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short stories by soumise

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So this is me trying to write a story in English. Please be patient i hope to improve it by practice. But if i make to many mistakes then maybe i should be punished. (i did not cheat by using Google translate)

Crucifying slave girls is very boring for the Emperor
Chaptre 1

The emperor was bored. The chorus of cries coming from the crucified women irritated him very much. Three days ago, when the work of crucifying all the slaves of Rufus Varrus had began, the emperor took a great interest in the work, and his cock was very hard. But by now he had lost interest. The whole thing was extremely repetitive. And his cock was very soft.

All the men and the labouring women of the fields had been crucified outside the city walls. But these slavegirls today were the most beautiful women of Varrus. They were saved until the last to be crucified, in the arena, because of their great beauty. These was the slaves who serves in his house, sleeping in his bed for giving him sexual pleasure, and those who dressed his wife Clodia, and made her face up and her hairstyles.

But because Varrus was murdered by one of his slaves, a man who laboured in the fields, then his whole stock of slaves was crucified by necessity, to warn other slaves to not murder their masters. It was the law of the empire.

Accompanied by the chorus of cries, the Emperor heard the sound of weeping and the soft moans of the women who trembled and waited their turn, with their patibles tied across their arms and shoulders and their sharp nails hanging from their necks. Their beautiful bodies were covered with red whiplashes. But they did not bleed, as the Imperial Carnifex feared that bleeding would make their suffering on the cross shorter.

The Emperor looked at the pretty girls. Old Varrus had certainly very good quality tastes. He had travelled over the entire empire, along the Nile and Ganges, Tigris and Euphrates, Seine and Rhin rivers, visiting the most exotic markets, for to bargain over the most attractive women.

But the taste of Varrus was not the taste of all Romans. Obviously, Varrus liked big, full breasts, as well as meaty and curvy buttocks and hips. The girls also had very smooth bellies and thin wastes.

The chief executioner approached him and bowed before his throne:

"You're Imperial Majesty, would you like to choose one of the girls waiting their turn to be executed, to please you while you watch the spectacle?"

The Emperor looked at the sexy women. Three of them with their fresh whiplashes were ready to be called to their posts to be nailed. They looked at the floor avoiding his eyes. The first was a dark-skinned girl from the south with a pile of curly black hair and huge breasts like two juicy watermelons. The second, from the north lands, had pale skin, blue eyes like the sky and blond hair like the sun. The third, from Gallia, had wavy red hair and emerald green eyes. She too had breasts full like pointy grapefruits.

The Emperor pointed to the second girl, from the forests of Germania. The chief executioner raised her head by placing the handle of his whip under her chin. The Emperor looked into her big blue eyes. She smiled nervously showing good white teeth and pushed out her breasts in an attempt to make herself more attractive. The Emperor watched her nice lips imagining himself kissing her mouth, and then she going down on him and sucking on his cock. And his limp cock began to throb and to twitch under his toga.
Last edited by a moderator:
Should be “raised her head”. Otherwise your few tiny mistakes have not affected the meaning. Congratulations, a very good opening chapter! :D
There, now I've gone through the whole piece and made only three corrections, including that one. If you spot anything else - blame me! :)

But it was a pleasure to read, Soumise, it really was! :clapping:
Chapter 2

Juan took the spliff out of his mouth and planted it between the sexy lips of Solange who was sitting on his lap. Juan stared at the computer screen. Solange felt worried and uneasy. She drew on the spliff and tried to hold the smoke without coughing. She and Juan had been indulging in each other's bodies for hours. Solange had cummed four times screaming in passionate pleasure under the influence of the hashish when Juan fucked her against the wall of her bedroom.

But in the middle of her fourth orgasm she had remembered that she had classical studies homework to hand in by tomorrow. In a complete panic she had opened it and read this question:

'How did the use of crucifixion as a punishment serve as a tool for controlling the enslaved population in Ancient Rome? Evaluate its effectiveness and the message it conveyed to both slaves and free citizens.'

This made her panic even more. Her drugged mind was just a misty blank space. And she had set out to answer this question as well as she could considering that her brain was smashed on strong cannabis and she had made no attention in the classical studies classes.

