ‘couple’, keep tabs on events inside. Once everything is in place … that is, when Jason has left the nightclub and has been transferred by Barta over to the warehouse … and only then … on my signal … do we bring in the swat team and storm the place!”

Great work by both authors! The amazing thing is that we`re fifteen chapters in and Barb is yet to be captured, stripped or whipped. (Yes I know she`s been indulging her libido and displaying the flesh to Ashley and Jase.)
I’ve been showing a bit of restraint, for a change. But don’t worry. There’s ten Moore chapters to go yet.
Girl, Taken (16)

SIS HQ, South bank of the River Thames in Vauxhall, London. Office of Chief of the Secret Intelligence Service of the United Kingdom, Roger Moore, 4:10 pm, Wednesday April 3rd 2024

“Sorry to bother you again Head Agent O’Shaughnessy,” Roger Moore was being formal because he had several more junior Agents and IT specialists in the room with him as he spoke to the head and shoulders of the man in charge of the CIA Special Agents team staring down from the wall mounted video screen. “But we have just received another video and we thought we should share it with you. It’s FYEO for the time being, I’m sure you understand why given the sensitive nature of the content.”

And then, addressing his own staff, he added, “… and no one else is to see this unless I’ve cleared it.” He gestured to a technician to start the player.

The Agents and staff around the table had been called in urgently on a Sunday following Moore and O’Shaughnessy’s call with the Norwegian police a couple of hours ago, and now this new video had been received.

The first thing on the film was a crude title, typed on basic video-editing software.


The film cut to a grainy image of a figure, a naked girl.

“Ashley …” The quivering voice belongs to Clark O’Shaughnessy. But the naked girl in the starring role isn’t Agent Townsend. The men in the film are seen pressing Issy against the bars of a cage, facing inward. Inside the cage is Ashley with a bird’s eye view of what is about to happen. The screen pans to Issy’s tear-stained face, her lips gasping between whimpering sobs. Her eyes are open, wide open, but empty, as if she’s already resigned herself to her fate.

Ropes come out, rough-hewn, designed to hold and burn. Her ankles are splayed wide and tied to the bars of the cage and her body pulled to a 60-degree angle so she is stretched over the iron bars, before her body is stretched and her wrists cuffed to the ceiling. Her pussy is the exact height to be raped, vicious clamps hang from her distended nipples.


From the conference table in Moore’s office, the sound of a retch can be heard disguised thinly as a cough.

“That’s Barta doing everything in the scene,” Moore offered up for clarity.

On the screen another man holds out a ball gag to fit over Issy's mouth. Her lips quiver, but she isn't screaming. As she is tightly gagged the entire viewing audience realise that the young girl didn't fight them any step of the way.

The video lasted for thirty minutes and it showed Issy Underwood being repeatedly raped until her body was rendered lifeless, whereupon cold water was thrown over her and the watching Agent Townsend, which brought them back to life, presumably so that they could begin over again as soon as they were ready.

It was here where the video ended …


As the screen went blank, everyone in the briefing room, together with the watching Clark O’Shaughnessy, collectively exhaled.

“Sick bastards …” A voice from the table.

Roger Moore turned to face the screen and looked at his colleagues.

”Tonight Major Underwood will offer himself as bait to these monsters. CIA Agent Moore will lead a small task force who will storm the nightclub once the signal is given by the Norwegian police. They will be on the inside.”

All eyes were glued to Moore’s every word.

“We will monitor everything from here and we have mobilised a Chinook to act as a hospital chopper, and an Apache attack chopper to assist if required. Both are already on standby in Bergen. So … get to your stations and you will keep Head Agent O’Shaughnessy and I updated regularly as things develop.”

Hotel Norge, Bergenhus, 5807 Bergen, Norway, 6 pm, Sunday 7th April 2024

“Thank God, that’s over!” Sighed Barb as she threw herself down onto the hotel room bed, and kicked off her shoes. “I thought we were never going to get away from that police station.”

“Well, what did you expect, Barb? Planning for tonight’s operation, and getting everything in place deserved all the time and attention devoted to it. Right?” Retorted Jase with a grin and a rolling of the eyes.

“Yeah, I guess coordinating with the local constabulary always can be a pain. Everything in triplicate, as the saying goes. And, although it’s nice to finally have Agency support, having Clark O’Shaughnessy and Roger Moore there on speaker phone, offering advice and reservations every single step of the way, didn’t make the planning any simpler, did it?”

