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short stories by soumise

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Solange was hanging from her wrists. Her feet did not touch the ground as she waited for the lash. It was extremely uncomfortable for her wrists but she knew that the lash of the whip was going to be a lot more painful.

Rupert began with the Headmistress. He lashed her hard across her plump bottom. She sucked in a lot of air and shivered but she did not scream. Solange thought she was very brave.

Next he lashed Isabella across her tits. Her cheeky tits danced and Isabella made a loud shriek and wailed tearfully. She was visibly feeling very sorry for herself and Solange did not blame her. It was all so injust. They should be at school in their lessons not hanging naked in public and being whipped.

Rupert was laughing. He was standing near to Solange. He tickled her bottom with his whip and then tickled her tits. The whip was made of three strands of soft and souple leather. She was near to be in tears as she waited for him to decide the best place to hurt her. She was also very horny and becoming more excited. She trembled with a frisson. Rupert noticed this. He pinched her nipples. They were very hard because of excitation. He laughed louder.

'Oho ho ho' he said, 'you are a very horny slut. You are looking forward to your crucifixion. Are you?'

Solange remained in silence. Rupert stroked her pussy lips with his fingers and pushed inside. She was so wet.

He made small circles around her clitoris until she could not forbid herself moaning with pleasure. She did not wish him to stop. It was near to orgasmic and so much more pleasing than a whiplash but it was also so humiliating for her. Everybody watching could see that she was a cocotte who was easily excited when she was put on display in the nude ready to be punished. She hated her own body for making her enjoy this horrible experience.

Rupert's father and brother laughed cruelly.

'Ladies and gentlemen!', Michael Bakhtin shouted at the crowd with a microphone, 'you see how much dirty whores these females are. It will make a good spectacle when we crucify them. Yes? The cost of a ticket is only fifty pounds if you buy it here. At the school gate it will be one hundred pounds each. Inside you will have the right of public masturbation if you please. They are such pretty girls you will surely be very horny when you watch them suffering on their crosses. But you can also participate in the carnaval. There will be a prize draw and if you win you can have sex with one of them in any hole you wish. They will most certainly enjoy that because you can see they are such dirty whores and they deserve to experience some pleasure before the great and terrible pain of becoming nailed up on their crosses. Is that not true?'

The crowd gave him a great acclaim. They cheered in much excitement when they heard these words from Michael Bakhtin.

Now Mr Cross the new Headmaster of the school came forward. 'All the profits will go back to the school to educate our sons and daughters. These shameless girls were given a chance to be educated. But they threw it all away. This girl Solange wrote a disgusting piece of pornography instead of a homework essay for me. It is all about sex and crucifixion in ancient Rome and is so disgusting that I cannot read it to you with the ladies present.

The crowd expressed anger at this. 'It must be so tasteless and so perverted!' they shouted loudly. 'How dare she use our beautiful English language for that immoral filth!'

'There is more' the new Headmaster continued, 'she also tried to buy mercy from me by offering her body for sex. I am a respectable married man, ladies and gentlemen, and I would never cheat on my wife.'

The crowd replied with a very loud agreement. 'We know that you are a good citizen Mr Cross.'

'So Solange is turned on by crucifixion is she and likes to write erotica about it?' shouted a good looking man. 'But now she will be really crucified and we all can see for real what a disgusting slut she is.'

Solange was horrified when she saw that this man was Juan her mother's boyfriend. How could he be so pitiless after they had made so much passionate love together? She loved him still but his treason was hurting her deep inside. She felt upset and it made her eyes full of tears.

Then she noticed her mother standing next to Juan. She put her arm around the man. She was giving Solange an evil smile and her eyes were so full of hate to her daughter. Did she know that Solange and Juan had so much hot sex after they got stoned together on hashish? Solange broke into desolate weeping. Even her own mother had no pity of her.

'I think crucifying the Headmistress will be the best spectacle', said a woman in a white miniskirt who teached cuisine at the school. 'I hated her because she has always criticised my teaching work. She was a nasty boss.'

'She certainly has a hot body', said Mr Cross. 'Victoria Summers was a very bad Headmistress but I think trully she will be a very good subject to demonstrate the art of crucifixion.'

Everyone cheered and many men made wolf whistles. By now there was a long line waiting to buy tickets from Boris Bakhtin to go to the crucifixion show.