The sweat had not yet dried from her plump breasts as she had typed her homework. Juan’s cum was still wet on her face. The sexy pearls were shining in the gray light of the computer screen.

She had typed the first idea that came into her head about slavery and crucifixion in ancient Rome. The subject had made her very horny in the classical studies class. The spliff was drawing to the limit and the smoke was hot. It had a bitter taste like lemons, but it was very strong. Her stomach felt warm and suddenly she felt very happy as her cunt was once more filled with sexual excitement. Juan would always manage to get hold of the strongest amnesia sensi. It was her favourite hashish the best available in England. Her heart was pumping fast and waves of pleasure were going up and down her naked body.

Juan was still staring at the screen and had a serious look on his face as he was reading her work. And then she felt increasingly very worried. She knew that the school would punish her mercilessly if her homework was not of a high standard. But under the influence of the hashish that also excited her sexually. Deep down she had always been a pain slut.

Juan read the first sentences out loud:

'The emperor was bored. The chorus of cries coming from the crucified women irritated him very much. Three days ago, when the work of crucifying all the slaves of Rufus Varrus had begun, the emperor took a great interest in the work, and his cock was very hard. But by now he had lost interest. The whole thing was extremely repetitive. And his cock was very soft.'

By now Solange could feel Juan's cock getting hard once again under her naked buttock.

Juan started giggling. He scrolled up and read the homework question at the top of the document. He read the rest of the document and his giggling turned into a hearty laughter.

Solange hit her small fists against his naked and muscular chest. 'No!' she screamed, 'don't laugh! This is serious!' She tried to frown at him. But she was halfway between giggling and crying. 'I wrote it in five minutes. It is all I could think to write. Please help me Juan! It has to be in before midnight!'

'That’s in four minutes!' said Juan. 'I’m sorry. I can’t help you!' He took the spliff from her and drew heavily on it. 'Isn't an essay needed? Not a short story. And this is a very short story, I would say. But you are obviously very horny Let's fuck again.'

It was true. Every time she was stoned on hashish it made her very horny and she liked to write erotic bdsm stories. It helped her to relax and escape from the horror of her life in England. But an erotic bdsm snuff story was not what was required for classical studies homework.

'I can't write an essay', Solange said weeping. 'I didn't make any attention in the Classical Studies lessons. Juan! It’s over!'

'But what will they do to you?'

'I think that they are going to execute me in a live show for the public. They can do that now to earn money for the school. What if they crucify me. Help Juan I am so scared!'

'Ah yes I have heard about that! The English government is getting very tough with the European girls who do not work hard enough in school because they are wasting government money. But I don't think they will execute you. You are too pretty.'

Juan read the last paragraph doing his best to not laugh again:

'The Emperor pointed to the second girl, from the forests of Germania. The chief executioner raised her head by placing the handle of his whip under her chin. The Emperor looked into her big blue eyes. She smiled nervously showing good white teeth and pushed out her breasts in an attempt to make herself more attractive. The Emperor watched her nice lips imagining himself kissing her mouth, and then she going down on him and sucking on his cock. And his limp cock began to throb and to twitch under his toga.'

But he could nnot stop himself laughing. He grabbed Solange’s tits. His cock was very hard and poking against her fat pussy lips. They kissed passionately until they were very breathless.

'Why don’t we just fuck again?' he asked to her.

'No seriously! I must finish my homework Juan or I am in big and serious trouble! It is life or death matter for me and I have only one minute left before it is too late! It is not a joke. The other French girls were saying that the government is giving permission to schools to do crucifixion shows in the school fields and charge a lot of money to the public and the TV people. It's true Juan! You must believe me!'

‘Therefore you must squeeze a send!' he said. 'It is better than not giving anything in.'

Solange’s finger trembled as she clicked on send.

She broke down and cried in big sobs.

'Oh Juan what have I done? What will they do to me?'

'It’s okay Solange my sweetheart. You have smoked too much hash and you are very stoned and it is making you paranoid. In the morning everything will be looking different. It often happens to me when I have smoked too much. Let’s go to bed to kiss and cuddle and make love again. Everything will be alright in the moring. But you must dress sexy tomorrow. You will have to suck the teacher’s cock. And let him fuck you over his desk. You should be ok then.'

