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A slave girl waiting and she probably doesn’t have much choice. As to what she is waiting for, considering she is standing naked by a bed it is to be assumed she is to be used sexually by one of more people.

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This 20-year-old slave girl named Nicole has her "difficult" period every evening. 40 days after her 18th birthday, she became a slave girl and since then she has been serving her owner in his house, cooking meals, cleaning, making the bed, ironing the bed, shopping. However, every evening she must have sexual intercourse with her owner, even though Nicole had no desire to have sex with her master at first. However, when she refused to have sex with her master on her first day as a servant, her master became furious and whipped her as a punishment (her back, buttocks and partly her breasts and stomach were covered with lash wounds) and then he brutally raped her.
From then on, Nicole never refused to have sex with her master, knowing that if she disobeyed her once, her owner might even crucify her, hang her, or kill her in some other way. It happened that her master's male friends came to the house and she also had to have sex with them. Sometimes she would have sex with her master more than once a day. The sex was gentle or brutal, depending on whether Nicole served him well that day or not. Nicole accepted her fate.
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