“No, I’d have to agree. Although I think O’Shaughnessy was far more of a nuisance than Roger Moore.”

“Clark is pissed at me, Jase, for getting his rookie sweetie, Ashley Townsend, in deep shit!”

“Yeah, I guess we probably went too far in dragging her sweet little ass into this.”

“So you fancy her ass, do you, Jase?” Snapped Barb, sitting up quickly and shooting him an accusing glance that bordered on a scowl.

“No … well … I mean … uh … come on … it’s just a saying, Barb”

“Don’t try to snow me, Jason Underwood! You didn’t think I noticed you salivating at the sight of her ass and boobs when we made her … rightshere in this very room … undress in front us … in order to change into that slutty outfit I got for her?”

“Oh, come on Barb!”

“I don’t ‘come on’ to anybody, Jason Underwood!”

“Oh, I get it! This is a game, right? You want it from me, and you want it rough!”

“Don’t think you can force yourself on me, Major Underwood! I’ll have you know that I’m a trained CIA Special Agent and can take you on and thrash you, or any other Limey SIS wimp, on any day of the week and twice on Sundays.”

“The hell you can! Strip and assume the position, slut!”

“Make me!”

At which point, she leaped out of bed and scurried off for the sanctuary of the bathroom, with Underwood in close pursuit.

Once inside she nearly managed to get the door closed and locked. But he forced his way in … maneuvered her … struggling and squealing all the way … into the shower stall … forced himself in with her … and turned on the water.

Pinning her up against the shower wall, with both of them now soaking wet, he methodically and roughly stripped her naked, first ripping away her shirt and bra before forcing her skirt down over her hips. And then, as she grabbed his hair in her clenched fists, he went down on her … furiously planting hot kisses all over her breasts … teasing her hardened, wanting, nipples with his flicking tongue … licking at her tummy … and finally … and with wild abandon … using his teeth to rip and tear away her skimpy little black thong.

And it was then, as he tore away his shirt and rose up, soaking wet pants already lowered, and took her in his arms that she sensed an opening. Slithering out of his clumsy embrace and bolting for the outer room, she headed for open space and freedom of maneuver.

But he recovered fast, and was hot on her heels despite having to hop about to shed his trousers.

And after a bit of high-spirited chasing he had her cornered at the far end of the room near the writing desk.

Assuming a rugby-like crouch, he drove his head and shoulder into her midriff, and abruptly stood up straight with her thrown over his shoulder, kicking wildly with her feet, pounding on his back with her fists, and shouting shrilly, “put me down you big dumb lummox!”

Without a word he pivoted, crossed over to the bed and flung her down onto it on her back. And before she could recover, he was kneeling over her, pinning both wrists above her head, and forcing her legs apart with his knees.

“You’re not as tough as you thought, Special Agent Moore!” He breathed in her face.

“Shut up, and do it … now! And make it hard and rough, no holding back!” She purred throatily. “Now. Jase! Now! Fuck me! Fuck me hard … Fuck my brains out! … do it, damnit! … now!”

It happened as she demanded … almost instantaneously.

She was so ready, as was he.

Mounting her, he slipped into her welcoming tunnel of warmth and wetness like a knife into butter … thrusting in both powerfully and deeply … as she responded by wrapping her legs around him and locking her ankles together in a tight embrace of the sheer power and strength of his assault.

The intensity of their immediate and volcanic shared orgasmic release was beyond words to describe, lifting them both … as one … to the most incredibly exultant heights of pleasure.

He grunted and ejaculated as she cried out shrilly, digging her fingernails into the taught muscles of his arching back.

Then, all seemed frozen in place … for a lingering moment … before he released her wrists, slid his arms beneath her back, and rolled over on his back, bringing her around to lie on top of him, still impaled by his throbbing cock … each of them now savouring the sensual aftershocks of such a powerful, all consuming, moment of coitus.

“Not … so tough … after all … are you … Special .. CIA Agent Bar … ,” He managed to say teasingly. Only to have his playful words of ridicule smothered when she launching into a long and passionate full-mouth kiss that might have gone on forever, it seemed, had it not been for him squeezing and then slapping her ass cheeks playfully but hard with both hands.

“Owww!” She cried. “You do realize, I hope, you lousy limey bastard, that it was I who orchestrated this whole blessed thing! You only think it was you who was in charge. And what do you have to say now, I ask, about fancying Agent Townsend’s sweet ass?”

