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Assistant executioner
(A big thanks for SkatingJesus)

This is Irina (thief, 26 years old), already flogged with 25 lashes, crucified from an hour and half, she suffers terribly, the unbearable pain of the nails drive into her wrists, the tendons and blood vessels cutted and the nerve spasms released from her fingers contortioned. And how she sweats! From the pain! The exhaustion! The strain to rise up for take a breath! And for the really hot day that makes more cruel her torture. How do you think her feet was nailed?


  • Irina Crucified 010(1).jpg
    Irina Crucified 010(1).jpg
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An enormous effort costs Irina to try to get up just to take another extra breath, and while she does so, she is agonizing from the piercing pain of the very strong cramps caused by the muscles now dehydrated from the effort and the sultry heat of this summer day. She is sweating a lot, her naked and toned body is shiny and drenched in sweat. Irina lets out short screams of suffocated pain, she can no longer speak, she no longer has a voice. The loss of blood from her wounds and her position of the cross sacrificing her breathing, not to mention her excruciating pain is causing the oxygen in her blood to drastically drop. Irina is experiencing the first symptoms of apoxia. Her lungs and her heart are in total suffering.


  • Irina Crucified 008(1).jpg
    Irina Crucified 008(1).jpg
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(A big thanks for SkatingJesus)

This is Irina (thief, 26 years old), already flogged with 25 lashes, crucified from an hour and half, she suffers terribly, the unbearable pain of the nails drive into her wrists, the tendons and blood vessels cutted and the nerve spasms released from her fingers contortioned. And how she sweats! From the pain! The exhaustion! The strain to rise up for take a breath! And for the really hot day that makes more cruel her torture. How do you think her feet was nailed?
she's the same age as me, who knows, I too will end up like this next to her... I'm a thief too
she's the same age as me, who knows, I too will end up like this next to her... I'm a thief too
So... maybe you'll want to run away from Rome as far away as possible. Indeed from all the territories of the empire... the trouble is that there are many... but it's always better to try.
So... maybe you'll want to run away from Rome as far away as possible. Indeed from all the territories of the empire... the trouble is that there are many... but it's always better to try.
I'll try but it's hard not to get caught...
Irina just regained consciousness... She launches several loudly screams of pain caused from her wounds and the endless unbearable fit cramps in all her body... and she has so much thirsty from the dehydration.


  • Irina Crucified 005(1).jpg
    Irina Crucified 005(1).jpg
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Poor choice not giving a crucified enough to drink.
It's supposed to be a drawn out painfull death,
not passing out so soon from dehydration and a swift peacefull transition to the afterlife.
3 hours? she should suffer for days!

Gotta love crux pics from SkatingJesus even when seen before.
Poor choice not giving a crucified enough to drink.
It's supposed to be a drawn out painfull death,
not passing out so soon from dehydration and a swift peacefull transition to the afterlife.
3 hours? she should suffer for days!

Gotta love crux pics from SkatingJesus even when seen before.
Obvious! But i only trying to recreate what the crucifixion of the condemned victim really must have been like, down to the smallest details.
And thanks for your reply. Stay tuned... Irina's story continues!
Long life to Irina!

(Not that she will be enjoying it)
As long as she can... she's very, very sick... A soldier under the centurion's orders gave her some water to quench her thirst. Irina greedily drank five ladles.
Long life to Irina!

(Not that she will be enjoying it)
The scorching heat of this day is very strong! Another four hours have passed. Irina has already been crucified for about seven hours now.
She is very thirsty again. Her pain is unbearable... her head is spinning, her ears are ringing, she has been in apoxia for several hours now.
Irina desperately tries to get up to catch some breath... but she can't anymore... she has no strength left. In a last ditch effort, trying to get leverage with just her forearms releases a terrible nerve spasm in her arms and shoulders and terrible, life threatening cramps radiating from her wrists all the way down to her biceps and deltoids. Her arms give way, and as a result her entire body weight rests entirely on her arms. You can hear a crack of bones. Irina's left shoulder, her scapula, has just been dislocated and therefore blocked and the bones of her wrists, already drilled by nails, are rubbing together. Irina lets out really desperate screams of unbelievable pain, further compromising her already compromised breathing. Irina, in a state of panic, as well as her pain, knowing that she can no longer get up, hyperventilates, depriving her of more precious oxygen for her. Her organs begin to collapse, her heart, her lungs, her liver, her kidneys...