'I will buy a lottery ticket. I want to win a chance to fuck the little sluts', a big man with a shaved head and a black beard shouted. Solange recognised him as a local shopkeeper where she buyed bread and milk every morning.

'They wasted our money from our taxes', called out a woman who sold cheese at the market. 'Now they must suffer naked in public for being shameless whores. Continue with the whipping. Why did you stop?'

Rupert walked away from Solange. Maybe he had forgotten about whipping her. He lashed Claire across her back. Like the Headmistress, Claire did not cry out but only gasped.

Last he whipped Allegra across her lovely tits and she squealed in sharp pain.

Now he walked back to Solange and her heart began to beat very fast. He raised his whip and lashed her hard across her buttocks. It was so painful, much more painful than she had thought it would be. But she squeezed her teeth hard and made no sound. Everyone was looking disappointed. She opened her mouth to take a big breathe feeling good she had not screamed. But before she could take inspiration to face the pain, Rupert lashed her again. The three tongs rolled around underneath her perky breasts and she screamed loudly. Her skin was agonised. Everyone laughed at her. The crowd was looking very satisfied.

Now Rupert lashed hard across Victoria Summers's bouncy breasts, and again across her belly and twice more around her hips. She was broken by this cruelty and sobbed loudly in pity of herself. The crowd expressed approbation.

Solange was even more horrified to see Michael Bakhtin join his son. He walked up towards the girls with a whip in his hand. He lashed without mercy at the naked flesh of Allegra and Isabella until their terrible screams were filling the air. Rupert gave Claire four very hard lashes, two on the back of her legs and two more on her tits and belly. Her pathetic cries made Solange weep with pity of her.

Then fear climbed up inside Solange's own breast as Rupert and his father came to stand next to her. They had evil smiles on their faces. All the two of them put to work on her without any pity. They knew where her skin was so sensible and they lashed her again and again under her arms, between her legs inside her thighs, underneath her breasts, across the top of her breasts and her buttocks and the back of her legs until the pain was so intense it became a thousand needles pricking her at once and red hot irons touching her in all her delicate places.

After a while the whippers stopped to get some breaths. All the girls were weeping and wailing and shivering. Their bodies were all over marked with red stripes but they did not bleed.

Solange saw the school Secretary and Henri come to speak to Bakhtin. They whispered something together and then laughed.

'This beautiful lady, Laura the school Secretary would wish to see us whip their cunts!' Bakhtin said.

'Yes', said Laura, 'they are all so excited it will make their cunts more sensible for when they get fucked. I am sure they will appreciate that. They will have more delicate sensation of the cocks inside them.'

The crowd went wild when they heard this.

'Yes!' Solange's mother shouted. 'Give my daughter a cunt whipping! Punish her well-fucked pussy! Teach her a lesson.'

'Tie up their legs!' Bakhtin said to his sons.

So they lifted Solange's legs up and tied her ankles near her wrists. Now her pussy was well exposed for the whole world. Everyone could see how wet and excited it was. They did the same to all the girls. They were hanging from the wood from their wrists and ankles wide open for all to view.

'No! Please! Please! Don't do this to us!' Victoria Summers pleaded the men.

Now the girls were all ready and waiting for the cunt whipping. Everyone in the crowd was silent with the anticipation. Solange felt drops of pussy juice falling from her pussy. It was so humiliating.

Then Michael Bakhtin whipped each cunt, one girl in her turn. He began with Allegra then Isabella then Claire and Solange and Victoria Summers. The girls made a terrible chorus of shrill cries and then they were just hanging shaking and shivering. Solange was feeling like a flash of lightning had just fucked her. The agony and the excitation were melting together like liquid fire. It was an extase of punition.

After a short rest all the three men went back to work lashing the cunts of the victimes again and again.

'Do you want us to stop?' Bakhtin asked.

'No!' the crowd shouted.

'Give them more!' said Laura the Secretary.

'But we mustn't make them too tired,' said Bakhtin, 'or they they will not be sensible enough to appreciate their crucifixion. They must be sensible and awake to the whole of the agony.'

'That's a good point!' said the Headmaster. 'Why don't you just ask them to explain to us why they must be crucified today. And no more whipping if they tell us the answer. They must be humiliated also in their minds and not just physiqally.'

'Very good. I will do that', said Bakhtin.