“Agent Townsend who?”


Together they lay there, embraced and listening to one another breathe. There were no more words. Just thoughts,

That is until Jase’s phone went off.

He rolled over and reached for where he’d set it down on the nightstand before all this began.

“Uh oh! it’s from Barta again. Looks like another video attachment to show me the latest horrors he and his crew have visited on my poor little Issy … and on our Ashley too.”

Barb groaned.

“Wait! … oh no!” Jase suddenly muttered in obvious alarm.”

“What is it?”

“They’re instructing me to go to the club tonight.”

“Well, that’s the same plan we have too, right lover? We just need to be extra vigilant now that they have actually asked for you to go.”

“But … Barb … they said I need to bring you with me.”

Girl, Taken (17)

Bryggen Nightclub, Bryggen 45, 5003 Bergen, Norway 09:00 pm Sunday 7th April, 2024.

Bergen Politibetjent1 Maja Jensen was both thrilled and apprehensive as she entered the Bryggen Nightclub on the arm of her immediate superior, Politioverbetjent2 Jørgen Hagen.

Thrilled because here she was, less than two months after graduating from Politihøgskolen in Oslo, already acting as a principal player in a major undercover operation … one with international implications, no less.

And it was those international implications that lay behind her nervousness. The perp targeted in this operation was none other than Grzegorz Barta … an internationally wanted underworld criminal with a particularly nasty penchant for cruelty and violence.

Earlier that day she’d seen at police headquarters a sobering slice of what the evil Barta was capable of doing when videos were screened showing the horrors he’d inflicted on that poor girl, Issy Underwood. As well as to the CIA agent, Ashley Townsend, who’d suffered the misfortune of falling into Barta’s hands.

Maja knew that on this night she’d have to play her undercover role perfectly … convincingly … so that everything would go exactly as planned.

She copped a quick glance at the man at her side, as she and Hagen made their way across the nightclub’s main floor over to the bar, where they ordered drinks … he a Tuborg Green … she, thinking something stronger might calm her nerves, a glass of Brennevin.

Maja regarded Hagen as an attractive man, and thought him especially so in his disguise that night … a necessary precaution as he was someone who frequented the Bryggen from time to time. His hair had been darkened and slicked down by the woman at headquarters responsible for such things. And he’d been given a moustache too. His altered appearance reminded her of the actor, Clark Gable, in some of those old black and white Hollywood flicks she’d seen late at night on tv.

She, on the other hand, had never set foot in the place, so no disguise was necessary. Her role was to look attractive, to play the part of an attractive and amorous date. So she’d worn a trendy silver-sequined, off-one-shoulder and mid-thigh-length, ‘evening out dress’ along with silver shoes and matching handbag. That, along with snuggling up to him and gazing into his eyes adoringly, was her contribution to the evening’s subterfuge.

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In so far as Hagen was concerned, he thought she was playing her part perfectly … perhaps a bit too perfectly. He’d had trouble taking his eyes off her since she was assigned to him when she joined the Bergen force, and he didn’t mind at all seeing her attractively dressed like that, nor to have her pressing herself up against him. It was quite … stimulating. And he hoped his excitement wasn’t too obvious.

After securing their drinks they retreated to a corner booth that afforded them a good view of the nightclub’s entrance, bar, and the door to the right of the bar that led to the back rooms. And there they sat, side by side, drinking, observing, waiting.

And at 9:30 sharp, as per the plan, in walked Jason Underwood … but with Barb Moore at his side.

“Wait! That’s not right!” Whispered Maja in Hagen’s ear. “She’s supposed to have remained outside. They’re not following the plan!”

“Change of plan,” replied Hagen, laying his phone face up on the table in front of her and pointing to the screen, on which there was a text message from Underwood stating that he and Moore would be going in together. The time readout on the message was more than an hour old.

“Why didn’t you tell me if you already knew?” She whispered crossly.

“Hadn’t gotten around to it.”

“You mean you didn’t think I needed to know until now?”

He nodded and smiled.

“So what does this mean? What about the plan?”

“It means, Maja, that we … you and I … have to be extra vigilant. We alone are now the eyes and ears for this operation. Everything depends on us. Are you up for it?”

She nodded affirmatively, and cocked her head towards the door to the back rooms, through which Jason and Barb were being admitted by a rather large and swarthy-looking man.

“Do we go after them? “Breathed Maja, reaching for her handbag in which she had concealed a small handgun.