  • Irina Crucified 007(1).jpg
    Irina Crucified 007(1).jpg
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Another hour has passed and Irina desperately asks for water...She can't speak!.. Imagine, the soldier had to climb the ladder again and put his ear close to Irina's lips to be able to hear what she said. ".... I.... I... want....water... just...w-ww--water...ha-ha-have me-me-me-mercy.. .
Eight hours of crucifixion for this twenty-six year old girl... on a sultry summer day... scorching heat... how much she is suffering!
Under the centurion's permission, the soldier gives Irina four ladles of water to quench her thirst, but now her organs are slowly collapsing...
Here Irina is seen from behind her, her back is wounded with cuts from her previous flogging before she was crucified.


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    Irina Crucified 003 (2).jpg
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  • Irina Crucified 006 (2).jpg
    Irina Crucified 006 (2).jpg
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One day has passed...another day really really hot...Irina start to be close to death. She has asked again water, but this time she not went given... choosing to leave her to die.

Irina, feeling that death is near, desperately tries to attract the attention of the two soldiers, slightly trying to lean out and look at them, desperately looking for a way out of death... but everything is useless...

Irina can no longer feel anything in her feet, she no longer feels pain, as if they had been amputated them, a clear symptom that her feet and the lower limbs of her legs are going into necrosis. Her nail was driven quite close to her toes, pierced part of her metatarsal bones and obviously severed nerves, tendons, muscles.

The veins and arteries that pass through her feet are now emptied of her blood, lost from her horrible wound. Her feet are tortured and mangled by the hammered nail.

The nails are rusty and the wounds on Irina's wrists and feet are becoming very infected. Irina is starting to have a high fever and is starting to have mild spasmodic convulsions.

While she is still conscious, a terrible fear is mounting in her, she is staring into space, her teeth start chattering and she has continuous panic attacks, she can no longer breathe.

Irina is slowly suffocating, now all the organs of her body no longer function, her vital functions are compromised, liver, kidneys, lungs...

and soon her heart will also go into cardiac arrest... and furthermore Irina actually has little blood in her circulation, lost due to the very ugly wounds inflicted by the nails.

.....and soon she will remain completely unconscious, she will completely go into a coma until death comes.


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    Irina Crucified 001(1).jpg
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Irina passes out another time... all her organs are almost collapsed... her heart is really really tired... probably Irina will have heart attack or cardiac arrest in very soon time, her really weakness heart pumps really few blood...


  • Irina Crucified 009(1).jpg
    Irina Crucified 009(1).jpg
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This was the last time Irina regained consciousness... and not even a minute later she arched her head back and let out one last loud scream of pain in the grip of the deadly cramps that she felt throughout her body. All her organs completely collapsed.
Irina rolls her eyes back and no longer screams, she lets out her last weak breaths accompanied by the last cardiac pumps of her heart, giving desperate abdominal contractions that are completely involuntary. One last beat of her heart... Irina gives one last strangled breath and drool drips from her mouth, her eyes turn white, the pupils hidden behind her eyes. Completely suffocated, Irina dies, her heart has just stopped beating, the blood loss from the terrible wounds inflicted by the nails, the cramps, spasms, dislocated joints and the collapse of her organs have killed Irina. In the last streams of saliva, which still continue to come out of Irina's mouth even though she is dead, there are traces of blood, it is probable that all this has caused some internal bleeding.


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    Irina Crucified 004(1).jpg
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And here are Irina's feet nailed in the foreground.
We see that the nail was chosen to be driven quite downwards piercing Irina's toe area.
The metatarsal bones were broken, obviously the tendons, the nerves of the toes and the muscle bands of her soles were completely cut.
It is very likely that while the nail was driven into Irina's feet, some secondary artery in her feet, or at least some large vein, was severed, causing this heavy blood loss.


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    Irina Crucified 004(1)(1).jpg
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