She giggled and then she felt very angry at him because he was making a joke of the danger she was in. She tried to hit his face but he caught her wrist and twisted her arm painfully behind her back.

‘Juan you are hurting me!’ she squealed. ‘I’m sorry. I didn’t want to hit you!’

He took one last puff on the spliff and he pressed the roach in the ashtray. Then he carried her naked body in his strong arms to the bed and threw her down. She tried to fight him but he was too strong for her. He went down on her and kissed her pussy with great passion until she cummed against his face and screamed with pleasure. And then he grabbed her long black hair and forced his cock into her mouth and fucked her throat like she was just a piece of meat. He cummed inside her throat and she almost choked as she swallowed his cum. After that they both fell into a deep sleep in the arms of each other.

Solange had been among the last to escape from France to England before the English built the huge defensive wall along the south coast. The climatic change had become a lot worse in recent years turning the South of France into quite a large desert. The same thing had happened in Italy and Spain and Greece. Juan had escaped from Spain. There was no longer any mention of a southern hemisphere. It was as if half of the planet had ceased to exist. England was now concentrating on looking after its own people and keeping out anyone from other parts of the world who tried to come in.

But even though she was given asylum in England she suffered a lot of prejudice, especially from other girls and women. She was a beautiful and sexy French girl and the other girls were jealous of her because she got a lot of attention from the boys. But the boys didn't treat her well either. Since she turned 18 every other 18-year-old boy in the class had raped her. She couldn't speak English well and she had a lot of trouble with school work. And because of that she had to give a lot of sexual pleasure to the teachers in order to avoid being punished.

In the morning her alarm went off to say it was time to get up for school. She opened her eyes terrified of what she had done last night and the punishment she must now face. She knew that the school was going to crucify her naked.
After her shower Solange took much time putting on her makeup to make herself even more beautiful. She also wore her shortest school skirt and most sexy lingerie because the teacher will most probably make her strip in front of the class to be ready for her punishment. Juan was still sleeping profoundly just like a baby. He was her mother's boyfriend and was thirty five years old. He earned his money as a drug dealer. Solange had enjoyed having two nights of rough sex with him while her mother was away. He is a strong and passionate lover. But today her mother will return and they must keep their sexual intercourse a secret from her.

He was still asleep when she left the house and went to catch the school bus. She was feeling very scared and apprehensive. Sending in a snuff story instead of answering her homework was the worst thing a girl in her situation was going to do. Why had she been so stupid? The school needed money and was under a lot of pressure from the government to help make the population of England less. As a French girl who escaped with her mother in a boat across La Manche because France was burning she was likely to be severely punished. She would most probably be executed.

The classical studies lesson was the first.

Mr Cross the teacher said: 'this morning I have marked the homework of the whole class. It was very good with the exception of Solange. Solange has written an obscene snuff story and she has not answered the question I have given, and also her English is very bad and she has made many mistakes.'

Solange became red with embarrassment.

'You bring disgrace to your school uniform. You have to take off your skirt and shirt and then go to the headmistress's room to find out what your punishment will be.'

'But please sir', said Solange, 'how about we have a chat after the lesson. Maybe we can come to some understanding.'

'Shame on you, Solange!', said the teacher. I am a respectable married man. You couldn't buy me with your body, despite how attractive you are. Take off your clothes and go to wait outside the Head Mistress's door. And no more of your arrogance.'

All the class was laughing when Solange took off her clothes. She was weeping while she walked down the corridor to the Headmistress's room.

The Headmistress's secretary frowned at Solange.

'How dare you come to the puishment line still wearing your bra and panties', she said. 'Take them off and go and stand in line at the door.'

There were two other girls standing in line outside the Headmistress's door. One was French and one was Italian. Both of them looked afraid and worried.

Solange taked off her bra and panties and went to stand in line behind the Italian girl who was called Allegra.

Suddenly the door was opened and the Headmistress came out with a Spanish girl called Isabella.

Isabella was very upset and was shaking with sobs. Her hands were tied behind her back.