“No, stay put,” hissed Hagen, clamping his hand down tightly on her thigh to keep her seated. “Our job is to keep watch and see what develops. As long as they’re in those back rooms we know where they are.”


In the corridor leading to the back rooms, Barta’s right hand man, Jerzy, pulled a gun equipped with a silencer … and pointing it at Jason and Barb, grunted. “Third door on the right. Move!”

They complied and on entering the small shabbily furnished room found themselves confronted by Barta, flanked on either side by four of his henchmen all armed and pointing their weapons, silencers attached, at Jase and Barb.

“Well, well!” Chortled Barta. “Good of you to turn up on time, Underwood. Punctuality is always appreciated. And brought your little CIA honey with you too. Splendid! Good to see you both again! We’ll be taking you to see your daughter shortly. I can promise you she’ll be as pleased to see you as I am. As will … what’s her name … ah yes … Agent Townsend.”

“And you’ll release my Issy as promised in return for giving myself up?”

“It’s a two for one deal, Underwood. You and Moore in exchange for your daughter’s freedom.”

“And Agent Townsend?” said Barb.

“Perhaps so. You’ve caught me in a good mood. But before we take you to your daughter and Townsend, you’ll both have to strip naked right here and now. We won’t take any chances on hidden wires or weapons of any sort. Soon as you’ve undressed my men here will truss you both up and wrap you in burlap sacks before transporting you to where you’re going. Now strip! And make it fast!”

As Jase and Barb began to do as directed, Jerzy said softly, “Boss, can I have a quiet word?”

“What is it, Jerzy? You can speak up. These two aren’t going to be repeating anything to anyone by the time I’m through with them. As a matter of fact, they may never speak to anyone again.”

“Okay boss. It’s the barkeep. He’s informed me that there are a couple of undercover cops … a man and a woman … out on the Club floor, watching the place.”

“And how does the barkeep know that?”

“He says that when the man opened his wallet to pay for their drinks, he spotted a police ID inside and on clear display. And he noticed a little later that the woman got a bit agitated when Underwood and Moore turned up and disappeared back here. What do you want to do about them.”

Barta looked thoughtfully at Jase and Barb for a moment, then said to Jerzy, “go back out front and tell the barkeep to refresh their drinks, but to put something in the woman’s that’ll hasten her need to visit the WC.”

“Right, Boss!”


Shortly thereafter, out on the Club floor, the barkeep approached Hagen’s and Maja’s booth with a big friendly smile. He set another Tuborg Green and fresh glass of Brennevin on the table before them, saying, “please allow me to refresh your drinks!”

“Thanks,” responded Hagen taking his eyes off Maja’s knees and reaching for his wallet.”

“No need,” said the barkeep, raising both hands palms out. “On the house! Couldn’t help noticing that you two folks are new here. We like to encourage new customers to return. Drink up and enjoy the Bryggen!”


Back in the private rooms, Barb shot Barta a contemptuous glare as she bent forward to remove her little black thong and then … totally naked … straightened up to stare him down.

“Good! You look very lovely Agent Moore! Nice tits! Just as I remember them.” He declared, before ordering her to get down on the floor with Underwood with her arms extended behind her back so that his men could bind her wrists together.

There were no viable options. Slowly … scowling … she complied, sitting down, allowing herself to be tightly bound at the wrists and then at her ankles, gagged with a large heavy cloth, and rolled over on her side next to a similarly naked and subdued Jase.

“What now?” asked Jerzy, straightening up after completing the final touches to the trussing of the two captives, including an unnecessarily rough cavity search that exacted stifled groans and curses from both.

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“We wait! Shouldn’t be long now,” answered Barta, “you and the barkeep arranged everything, right?”


“Just a matter of time then.” He said softly. Getting up off his chair to walk over and deliver a swift punishing kick into Jason’s side. Pivoting to Barb and squatting down on his haunches, he proceeded to extinguish the butt of his cigarette at the base of her right nipple, eliciting from her a muffled scream and a show of wide-eyed terror. At which the expression on his face, registering extreme sadistic delight.


And, as prophesied, the wait was not a long one. For out on the floor, Maja was on her feet and hastily excusing herself. Saying to Hagen that she needed to visit the ladies, and to hold the fort ‘til she got back. Remembering to play her role, she leaned over and kissed him on the mouth.

Amused by that, he wondered how much of that kiss was acting or something else, imagining what it might possibly portend. And he thought little of her absence until a quarter of an hour had passed and she hadn’t returned.