He taked the microphone over to Victoria Summers. 'Tell us why you are here.'

She sobbed and could not speak.

'Do you want me to whip your hot pussy again?'

'No! Please!'

'Then answer.'

'I .... I .... I am a b-bad woman ... a b-bad Headmistress ....'

'More!' the crowd shouted. 'You are also a preverted slut!'

Bakhtin lightly flicked the whip between her legs

'I a-am an im-immoral whore. I s-sucked the c-cocks of 18-year old boys and made them f-fuck me in m-my room. I made the g-girls lick m-my pussy. I c-confessed these things to the m-men from the g-goverment when they tortured me.'

'There was no torture Victoria', said Mr Cross as he stroked her swollen cunt with his fingers.

'N-no! You are c-correct! I was n-not tor-tortured. I confessed b-because it is t-true!'

The crowd clapped her.

'Do you deserve to be executed by crucifixion?'

'N- ... I .... m-mean Y-y-yes!'

The crowd cheered wildly.

'Good! I am sure you feel better after your confession Victoria', said Mr Cross. 'It must be like a heavy burden fell from your shoulders.'

Victoria Summers was weeping in desolation.

'Take her down and tie the wood across her shoulders' said Bakhtin. 'It is time for you to walk to your post in the school field.'

'Now it's your turn Solange', said Mr Cross.

Solange was terrified of the whips hitting her pussy once more and she tried hard to think of a confession.

'I am a dirty whore!' she sobbed. 'I fucked my mother's boyfriend and I wrote an evil piece of porngraphic homework. I did not study hard in school because all the time I was thinking about sex and sucking the boys's cocks. All the time I wanted them to fuck me, and I always thought I was more pretty and sexy than the English girls and I tried to make them jealous.'

'Good girl! Well done! Do you deserve to be nailed to that piece of wood?'

'Y .... I .... N-no! Please, please don't kill me! I am only 18!'

The crowd laughed. 'Only 18! With such enormous tits!'

She could see no mercy to her among their cruel faces.

'Okay', said Bakhtin. He lifted up the whip and lashed hard over her pussy. One tong licked her clitoris. The pain was so tremendous and she made a sharp piercing scream.

The laughter of the watchers was so humiliating.

When Bakhtin lifted his whip again she shouted: 'Yes! Yes! Yes! I must be crucified! I must die a naked whore!'

Solange was a completely broken girl and she sobbed in misery.

'Good', said Mr Cross, 'take her down.'

During the time of the heavy wood being tied across her arms Solange heard Claire saying that she was a slut who thinks nothing but eating Solange's pussy.

'I am so much in love with Solange' Claire weeped, 'I wish to be crucified next to her!'

Solange also weeped when she heared Claire's passionate confession.

Allegra and Isabella said they were passionately in love one with the other. They also wanted to be crucified next door together.

'Now start walking back to the school', Bakhtin said. 'The spectacle will start soon. You girls are now only commodities that will give us entertainment now. Walk sluts! Feel the shame of it!'

Solange was feeling so weak as she beginned her walk. She had crampes in her legs and her body was burning in pain and her mind was in fiever with a delirium of sexual excitement and terreur.

'Walk faster!', Laura the Secretary was shouting, 'or you will be late for your crucifixion.'
The walk back through the streets of the town taked a long time and Solange's feet were hurting a lot and the cross piece was very heavy and difficult to carry.

Many people standing on the pavements were saying gross things to her and the other girls.

She saw an old man and his wife who lived in the apartment above her. She smiled at them even though she was so sad. They recognised her because she had always been kind to them. She would go shopping for them when they were ill and she would fetch cigarettes for the old man from the corner shop.

'Salut', she said to them, 'As you see, I will not be able to shop for you anymore. I am so sorry.'

But the old man leaned forward and squeezed her breasts. 'My God!' he said, 'feel these tits. I wish I could permit myself the price of a ticket. I will love to see them vacillate and wobble when she executes her danse on the cross.'

'Then I will buy you an early birthday gift', his wife responded, 'it will give you something exciting to imagine when we fuck in bed.'

This behaviour was just too cruel for Solange to understand.

She felt the sharp sting of Boris's whip. 'Walk! There is no time for chat!'

Within a few minutes the school was appearing in front of them. All the girls stopped and were frozen in horror.

