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Short stories about whipping play together

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Body modification lover

From ancient chronicles:

"In the same year, the governor of the province ordered a certain prostitute, known for her beauty, to be publicly flogged until she bled. Then he banished her from the city. However, as soon as she left the city areas, his men grabbed her and secretly took her to the palace. He made her his mistress and they did not leave her until the end of his life. After his death - because he was an old man - she lived in prosperity because he generously provided for her. The servants said that he used to stroke her scars on her back, saying that her beauty lacked only this detail. But can you trust the words of servants nowadays?"


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Story from society


- I wonder if you could tie me here in the garden with my arms above my head to an apple tree... and flog me with roses on bare back?
- This seems quite macabre to me...
- Well, maybe a little... but you don't have to hit it as hard as you can or a hundred times. You can stop at any time... and I would like to try something so... poetic...
- Honey... which poet came up with a similar idea?
- Honey... I'm in a very poetic mood today...


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The curse of educators

"From ancient chronicles:

A strange event was recorded in the court books of the city of Unterburg: a widow came before the court with a very strange request: since childhood, she had been threatened with a pillory at every opportunity, foretelling that she would end up with him. Out of fear, she led a very moral and quiet life, but she was haunted by bad luck: her two marriages turned out to be unsuccessful, and the death of their husbands was both scandalous and unfortunate. Her children died early, and she was barely successful in financial matters, and only her extraordinary diligence saved her from ruin.
The judges knew her and knew how true her words were, but her next words surprised them greatly:
Supposedly, a gypsy fortune teller told her: she would be haunted by misfortune until she freed herself from the curse.
Unable to remember any curse or enemy that would persecute her with witchcraft, she came to the conclusion that these threats of the pillory, repeated from childhood to the present, were the curse that brought her unfortunate fate. Therefore, with great humility, she asked the councilors to have her whipped in the pillory to fulfill and finish the curse.
The request seemed strange and was initially refused. However, this double widow burst into tears and begged for the curse to be fulfilled without any major harm to her or the possible victims that every evil act entails, even those that are not entirely culpable.
Ultimately, the astonished judges and councilors responded kindly to her request, although the idea of being pilloried for nothing went against their conscience.
They gave in and out of kindness one of them even suggested branding her with a red iron, which the petitioner did not take advantage of.
An appropriate sentence was issued to her, describing her request and case under seals, and then it was executed in the city square in accordance with all customs. Immediately afterwards, the woman left the city - she went to Hamburg, where she opened a brothel for sailors and ran it successfully until old age, happy with the positive change in fate."


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Stories from the past

"From the diaries of a sentimental traveler:

Returning home, I wanted to visit the grave of the famous poet (XXX) in the village Des Vieux Fous-au-Bord-de-l'Eau.
I shed a tear over His grave and while returning to the inn I saw a crying woman at the door of the church next to the local monastery. The thing seemed unusual, because the woman had visible traces of flogging. She didn't seem like a punished thief, which piqued my curiosity even more. Thinking she was looking for help from monks, I asked her what happened. She replied that they wouldn't let her in. I didn't fully understand, because it is normal and proper that women are not allowed into a men's monastery. However, even if she was a thief, I considered closing the gates before a gesture of mercy to be an unchristian act as for pious monks. However, she explained to me that in this monastery there are monks who perform penance by praying and nude flogging each other in the chapel, which the whole neighborhood knows about. Still not understanding
what does one thing have to do with the other? and what it had to do with her crying and the marks of flogging visible on her arms? I asked for further explanation. It seemed impossible to me that the monks could beat such a gentle and kind woman.
She replied that she flogged herself because she liked it and she always wanted to be flogged by a handsome monk in front of the altar. Here she burst into tears again and added that these pervert monks play their games only among men and they skimp on joy for a decent woman."


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Stories from the past

From the life of the ancient parish

"From the diary of an anecdote collector:

(...) In that village I met a very kind parish priest who was happy with every visit and turned out to be an excellent storyteller and a very nice companion for trips. I advised him to write down his memories, but he said that it would be too easy to get to know the people concerned. He also obliged me to protect the identity of the characters in the anecdotes if I wanted to use his memories. I gladly swore this to him, as it seemed a small price to pay in exchange for his stories.
And then he told me a situation in which he participated when he was still a young vicar.
At that time, a very pious woman from the countryside came to him for confession every day, but she clearly limited herself to saying the usual formulas without confessing any sins. She left very quickly, as if she had something in her heart and conscience that she did not dare to reveal. Finally, he managed to convince her that she could hide something from her confessor, but not from her own conscience and God, who hears and sees everything. Under the influence of such an argument, she confessed that she greatly envies the experiences of uncivil youth whom the parish priest flogging converts to the path of virtue... From her youth, she herself had led a life too honest and hard-working to encounter something similar - but in her old age, she was tormented by the anxiety that an important experience she missed out... At the same time, however, she would not want to stray from the honest path just to satisfy her curiosity, because she does not consider sin as such to be particularly desirable. She would like to taste punishment without burdening her conscience with the crime. After explaining all this, she asked for a flogging... My friend recalls that later no one approached him with such a strange matter... And then he, the young priest, couldn't comprehend the matter. He asked her permission to consult the parish priest, an old and experienced man. After much deliberation, they came to the conclusion that it would be a somewhat cruel act to refuse such a humble request. Moreover, disappointment could provoke this woman to put her conscience aside and earnestly deserve punishment... Therefore, it is better to fulfill her request and not provoke her to leave the honest path at the end of her life.
Having considered this, the parish priest invited her into the yard and flogged her mercifully without holding back, which gave both of them a lot of satisfaction."


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From the chronicles of the city of Narrenstadt:

"(...) Upon learning that as many as 400 distinguished guests had arrived, the Eminent Lord pardoned the death penalty for all convicted criminals. It is fortunate that this amnesty covered only one woman-murderer because, expecting an amnesty, the others were prudently hanged a week earlier. She was immediately happy, hearing that she would not be beheaded, then was terribly surprised when she was informed that her punishment had been changed to flogging in honor of the distinguished guests present... so that they could see local justice in action. She was not at all comforted by the fact that she would have a very distinguished audience. She was to receive one lash in honor of each of them separately. Already after the imposition of 1/4 of the punishment, she begged to be beheaded or hanged rather than be shown such mercy - however, justice was unmoved and the mercy of 400 lashes instead of beheading was shown to her until the end."


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