'Take her to the cage', said the Headmistress. 'She will be crucified tomorrow.'

The Secretary lead Isabella to the school cage which was in the corridor outside the assembly room. Isabella was dressed in nothing except stockings and garter belt. She will get much attention from people walking past while she is in the cage. They are going to mock her and laugh at her.

The Headmistress looked at the other French girl who was waiting first in the line. She made a sign with her finger for her to come in.

'It is your turn now Claire' she said. Claire was very pretty with wavy blonde hair and a nice ass. She was naked and barefeet when she followed the Headmistress inside.

Before the door was closed Solange could see three men inside the room.

'Who are those men?' she asked Allegra.

'I think that they came from the government' said Allegra. 'It is the men who decide how you will be executed.'

Solange shivered and felt terrified and thrilled at the same moment. She wished she was still safe in Juan's arms when he said that she was just paranoid because she was so high on sensi smoke. But she could tell that this experience was not fantasme it was so real it must be true.

At last after twenty minutes Claire came out.

'She must join Isabella' said the Headmistress to the secretary. But she whispered to Claire: 'I'm sorry. It is not my decision, I must do as they say or they will kill me also on the cross.'

Tears were flowing out of Claire's pretty almond eyes and her mascara from her eyelashes made stains on her cheeks but she was too upset to make any reply as the secretary lead her away.

After Allegra went inside Solange was all alone. She could hear screaming from inside. She was so afraid.

'Why is Allegra screaming?' she asked the secretary.

'Because the men are raping her. If she gives good sex then maybe they will not order her crucified. They are giving her a chance.'

'Why did English people become so nasty and cruel?' Solange asked. 'They were at one time the most kind and civilised people in the world. That is what my grandmother always told me.'

'It is climate change. The burning of the planet has made us lose all our pity to other countries and people. We must keep the population low and put English people first, and the school needs the money that the public will pay to see you die slowly naked and in great pain. You girls are all sluts. You think you are more sexy than us, and this is the shameful punishment you must suffer.'

'But I don't think I'm more sexy than you. You are beautiful too', Solange said to the secretary, and she spoke the truth.

'That is a good thing that you think that' said the secretary, who was about thirty-five to forty years old, 'because I am a lesbian and tonight I will come to the cage to pleasure myself with your hot little body.'

At that moment the door opened and Allegra came out completely naked. There was tears and cum over her beautiful face and breasts.

'To the cage' said the Headmistress. 'I'm sorry Allegra. It is the men who have all the power.'

The Headmistress turned too look at Solange.

Solanged looked deeply into the Headmistress's lovely brown eyes which were full of warmth and understanding.

But Solange's dark eyes were filled with a great fear.

'Come ', said the Headmistress and Solange followed her into the room.

The air inside was filled with the smell of sex.

The three men smiled at her with great lust in they're eyes. They were about the same age as Juan but more hansome and dressed in expensive suits.

One of them had a white plastic collar like a priest.

'This is the Bishop of Cantabury', said the Headmistress. 'This is the Minister of Interior Affaires and this is the Chef of the National Police. They have all read your classical studies homework, and so they will decide how you must be punished: not just for your bad English and your slutty perverted imagination but also for waisting English government money that is paying for your education. Is that clear?'

Solange's lips trembled when she said 'yes' in a quiet voice.

The Bishop was the first to speak.

'Like all the French girls, despite your great beauty, you have the morals of a whore', he said smiling at her. 'And we believe that the fitting punishment for your great sin is to be crucified right next to the other whores we have seen this morning.'

'But because you are so pretty we believe in giving girls like you a second chance', the Minister said.

'Yes' said the Police Chief, 'sluts like you deserve no pity but sometimes you can be useful in relieving stress for powerful men such as us who do important work for England. Let us see to what point you can perform'.

The three men opened there fly zippers and brought out their long fat cocks.

'You must go down on the carpet Solange and crawl to them on four paws. You must begin first by sucking the cock of the Bishop', the Headmistress said seriously.
Solange sucked the three cocks as hard as she could.

'That is correct', the Headmistress said to her, 'you must make them all hard like wood and then they can fuck you.'