'No! Dear God! No!' said Victoria Summers. All the other girls were shaking and wailing with fear.

On the field next to the school were thousands of people chatting joyously and drinking wine and beer. On the grass Solange saw five posts of thick wood ready to be put in holes in the ground.

Bakhtin lashed his whip at the girls's bottoms. 'Move, you fucking cunts! Those people have payed a lot of money to see you!.'

When this enormous crowd noticed the girls walking over to the school they made a huge roar of excitement whith clapping and whisteling.

Walking on the grass was less painful for Solange's feet but the cross piece was still giving crampes to her arms.

The crowd opened to let the girls through. As she walked between them Solange was feeling carried along by a wave of sexual excitement. It was like she was totally stoned on hashish and immerged in subspace. It was the same feeling she had when she wrote her classical studies homework after Juan had fucked her but much more profound and powerful. This was real.

'Ohmygod!' she thought, 'this is really happening to me!'

Many of the men had already their cocks out. They masturbated to the view of the girls walking passed ready for their tortures and deaths on the crosses.

Many hands reached to caress Solange. Many fingers squeezed her nipples. The whip lashes on her skin were burning but they also were tingling with agreable intensité. She was close to fainting with pleasure and excitement but it was all mixed with panic and dread. Her own psychologie was a such profound mystery for her.

In contrast Allegra and Isabella made cries begging the people to not touch them. 'No! Please! Leave us alone!'

'Get away from me Laura! I beg you!' Victoria Summers said to the Secretary who was grabbing her pussy and kissing her on the lips, 'I was always kind to you! Why are you so cruel?'

'I'm sorry Victoria but all the years I was working as your Secretary it was my fantaisie to watch you tortured to the death. I am so evil and it is I who in reality deserves the punishment that you face. Maybe one day I will break the law deliberately so that I can experience the terrible agonie that waits for you.'

At last they arrived to where the posts were lying on the ground.

Michael Bakhtin and his sons untied the cross pieces from the girls and fixed them to the posts with big hammers.

It was a great relief for Solange to be liberated from the wood across her shoulders. But now she regarded her completed cross as it was lying on the grass in the forme of a T.

A great fear like a cold fog wrapped around her naked body. The other girls were also regarding their crosses with a horreur in the eyes.

Even worse than the crosses was a bucket of shining silver nails next to them!

Solange's heart knocked on her ribs as she awaited what was passing next. 'Is it really happening now?' she asked Victoria Summers.

Before the Headmistress answered, some 18 year old boys came forward carrying heavy engins like pique-nique tables. Solange saw that they were fucking benches. There were five of them. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Michael Bakhtin came forward with a bucket full of pieces of paper.

'Ladies and gentlemen!' he said into his microphone, 'it is time to make the prize draw. Before we nail them up, the pretty ladies here will choose who can fuck them.'

Solange and the girls were all sobbing with relief. Even being raped was better than feeling those horrible nails hammered in their wrists and feet. Every second of time before it happened to them was feeling so precieuse.

There was a loud applause and excitement from the crowd.

'Victoria Summers, you can choose first!' He bringed the bucket in front of her.

She put her trembling hand inside and brought out a ticket.

'Number one thousand and twenty two', said Bakhtin.
Someone shouted 'yes!' in a far part of the crowd and a man pushed through to the front. He was tall and muscular and closely shaved. Solange saw that he was hot.

'Well played!' the Director said. 'There was a tradition in antique Rome according to which the women were violated before they are crucified. You have won the right to rape Victoria Summers. In which position do you wish her?'

The man was already taking off his trousers. He had an enormous erection.

'Bend her over the bench', he said.

The sons of Bakhtine pushed Victoria Summers down and tied her hands to the legs of the bench. She made a loud groan as the man penetrated her vagin.

'You have five minutes", declared Bakhtine.

The man was sliding his cock very hard and very rapidly. He wished to cum before his time was ended.

Victoria Summers began to moan as if she was excited by this experience.

'What a fucking slut!' a woman shouted. 'Hurry up and cum on her face and get her nailed up.'

'Yes! We paid to see a crucifixion', Solange's mother shouted, 'not a fucking sexe show!'

All the people laughed.

'You will be next, Solange', Mr Cross said.

Bakhtine brought the tikets to Solange. She felt a frisson of excitement as she put her hand among all them. Each ticket represented a cock. Which cock would she choose?

