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Shall I Pardon One Of The Girls?

Shall I pardon one of the girls or crucify two girls on the same cross?

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you are a real bitch,........................................... bitch
true, but then I'm the impudent little brat too :devil:
The poll was orignially 100% no mercy, probably because the regulars voted first. :devil: But now we have people coming out of the woodwork who want to see one of the women spared. I would like to know why they felt that one of these women had earned their mercy.
The poll was orignially 100% no mercy, probably because the regulars voted first. :devil: But now we have people coming out of the woodwork who want to see one of the women spared. I would like to know why they felt that one of these women had earned their mercy.

The regulars..speaking for the women here...have been dragged off to Admi's court so many times now that the concept of anyone being spared simple doesn't enter our heads. As for the newbies, well.....they will learn in good time.;)
The regulars..speaking for the women here...have been dragged off to Admi's court so many times now that the concept of anyone being spared simple doesn't enter our heads. As for the newbies, well.....they will learn in good time.;)
perhaps in this way

more to see 10-5 (1).jpg
Wildlifer? Maybe, but mostly sadistic... Two girls nailed to the same cross, facing each other, watching the same agony in the eyes of the mate, breathing her own breath...
I wholeheartedly agree. Facing each other is the way to go so they can watch each other suffer. Back-to-back they're on opposite sides of the upright and have no physical contact. (But I can hear one shouting at the other: "Hey, bitch, quit rocking the cross!")

Now, a big choice: are they face to face with the upright between them, or face to face on one side of the cross? (I imagine the two who are lovers will share the cross.)

If the upright is between them then they have to look around the upright to see each other. Minimal physical contact is possible and their soft lady parts are crushed against the rough wood.

I favor both on one side. I bit of a challenge to pull off but there's full body contact with all that can lead to.

Here's how to do it:

Place the cross on the ground. Select the taller of the two girls, lay her down on the cross in the usual manner, spread her arms and tie her wrists to the crossbeam.

Next, bend her knees and nail her feet flat to the upright. Place the other girl on top of the girl tied/nailed to the cross. Face them boob to boob. The ass of the girl on top should rest against the tops of the thighs of the girl on the bottom, bringing their pubes together. (I know, it's beginning to look like a game of Twister, but with nails!)

Now, extend the arms of the top girl and position her wrists over those of the bottom girl. Maybe they could entwine their fingers in anticipation of the pain to come. Start on one side and drive a nail through the top of the wrist of the girl on top, through the wrist of the girl on the bottom, and then into the wood of the crossbeam. Repeat on other side.

Now, raise the cross up. The girls are face to face with full, sweaty, body contact. Nail the feet of the girl on top around the back of the upright. The shorter of the girls is face to face with the other and sort of sitting in her lap (the bottom girl's thighs are bent almost horizontal). The legs of the girl on top wrap around the waist of the girl on the bottom.

Well, by now most of you have given up reading this and are entertaining your own image of how the two girls will hang on one cross. But if we want them face to face with body contact I think this is the way to go. They'll spend hours with lips locked, rubbing nubbins, and grinding hips.
I wholeheartedly agree. Facing each other is the way to go so they can watch each other suffer. Back-to-back they're on opposite sides of the upright and have no physical contact. (But I can hear one shouting at the other: "Hey, bitch, quit rocking the cross!")

Now, a big choice: are they face to face with the upright between them, or face to face on one side of the cross? (I imagine the two who are lovers will share the cross.)

If the upright is between them then they have to look around the upright to see each other. Minimal physical contact is possible and their soft lady parts are crushed against the rough wood.

I favor both on one side. I bit of a challenge to pull off but there's full body contact with all that can lead to.

Here's how to do it:

Place the cross on the ground. Select the taller of the two girls, lay her down on the cross in the usual manner, spread her arms and tie her wrists to the crossbeam.

Next, bend her knees and nail her feet flat to the upright. Place the other girl on top of the girl tied/nailed to the cross. Face them boob to boob. The ass of the girl on top should rest against the tops of the thighs of the girl on the bottom, bringing their pubes together. (I know, it's beginning to look like a game of Twister, but with nails!)

Now, extend the arms of the top girl and position her wrists over those of the bottom girl. Maybe they could entwine their fingers in anticipation of the pain to come. Start on one side and drive a nail through the top of the wrist of the girl on top, through the wrist of the girl on the bottom, and then into the wood of the crossbeam. Repeat on other side.

Now, raise the cross up. The girls are face to face with full, sweaty, body contact. Nail the feet of the girl on top around the back of the upright. The shorter of the girls is face to face with the other and sort of sitting in her lap (the bottom girl's thighs are bent almost horizontal). The legs of the girl on top wrap around the waist of the girl on the bottom.

Well, by now most of you have given up reading this and are entertaining your own image of how the two girls will hang on one cross. But if we want them face to face with body contact I think this is the way to go. They'll spend hours with lips locked, rubbing nubbins, and grinding hips.

Very inventive:rolleyes:
Did a back-to-back poem once, but this is interesting the way you describe it has so much to work with.
The face to face with full body contact adds so much erotic tension to the scene. I've always found the image of naked women in close embrace very seductive. Having them essentially nailed together on a cross blows my mind completely. I can't wait to read what you'll write.
The face to face with full body contact adds so much erotic tension to the scene. I've always found the image of naked women in close embrace very seductive. Having them essentially nailed together on a cross blows my mind completely. I can't wait to read what you'll write.
Tree will check with the union about this...


...shut up, Ulrika, there is nothing in the contract that covers this...
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