The three men seemed to be satisfied at her suction. The policeman taked a hold on her hair like Juan did and fucked down into her throat very violently so she could not breathe properly.

'My dear little girl', the Headmistress said, 'come and kneel yourself on the low table for them to have a better access to your holes.'

This was very uncomfortable to Solange and soon she could feel the cocks in her ass and her pussy and her mouth also.

'Now you are completely hermetically airtight', the minister said. He was laughing while he fucked her face. 'Does it not feel good?'

It was true that the big fat cocks pumping inside and outside her holes was making her forget about all her problems and the possibility that she was going to be crucified tomorrow and soon she was beginning to enjoy the experience. She was feeling so full and stretched and the Bishop's cock was rubbing quickly against her clit and leading her to a big orgasme.

'I think that she is the dirtiest of all the whores we have seen this morning', the Headmistress said giggling, 'watching her is exciting me very much.'

This remark made Solange cum to a climax very powerfully. She shaked with enjoyment and screamed with a paroxysme of sexual excitation.

All the men laughed cruelly at her.

'Why do you not participate with us?', the Ministre of Interior Affaires said to the Headmistress. 'Remove your dress and your bra and panties. She is going to lick your pussy when when we have finished cumming inside her.'

'Yes', the Policeman said, 'she is nothing but a dirty slut. Look how much effort she is making to give sexual pleasure to us. But I think she must still be crucified. Don't you think so?'

'Yes I think so also', the Ministre said.

'I will give to her one chance more', the Bishop said. 'I wish to see her lick the pussy of the Headmistress until she cums with enjoyment. And then I am going to ejaculate inside her mouth.'

The Ministre and the Policeman agreed and they said that they also wished to ejaculate over Solange's beautiful face and inside her mouth after the Headmistress has cummed.

The Headmistress taked off her nice summer dress and under clothes and lingerie and sat on a chair near Solange and opened her legs wide so her pussy was very near to Solange's lips. It was wet and the odeur of it was exciting to Solange.

'Lèche moi la chatte', the Headmistress said in a sweet voice.

Because she said it in French Solange could feel something breaking deep inside her. She looked up at the Headmistress's face and saw that her eyes were so pretty and kind. This made Solange to weep. She was a broken slut and there was no more any hope for her. But the Headmistress was speaking to her in a kind voice and looking at her with kind eyes. She did not merit this kindness. She knew she must be crucified in front of a huge crowd of people outside the school and suffer the pain of the nails in the wrists and feet with people moquing her while she was suffering. That is why she was weeping. But the feeling of humiliation was making her climax again.

Suddenly the Bishop flogged her buttocks with an evil whip. He shouted at her: 'Lick the Headmistress's pussy you dirty whore! You are not here to feel your own pleasure. And do not weep. You will suffer what you have merited.'

Solange licked the Headmistress's pussy just like it was her most favourite ice cream.

The Headmistress was moaning with pleasure. When Solange's tongue reached her clitoris and licked very rapidly the Headmistress shaked with a very deep orgasme.

The Policeman the Ministre and the Bishop all came to stand over Solange and masturbated their cocks and one after the other they ejaculated into her open mouth and over her pretty face and black hair.

'Like we have said we cannot save you from the cross', the Bishop said. 'Many people will pay to come and watch your suffering. When you will be nailed against the wood and screaming with pain right next to the other pretty whores it will be a good show for everyone. Take her to the cage. The executioners will come to take her outside in the morning. Make sure she gets good sleep. She will have need for plenty of energy tomorrow.'
The school security guard who is called Henri got up to opened the door of the cage for Solange when the Secretary was bringing her.

'Thank you Henri', the Secretary said. 'All the four girls will be crucified in the morning. But you can amuse yourself from them after the school time is finished.'

'Thank you Mrs Secretary', Henri said. 'They are very pretty girls and will give me good fun.'

Henri was African and about two mètres tall and had big muscles. He was about 20 years age. He also has very dark skin and made Solange very horny. She feeled very excited when Henri tied her hands behind her just like the three other girls already in the cage. He squeezed her breasts and opened the cage and pushed her inside.

'When you wish to go to toilets you must ask me and I will take you', he said.