Hagen frowned, checked his watch again, stood up and strolled over in the direction of the sign over a door to the left of the bar that read ‘Toaletter’.

Pushing through, he found himself staring at the door to the cubicle marked ‘Dametoalett’. The door had been left ajar and there was no one inside. But lying on the floor was a single silver heeled shoe!

“Skit!” He growled under his breath.

At precisely that moment in one of the establishment’s back rooms, Maja was being ordered … with a gun pressed to her head … to strip naked.

And as, with a nervous tremble, she slowly began to remove her silver sequined dress, Jerzy was busy emptying onto a nearby tabletop the contents of her little silver purse, amongst which were a small handgun and a police ID issued to ‘Politibetjent1 Maja Jensen’.

“Police bitch, eh? Snapped Barta, holding the ID up to the light before leaning menacingly into the frightened girl’s face and snarling to his crew. “Strip search her and bundle her off to the warehouse along with Underwood and Moore, and let’s be quick about it! Things here are definitely heating up. We’ll need to be ready for anything. And should we need it, later tonight, our saving grace may well be that we have more than enough bargaining chips on hand.”

“You want a cavity search done on her too, boss?”

“Oh God, no!” Gasped Maja, tears welling in her eyes as Jerzy ripped away her panties with a flourish, and she staggered backwards into the arms of another of Barta’s thugs.

“Of course,” grinned Barta. “And don’t be gentle!”

Back Rooms at the Bryggen Nightclub, Bryggen 45, 5003 Bergen, Norway 09:30 pm Sunday 7th April, 2024.

Issy and Ashley no longer asked questions. So, when they were uncaged and bundled into a different room, still naked, still captive, they thought nothing at all. Although this remained unspoken between them, both girls had long since given up on the idea of being rescued.

“Chain the bitches, hands to the ceiling,” … of course there were ceiling hooks everywhere in a warehouse, disused or not, “… they need to be able to see their surprise.

The word ‘surprise’ caused the two girls to glance at one another. Then, as the door opened, Agent Townsend’s mouth dropped open, while Issy’s eyes widened.

“Dad!” – “Major underwood!” – two nouns that came simultaneously by different mouths.

Jason glanced at his naked daughter, years of experience teaching him not to respond, and to remain quiet.

Barb and Jase were moved to stand opposite the two naked enslaved girls, and that was when the blankets were removed rendering Barb and Issy’s dad, also now entirely naked. The young girl looked away, only to have her hair pulled and her head twisted.

“Look at you father, look the cock from where you came.” Barta was enjoying himself now.

“Sick bastard … oooooof!” Ashley’s comment was cut short with a punch to the stomach that caused her knees to swing upwards and a loud groaning exhale to be emitted from her gut.

Barta moved to Barb, and he grinned at her face as she looked him back, directly in the eye.

"Don't look so proud anymore, now huh, cunt? We're going to have so much fun together, Agent Moore. Aren't you excited, cunt?"

Agent Moore did not answer, because the question was rhetorical.

“You should move that pretty mouth of yours, cunt, keep it supple, because the boys will want to fuck it. And you’ll do a good job, right? Show these other two bitches how an older woman sucks cock, right?” Barta was amused by his own words.

Barb remained silent.



A leather belt landed hard on the Barb’s ass.

"I asked you a question, cunt!"

Still Barb held stoically defiant, causing Barta to chuckle. Then, as his amused expression quickly disappeared, he moved to Issy, gripped her hair to pull her head back and stretch her neck.

“No!” Jason yelled, and the boss stopped as the blade pressed hard into the young girl’s neck.

“What would you do to stop me from slitting her throat Major Underwood?”

Jason glared back at the Grzegorz Barta and took a deep breath, before saying quietly, “Anything.”

Barta nodded and then turned to Barb. “And what about you Agent Moore?”

Barb paused as her hatred for this man boiled and bubbled inside her. Finally, and in a barely discernible tone, she too said, “Same.”

“Oh good. So, Agent Moore move your naked ass behind this little bitch’s father, reach around and stroke his cock. If you make him cum then I’ll spare his daughter’s life.”

Barb Moore had seen most things in pursuit of her career, the good, bad, ugly and downright sickening but this request almost made her vomit. Yet when she noticed the knife blade press into Issy’s soft neck just a little bit harder, and tear roll slowly down her cheek, she knew that she had no option.

