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So Long!

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ERIN the Brave

Staff member
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
I want to wish you the very best of luck and take care of yourself.
You are not alone and you have left your mark here as well.
Be kind to yourself and concentrate on getting well!
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
So sorry to hear of this. Wishing you all the best! Will miss your presence here, many laughs and good times. You always said you had my back. Know that I have yours! ❤️
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
Wishing you the very best and a speedy recovery.
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
Well, I sincerely hope that twilight is many decades away. Make a full and complete recovery, Erin.

And thank you too, for everything you've brought to the forums.

@ERIN the Brave
I'm sorry to hear about your awful diagnosis,and your brave decision to leave CruxForums,(it couldn't have been an easy one to make....)
I do however wish you a full,speedy recovery and all the best for the future.
will miss you :( :(
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
As a caregiver who recently lost my soulmate I can relate to how daunting a diagnosis can be. Do your best. You will find strength and capabilities you didn't know you had. I will be thinking of you and wishing the best.
Hello everyone, I'm sorry I have Ben absent for a while but I was no my choice because things happen that sometimes we can't control. Ever since Melissa left the Cruxforums I have been somewhat sad because she and I were such good friends, and I miss her because to me it just doesn't seem to be the ame without her, In my opinion Melissa was the heart and soul of the Cruxforums and it just isn't the same without her...if that wasn't enough about.5 weeks ago I had a lump removed from my left breast , the doctor preformed a biopsy and it was positive for cancer. I was heart broken at this news , my doctor however is very optimistic about my recovery because he said that it was caught in its very early stages. The tumor was removed and I have been undergoing radiation treatments for a few weeks now. I regret to inform all of you that I will be leaving the cruxforums to concentrate on my treatments and my recovery. It has been a wonderful experience being here for these past seventeen years, I consider all of you my on line family. My situation is simple I will either recover full from this or I will begin a journey that will lead me into the twilight of my life, I will try to stay optimistic. In closing, if I my use the word's of actress Carol Bernet...I'm so glad we had this time together...just to have a laugh or sing a song...seems we just get started and before you know it...comes the time we have to say...so long!
Goodbye everyone...I love you all
As sad as it is to say goodbye to a good friend, I understand your decision. Your health and well being are a top priority, and I wish the best possible outcome in your fight. You are very much loved here, and will be missed.

If possible, please let us know how you are doing.
I’m very sorry to learn this and support your decision to focus on your health. Maybe in a few months you’ll get the happy news of remission. I miss our fallen Angel Melissa very much as well.

Know that you have touched many people, even us relative newbies and I won’t forget you. Sending hope for a speedy recovery to you. Of course you are always welcome back if you so choose to. Many people will want to know of your news.

Godspeed to you.
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