The Secretary started to walk back to her office. 'I will be back later', she said. 'Make sure they are very sexually excited for when I come back.'

Solange said nothing. She was feeling very upset and uneasy. She sat on the floor and started to cry.

Claire came to sit next to her. She told her not to cry in French and Solange feels better. The two nude French girls embraced each other and started to kiss passionately. Solange could see also see Isabella and Allegra making love.

'Come and join with us'. Claire said. 'We can make groupe sexe and tomorrow we can mutually support each other when we hang from the crosses.'

All together they passionately made scissors together on the floor of the cage. Solange had orgasme many times and she screamed in pleasure when the other girls licked her pussy. Isabella and Allegra had dark hair and Solange liked the taste of the jus of their pussies.

Many people were walking by and calling 'dirty sluts' to them. This was humiliation and it was making the girls more horny. The sexe for a while helped Solange to forget what was going to happen to her tomorrow. And when she remembered the perspective of being crucified filled her with not just terror but also great sexuall excitation.

When the school finished and everyone was gone home Henri taked out his cock and slide it between the bars of the cage. It was very long.

He told in French to Claire and Solange: 'if you suck my cock nicely I will give you a cigarette.'

He taked a blue box from his pocket. It made Solange very homesick when she saw.

'Ah you have Gitanes!' she said. 'Where do you come from? Your French is very good.'

'Maroc' he replied.

Solange started to suck his cock hard.

'Will you give me a cigarette also if I suck', Claire said.

'Of course I will', Henri said, 'and because you are French girls I will give you cigarettes tomorrow to help with the pain when you are nailed on your crosses.'

'Thank you', Claire and Solange said together.

The two French girls licked Henri's big cock. They teased him to a big orgasme and he ejaculated inside of Claire's mouth.

Isabella and Allegra were continuing making love together. They were moaning and squealing.

Soon the Secretary came back. She taked off her pretty dress and bra and was wearing only high heels and stockings and a string.

'You have started without me and I am disappointed', she told them. 'Now you must give me pleasure also.'

'But we are all very tired', Claire said.

'Yes go away!' Solange said.

Henri laughed. 'I will give you good fuck', he said. 'I like the more older women and you have very hot body and big tits.'

All the girls also laughed.

'How dare you to insult me!' the Secretary said. 'You are only the school security agent! And I do not like men anyway! Actually you are required in the Headmistress's room. The three men from the government wish to torture the Headmistress with electricity to make her confess she hates the government of England. It is because she asked them not to crucify these four girls here. She is actually a very nice and kind lady. But the Bishop and the Ministre and the Policeman want her to confess so then they can crucify her also in the morning. Go quickly to help them use the machine for electric torture. You must make her confess.'

Henri looked very happy. He had a big smile. 'Will you look after these girls when I have gone?' he said.

'Of course!' the Secretary said. 'We will have much fun together, and tomorrow I will help to torture them before they are crucified because just now they laughed at me and they were very rude. Maybe I will demand permission to mark them with a hot iron.'

'No please don't', Isabella cried, 'crucifiction is so cruel already for us.'

When Henri was gone away the Secretary opened her hand and showed the four girls four little white tablets.

'These tablets are poison', she told them. 'They will make you fall into deep sleep and never wake up if you swallow them.'

'Will you give them to us?' Allegra said. 'We do not want to die in the horrible pain of crucifiction.'

'Of course!' the Secretary said, 'but only if you give me good sexual satisfaction.'

'We will, we will!', the four girls shouted to her.
The Secretary opened the cage and went inside and took off her string.

Then the girls kissed and licked every centimètre of her beautiful body until she moaned of pleasure. Solange licked very rapidly her clitoris with the end of her tongue until the Secretary screamed in a paroxysme. At the same time time Claire kissed her lips and Isabella and Allegra sucked her very stiff nipples.

'Thank you!' the Secretary said after a long session of lovemaking , 'that was quite good. I am satisfied. Here are the suicide tablets. Take them now and you will not die in great pain on the crosses.'

Henri had locked the cage with the Secretary inside. Now she untied the hands of the girls so they can take the pills.

Isabella and Allegra swallowed them at once.