“Sorry Jase,” Barb whispered into her lover’s ear, knowing what she was about to do.

“Just do it Barb,” Jason responded equally as quietly.

And so, she did. With Issy’s gaze being forcefully directed towards the shocking scene, she was forced to watch Barb take her father’s cock in one hand and his ball sac in the other. Then, with her breasts pushed hard into Jason’s back, Barb began to masturbate the cock, watching it grow rapidly in her hands.

Jason’s eyes were closed.

“Open your eyes Major, or else I slit your little whore’s throat.”

So he did and her looked directly at Barta, avoiding his daughter’s eyes while Barb jerked and wanked him until his stomach convulsed, his knees gave way and he came hard, his thick, white seed arcing high into the air.

Barta applauded as his men laughed at the scene. Jason was on his knees and Barb stood … just looking.

“Bring the little Underwood bitch here and put her on her knees next to Agent Moore. Now we’ll see what sort of a man Jason Underwood really is.”

Issy was unchained and placed on her knees next to a similarly prostrated Barb.

Barta took a handgun and held it to the back of Issy’s head.

“NOOOOO! Please no,” Jason begged and Jerzy did the same to Barb.

There was a pause while Jase stood up once more, his long flaccid cock hanging, dripping with cum, between his thighs.

“Now Major Underwood, you have to choose who dies with you. Will it be Issy your loving daughter, or Agent Moore who you choose to die?”

Another pause, while Jason shook his head disbelievingly.

“You have ten seconds to decide Major, or else all four of you will be shot.”

In Dave’s absence twonines has taken up the slack
Posting fine and pithy limericks back to back
The action has quickened
The plotting has thickened

For our heroines and heroes things do look black
When I was off, Dave took up the slack,
He certainly has the knack.
Now Barb has been caught
And her future is fraught,
The least I can do is pay him back.
Girl, Taken (18)

Back Rooms at the Bryggen Nightclub, Bryggen 45, 5003 Bergen, Norway 9:55 pm Sunday 7th April, 2024.

The young female Norwegian Politibetjent1 was born Maja Agnetha Jensen on 23rd February 2003. Her father, Bjorn Jensen was a wealthy lawyer in Oslo and the young Maja was destined to follow in his footsteps, or at least inside her father’s head she was. But Maja was way too headstrong to be a lawyer. Excelling both academically and physically at Fagerborg videregående skole, she could have chosen to be pretty much anything she wanted. Much to her father’s disappointment what she wanted was to join the Norwegian Police Service.

Three years at the Politihøgskolen in Oslo, she graduated in March of 2024, just weeks after her 21st birthday, and was delighted to be immediately assigned as a detective to the Hordaland Politiet Central District in Bergen, the biggest Politi District outside Oslo. At the Police University College, they were comprehensively trained in everything that they might need in the field. Weapons, hand to hand combat, negotiation skills … but as she stood naked, panties ripped away and in the arms of one of Barta’s thugs, she had not been trained for this, and the young police woman was absolutely terrified!

Maja had never really had time for boyfriends, and although a drunken night just six or seven months ago as her Politihøgskolen time neared its conclusion, had made sure that she did not graduate as a virgin, that fumble in her dorm room had been her only sexual experience to date. She feared that was about to change.

“Pl … please,” she whimpered feeling her bladder fill rapidly. No boy, or man, had ever seen her naked before, not since she was a baby, not even during that sexual rummage in the dark, and her desperate pleading, fraught with fear, clearly excited the men now ogling her nudity.

A disused warehouse, East Side, Vågen, Bryggen, Bergen, Norway, 10:20 pm Sunday 7th April 2024

Maja Jensen wearing nothing but a burlap sack over her head and a blanket that barely covered anything else, was pushed into a stumble, her hands now tied behind her slender back. Her thighs were sore from the urine that she had spilled from her body when those men opened up not just her pussy but her secret, tight little hole too. She had never felt so humiliated or violated, and never, ever felt fear like the feelings she endured right now.

The walk from one place to the next was via the open air, and the young Politibetjent1 felt the cobbles of Bryggen’s dockside roads upon the soles of her bare feet, and the cool night air on her body.

Would she be raped? Or even killed? As she whimpered under the sackcloth, tears streamed down her face.

It was a mere few minutes before Maja was pushed into, then through, a hard door and suddenly the air changed and she could hear whimpered sounds.

As the bag was taken off her head the scene before her was terrible, traumatic in the extreme as she heard an accented voice say "Make your choice Major Underwood ..."