'Number two hundred and sixty seven', Bakhtine said.

There was a loud acclamation from a group of eighteen year old boys who were standing in the front. They pushed in front a good-looking boy who was clearly very nervous.

'Well done, Jason!' the director said. 'Jason is one of my best classical studies students. He wrote a very good essai about crucifixion in antique Rome.'

Solange knew that Jason was a true nerd. But she liked him and dreamed often about aiding him to lose his virginité.

'Where would you like to penetrate Solange?' Mr Cross asked. 'She was the prettiest eighteen girl in your class. I'm sure you are feeling very lucky. You have the choice to enter three holes.'

Jason lowered his eyes and mumbled. He was visibly so nervous that he could not do anything.

For Solange this was the occasion to do something good before she was executed, her chance to make something valuable in the world before she left it behind. She leaned towards Jason and kissed him on the mouth. 'Do you wish me to help you?' she whispered in his ear.

He was very surprised but he kissed her back avidly and put his hands on her buttocks.

'Shall I help you undress?' she asked and she began to undo his belt.

His cock jumped up very hard and thick when she pulled down his trousers. She went down on her knees and commenced to make suction.

Jason groaned with pleasure. There was an excited murmure in the crowd. By now the other three girls had also choosed their tickets.

Claire, who hated the men, was screaming as a police man assfucked her. Allegra and Isabella were also screaming and sobbing as they were fucked without pity from behind by two very strong and brutal men.

Solange could tell that Jason was was almost cumming in her mouth. She lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

'Do you want to see my face when we make love? Do you think I'm pretty?'

He nodded and put his arms around her and lifted her to standing. She took his hand and pulled him and lay back on her raping bench and opened her legs. He descended on top of her and she guide his cock into her pussy. He kissed her face all over and her neck and breasts. He passed his fingers in her black hair. She clasped him tightly in her arms and gasped as he pushed his cock deeply into her. It felt so good.

'Jason thinks that he is Casanova himself', shouted one of his friends.

The others laughed. 'Don't let her break your heart, Jason! She is going to be moaning on her cross in some minutes.'

Jason was fucking her more and more hard and Solange was moaning in pleasure. She felt the tingle of an imminent orgasme and knew the two of them would cum together in just some secondes. But she wanted this to last for eternity.

From the corner of the eye she saw the man raping Victoria Summers taking his cock out of her pussy. He walked around and jerked off over the face of the Headmistress. The crowd roared as his sperme splashed her mouth and her eyes.

'Okay!', said Bakhtine, 'it is time to nail this first cunt.'

His sons untied Victoria and forced her to lie herself down on her cross. Solange heard her begging them to stop.

'Pass me the hammer and a nail!' said Bakhtin

It was all happening so quickly! It was all so brutal! After all the rituals and preparations it was going to be just a simple act of barbarity.

Solange was still very close to climaxing. Jason slowed down his thrusting and embrassed and kissed her with even deeper passion putting his tongue into her mouth.

'No! Please! I have money! I can pay you! Let me to be your slave! No! Please!' Victoria Summers screamed at her executioners as she squirmed and struggled in their strong hands.

'Hold her still my boys. We will nail the left wrist first', Bakhtin said.

Solange strained her head to see behind her. She could see Boris Bakhtin sitting on Victoria Summers's thighs while his brother pulled hard on a leather strap that was holding her left arm fixed in place along the cross beam. Her eyes were wild as she she watched Bakhtin hold a nail against her wrist.

Jason began to fuck with a new excitement, more and more hard inside Solange's pussy.

'Oui!' Solange moaned.

His fingers found her nipples and he pinched them and rubbed them as he continued to kiss her mouth and earlobes and neck. Then his whole body became stiff and he moaned and fell on top of her jerking and she could feel his milk of love flooding inside her pussy.

This drived Solange to paradise. She looked deep into Jason's eyes and suddenly she was floating in that zone of pure pleasure when the spirit has arrived in orgasmic ecstasy and waits for the body to catch up. Then the muscles in her vagin became tense and wave after wave of warm sexuel energie crashed and rippled through her body.

She turned again to look at Victoria. The crowd was very silent. Bakhtine had lifted his hammer. There was only the noise of Victoria whimpering, as she waited hopelessly for the first nail.
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