'Swallow it!' Claire said to Solange, 'save yourself from crucifiction!'

But Solange hésitated. 'I am afraid of the nailing but I am also a pain slut', she said. 'It makes me excited thinking about suffering pain and humiliation whith all the people moquing me and laughing. They will also whip me and it makes me so horny to imagine it all. Oh Claire I am such a pathetic little whore!'

'Ok', Claire said, if you do not swallow the tablet I will not also!'

'But I do not want you to suffer also Claire!'

'Then swallow the tablet and we can die embrassing together.'

'Yes that is so sweet!' the Secretary said. 'I have seen many pain sluts like Solange die on the crosses. The pain is always more than what they have imagined in fantaisie. They always have regretted their choice. I think you two girls are in love and it is better you die in each others arms tonight.'

Allegra and Isabella both agreed. 'Swallow the tablet Solange to escape the terrible pain you must suffer tomorrow.'

It was true Solange and Claire were very deep in love, and Solange did not wish her girlfriend to suffer the atrocious agonie of the cross. So she agreed to swallow the tablet.

After Solange swallowed the tablet, Claire did also.

All the girls lied on the floor of the cage. Solange and Claire kissed, and Allegra and Isabella kissed.

Soon they closed their eyes and went to deep sleep.

At this moment Henri returned with the Headmistress who was naked and weeping.

'Please! Please!' she sobbed, 'I do not want to die!'

'Did you confess?' the Secretary asked.

'Yes! The torture of electricity hurt me too much and I confessed that I hate the government.'

'I am sorry. You are a very nice lady and a kind boss to me. You always gave me expensive birthday presents. I'm sorry that you will suffer tomorrow.'

'Thank you.'

'But still I will enjoy to watch your crucifiction because I am also a sadeian bitch. Your pain will give me sexuel pleasure.'

The Headmistress melted in tears. They flowed down her cheeks.

Henri pushed her into the cage. She stared at the four girls on the floor. Henri stared also.

'They are all sleeping already', he said 'but I want to fuck them!'

'They think that they are dead', the Secretary said, 'because I have given them strong sleeping tablets. But tomorrow when they wake up I will be here to welcome them into Hell!'

She laughed cruelly.

Henri laughed also. 'That is a good prank', he said. 'Okay I will fuck Madame Headmistress instead.'

'No please! I am a respectable married woman!' she begged him as he squeezed her breasts and put his fingers inside her pussy.

'I'm sorry Madame but you never payed me much money for doing my job. I deserve compensation. I always was attracted to you but you walked past with your head in the air like you never noticed me. Now I have revenge! Bend over for me.'

He tied the wrists of the Headmistress to the metal bars and then he fucked her from behind deep in her ass. She screamed and screamed and pleaded for him to stop. But he carried on going until he was ready to ejaculate.

Meanwhile the Secretary watched smiling and the four pretty schoolgirls were sleeping peacefully on the floor ignorant of what was happening.

Henri at last untied the Headmistress. He threw her on the floor lied on top of her and fucked her pussy. When he creamed inside of her pussy at last he groaned and spat in her mouth.

'This is only the beginning of your humiliation', the Secretary said. 'Tomorrow all the 18 years old schoolboys will fuck you also. Good night Henri. I will be back in the morning to wake up the girls.

The Headmistress sobbed and sobbed on the ground.
When the Secretary arrived at the school at 8 AM the following morning there was a white van in the Headmistress's place of parking. On the side it said Bakhtin and Sons, Electro-Snuff, Hangings, Crucifixions. There were three men, one aged about 45 and two younger men, 18 or 19, carrying heavy posts of wood out of the van in the direction of the school fields.

'Good morning gentlemen!' the Secreatary said to them.

The 3 men opened their eyes bigly to her because she was wearing a sexy outfit of very tall heels, stockings and a low cut mini dress. The décolletage made the cleavage of her huge tits look very desirable, and she was wearing her beautiful red hair up in a disorderly coiffure.

'Good morning Mrs' the older man said. 'Are you in charge of the school? My name is Michael Bakhtin. They are my sons Rupert and Boris. We have been booked for today to perform five executions here. We can promise we will make a good show. They are crucifixions, our spécialité.'