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Barbaria and Fossy should talk
telling something twice sounds baulk
giving Jason ten seconds is a snag
telling it twice is a drag
and your readers away will walk
From this, we`ve learned nothing new,
It`s retold from Barb`s point of view.
With her flesh displayed,
Maja`s so afraid
And we still don`t know what Jase will do.
Firstly, I`d just like to say
It`s not criticism. No way!
There`s oft a slip
`twixt cup and lip,
And plans gang aft aglay.

Keep up the good work, both of you.
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Barbaria and Fossy should talk
telling something twice sounds baulk
giving Jason ten seconds is a snag
telling it twice is a drag
and your readers away will walk
This comment was not meant as a diss
Usually reading your story is a bliss
obviously this was a one-time glitch
so on from now without a hitch
for your efforts you both deserve a kiss
Girl, Taken (19)

Main dance floor and bar at the Bryggen Nightclub, Bryggen 45, 5003 Bergen, Norway 10:35 pm Sunday 7th April, 2024.

Bergen Politibetjent2 Jorgen Hagen had returned to the booth that he and Maja had occupied up until she’d excused herself to visit the wc. Hunched over the table, he stared at the silver shoe with the broken heel that he’d found and retrieved, minutes earlier, inside the lady’s wc after having gone to check on Maja when she hadn’t returned.

What had happened was obvious. The plan had been compromised. Barta had both Underwood and Moore … but had also managed to abduct Mya as well! Everything they’d planned so carefully was falling apart.

Feeling both remorseful and despondent, he returned to drinking the Tuborg Green the barkeep had brought to their table. Hagen knew he needed to concentrate, somehow pick up the pieces, but the wave of guilt and depression that seemed to be swallowing him up at that moment interfered with any attempt at rational thought.

The guilt stemmed from the fact that he had taken young Maja with him on this operation. It hadn’t been because she was particularly ready to step into such a dangerous situation, it had been because he’d wanted to be with her, to see what she looked like out of uniform, to have her close and hanging all over him as her undercover assignment role demanded. He’d wanted that close physical contact. He’d wanted her! And that had clouded his judgement.

The depression he was experiencing came with the realization that the operation was now compromised. No, worse than that, totally blown. Bartas was fully in command of events, in possession of not three but five hostages, perhaps doing God knows what to poor Maja, not to mention the other four.

Hagen knew he had to take action … had to shake it off, get out on the street, locate the swat team and attempt a rescue before it was too late.

He reached for his beer, thinking he’d finish it before slipping quietly out of the nightclub.

But almost immediately after draining what remained of his beer, his head began to swim, his surroundings started to spin.

He slumped forward, vaguely realizing that he’d been drugged … that the barkeep must have slipped something into his Tuborg Green … he wanted to fight it, but the need to close his eyes and rest was stronger. And then all went black.


By the time Hagen came around, hours had passed. Rousing himself, he fumbled for his phone. The time displayed on the screen was well after midnight … nearly one in the morning.

Collecting his disjointed thoughts, he realized the urgent need to leave the Bryggen nightclub, collect his team, and rush to Maja’s rescue!

He tried to stand, but his legs were like rubber. He sat down again to gather both strength and resolve. Then, after another quarter of an hour, he tried again. This time things went better. He was still a bit unsteady but mobile.

He crossed the floor, noted how the barkeep was tracking him, and thinking he’d be back someday soon to deal with that bastard.

And on reaching the door to the street, pushed through and stepped into the cool night air.

After pausing briefly to get his bearings, he proceeded as quickly as his legs could carry him to the agreed rendezvous point with the swat team.

Only to find the team was not there.

Of course they’re gone, he told himself, recalling that the plan had been for them to remain there in readiness until midnight. If they hadn’t heard from him by then, they were to conclude that they weren’t needed. They’d undoubtedly returned to the station.

The question was, what to do. He could phone the station and call them back, but they’d likely have dispersed … many may have even gone home. Reconstituting the squad and bringing them back was doable, but would take some time.

The other option was to take matters into his own hands and break into the warehouse without any backup.

He wasn’t sure which course to take.

A disused warehouse, East Side, Vågen, Bryggen, Bergen, Norway, 10:45 am, Sunday 7th April 2024

Jase looked at Barta. Right at that moment he had never hated anyone as much as he hated this monster. Barb swallowed hard. This was it. There really was no way out. Politibetjent2 Hagen had only managed to make matters worse. Somehow Barta had captured the young police girl. What may have happened to Hagen back at the nightclub was unknown. Whether there was any chance left of help arriving from the outside seemed doubtful.

