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I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
You will.

Such good news to hear, and I'm so happy for you. You're fighter and you earned this victory.
Take care of yourself, and enjoy life now.
Hello everyone, I just got home from having my first MRI test and to my delight the test results were negative. My doctor showed me the 3D pictures of my breasts and my doctor told me that there is no signs of cancer, I was so happy that I cried, he hugged me and told me that this was just the beginning but that we are on our way! He has always been positive and optimistic about my progress and recovery, I just love him and I trust him with my life, he has been my rock even when I was feeling down and preparing for the worst. I will be having MRI tests till the end of the year and he told me that if there is no recurring development of cancer by then that he said that he sees no reason why I can't resume living a normal life. Well that is the first update and I am so happy, my brother and I are going to have BBQ on Monday to celebrate Memorial day, in the meantime I going to take a nap as the MRI wore me out!
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
Good news, Erin! :thumbsup:
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
I’m so happy for you, as I’m sure all of us who know you from here are. This is fantastic news and of course I’m hoping for good news in December. Many have been down this path and it sounds like yours is about as positive as is possible under the circumstances. Here’s to remission and #FuckCancer
Good to hear this Erin!
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
I'm so happy to hear that! Good luck with the future!
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
Sono così felice in questo momento... I risultati della mia TAC sono stati negativi e il mio medico ha detto a me e a mio fratello che se la prossima TAC a dicembre sarà negativa considererà che sono guarita dal cancro... Nel frattempo continuerò a sottopormi all'autopalpazione del seno ogni giorno e a prendere le mie medicine senza eccezioni, ringrazio tutti per gli auguri, sono stati tutti molto incoraggianti e una vera iniezione di fiducia... Se riuscirò a superare anche quest'ultimo esame, so che sarà per grazia di Dio.
A big hug from Italy! We don't know each other personally, but with us strange people I feel very empathetic!;):bdsm-heart:
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
Great news, Connie. You'll soon be telling that cancer where it belongs. In the mouth of the red dragon.
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
So happy for you!
I am so happy right now ...My CT scan results were negative and my doctor told me and my brother that if the next CT scan in December is negative he will consider me cancer free...in the meantime I will continue to do my self breast exams everyday and take my medication without fail, thank everyone so much for the well wishes they were all very encouraging and a real shot in the arm...If I can just pass this last test I know that it will be by the grace of God .
Great news Erin. All of the best....
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