The Secretary laughed. 'No I am not in charge. The person in charge was the Headmistress. But you are going to crucify her in your show. I believe that the new director of the school is Mr Cross the Classical Studies teacher. He will arrive shortly. He knows a lot on crucifixions because he has studied the Romans.'

'Ah that's good. Where can we visit the objects of today's show? We need to tie their cross pieces and signs and learn all about their personalities.'

'Come with me. They will be sleeping very deeply but it is time to wake them I think.'

Everybody were still sleeping when they arrived at the cage. Henri was sleeping in his chair and the Headmistress and the girls were sleeping on the ground of the cage.

'Wake up everybody!' the Secretary called in a very loud voice, and then she started to giggle. 'The spectacle will commence very soon!'

Everybody started to wake up. First the Headmistress squealed 'No! Please no!'

Then Henri opened his eyes. He smiled at the Secretary and the men from the society of execution.

The others also opened their eyes. But they were still very sleepy and did not comprehend their situation yet.

'Hello guys!' Henri said. 'You are here early. What time does the spectacle start?'

'At 9', Bakhtin said. 'The girls will walk through the village to advertise the event.'


Bakhtin and his sons had carried a patibulaire cross piece for each of the victimes.

'They must wear these across their shoulders', Bakhtin said, 'and there are also a title for each one.'

'Excelent!' the Secretary said. 'They must walk naked through the village so everyone knows what is happening to them.'

'Yes!' Bakhtin said. 'We can whip them maybe in the village square.'

'That's a good idea!'

Suddenly Isabella started to scream. 'Are we dead?'

'Oh my god! Where are we?' Solange asked.

'But this is not death!' Claire said. 'We are still in the cage!'

'It must be a nightmare!' Allegra shrieked.

'Yes! It cannot be real!' they all screamed together.

'No!' the Headmistress cried, 'I am afraid it is too real! It is reality itself. You never died! It was all a trick by the Secretary to make you have a sexuel rapport with her. She is so evil!'

'No! No!' the girls screamed together. 'We are to be crucified after everything! That's so cruel!'

The Secretary laughed horribly. 'But I am a very cruel woman. When I was alone in my bed last night I masturbated in a delirium of pleasure to the thoughts of you suffering the horrible punishment of rape and whipping and crucifixion. But today I will enjoy the reality of it. Or perhaps even that you are dead already and just arrived in Hell! And perhaps I am a demon who welcomes you.'

'Yes! Welcome to Hell, ladies!' Bakhtin said laughing. 'Come! It's time to go. I will tie the cross piece to the Headmistress. Rupert and Boris, you do the girls and also remember their titles.'

'But can we fuck them first, Daddy? They are all so hot!', Rupert said.

'No there's not enough time right now. But maybe later.'


Five minutes later the 5 victimes walked outside in an indian file with their heavy patibulaires across their shoulders and their titles advertising their execution spectacle.

'We are dirty sluts. Come and watch us crucified!' the title of the Headmistress said. 'Show starts at 10 on the school fields.'

Claire's title said: 'Come and watch our hot naked bodies getting whipped on the village square at 9.30'.

Solange's title said: 'We promise to scream and beg for mercy as we suffer for your pleasure.'

Allegra's title said: 'Feel free to masturbate as you watch us nailed up.'

Isabella's title said: 'Buy a raffle ticket. Win a chance to rape us.'

The streets of the village were quite crowded when they reached the main street, and many people clapped and cheered.

Solange was shocked by how much hatred there was in the crowd, even among people who she thought were her friends. They had no pity at all. She hated the fact that she had to walk naked along the streets while they tormented her with hate speech.

At last they reached the village square. There was a construction of wood waiting for them in front of the Town Hall. Their wrists were tied to the wood above their heads as they were prepared for their whipping.

Solange noticed that the girls were shaking with fear as they waited for the first lash from Rupert Bakhtin.

'Please!' the Headmistress shouted, 'they are innocent girls. Please do not hurt us. Is not enough for you that we are about to be crucified?'

'I don't give a fuck whether you're innocent or not,' Rupert Shouted.' 'My job is to whip you and make you scream.'
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