There was no way Jason would choose Issy and Barb didn’t want him to. She didn’t want to die either, but there was no way she could live with Issy’s murder on her conscience. Issy was his daughter, of course he would choose her to live. A solitary tear welled in the CIA Agent’s eye.

The entire room was silent as Jase looked from Barta to each of his thugs in turn and then finally at the sobbing Issy alongside the petrified but stoic Agent Moore.

Barb caught her lover’s eye and nodded. He looked distraught, but he slowly nodded back. An unspoken understanding, an agreement telling him that it was okay to make the only choice he could make.

Jason wanted to vomit.

“Agent … Moore.” He spoke so quietly that his words were barely discernible.

19 - %22Agent ... Moore%22 he said quietly.jpeg

“Louder Major Underwood. Tell us all again who you choose to be shot in the head.”

A pause, then … “Agent Moore.” This time his words were clear and Barb closed her eyes to wait the shot and the eternal blackness that would follow.

“You’re gonna kill a trained CIA Agent?” The strong, loud voice was Politibetjent1 Maja Jenson. “Have you not thought how enjoyable and valuable to you she might be kept alive?”

Barta, about to give the order to have Barb shot, paused and looked across at the young police officer.

He smiled. “You are very observant young lady.” His tone was filled with sarcasm.

“You know she’s trained in every sexual act imaginable, right?”

“Huh,” this was not what Barta had been expecting to hear.

“You run a prostitution network right? Imagine how much more suffering she will endure if you put her to work, not to mention the money she will make you given the ‘skills’ she has. You do run such a network, right Mister Barta?”

Barta looked at Maja with an indefinable expression bordering on suspicion, but also suggesting interest.

“You are either stupid or smart,” he growled at Maja, “… and I’m not sure which it is.”

“Look this guy has made the worst decision in his life already,” Maja was allowed to continue, “… and he has already experienced the pain of doing that. So, what else do you gain now by just shooting the woman?”

“Hmmmmm,” Barta’s interest was indeed being piqued.

“Let her show you here and now, how good she is at fucking and if it means saving her life, then I’m sure she’ll show you her full repertoire.”

Barta grinned. “Okay, but we can save the older woman for later. I want to see the young girl performing. Get on your knees.”

Fuck! Maja had been fearing this as she got slowly to her knees. The movement of her body made the necklace around her neck wiggle around. It was the only thing they hadn’t taken from her.

Barb and Issy both exhaled with relief as the guns were lowered.

Looking up at Barta, his erection already bulging, the naked Maja Jenson, her hands tied behind her, took a deep breath and spoke clearly and loudly, “Mister Barta, look at me. I’m dripping wet just kneeling here in front of you and everyone … I feel like I’m in some kind of purple haze … over the power you wield here, Mister Barta … the power to determine whether the people you have under your control live or die … is scary … but also really turns me on. I’m soaking, and my body’s open, just kneeling here before you and your crew and all my friends!”

The whole room was now watching her ‘performance’. Barb and Jase knew that she was somehow saving the day here, but they could just not quite figure out how.

“You’ll do it here in front of everyone, and if I feel your teeth one little bit as you suck my cock, you will be the one shot in the head.” Barta growled his reply.

Bergen sentrum politistasjon, Allehelgens gate 6, 5016 Bergen, Norway, 4 am Sunday 7th April 2024

Earlier the evening begore …

“Maja, you need backup comms in case we ever get separated. I have a small comms transmitter in my watch and so you …”

Jørgen Hagen was trying to protect his young colleague as much as he could. Despite looking forward very much to seeing her out of uniform this evening, he still had to acknowledge the danger inherent to their mission. And so, he continued …

“This necklace is a voice activated radio transmitter and if you find yourself in danger Maja, you say the words. That will open a live line to me and back to me and also the swat team, signalling the need to take immediate action.”

“Okay, what words?” The young Politibetjent1’s question was valid.

“Words that you choose Maja.”

She smiled. “Anything?”

“Anything,” Hagen replied.

“Purple Haze.”

They both smiled at one another. “You’re a fan too huh?” He said.

“Of Jimi Hendrix, you mean.”

And they both laughed.

Maja Jenson could have had no idea at that point how important those two words would become.

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