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some own work by thecuriousone

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Now I start to have more own work of crux pics I can start my own thread. To be updated when I had more inspiration and time.


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I posted this alternative crucifixion in another thread but it should go here as well.


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After a few busy weeks I found time to make one more fake again.


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After a couple of months just doing other things I found time to make something again.


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Select wanted eleven ladies women and girls around from Europe also United States for the crucified half nude only with bikini or not t-shirts at Festival Medieval at West Australia....
Before retreating the soldiers crucified the inhabitants of the village. Before entering the area the approaching relief force, suspecting an ambush, set the forest alight to drive away the enemy.


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The cruxmachine

Summer was surprised when she received the news that her long-lost uncle Ben had left her his lavish manor and a large sum of money. At first she couldn't believe it.
Although she hadn't seen him since childhood, Summer remembered fondly how he used to entertain her with stories about his adventurous life.
Summer's mother always said that Uncle Ben was not to be trusted, he owed money to several family members and probably to strangers as well. He was very good at making up stories about why someone should invest in his plan, but he never paid back a penny. Eventually, the constant attention of bailiffs and even police made him decide to leave the country ten years ago, and the family lost contact with him. Summer was surprised that he had managed to thrive so well lately.
She arrived in Scotland in the 18th-century manor, surprised that Uncle Ben had done so well before he died.
As soon as she stepped inside the grand estate, Summer knew that she wanted to keep it mostly as it is -a testament to her uncle's impeccable taste. Maybe add a comfortable sofa, take away this ugly wardrobe, a few minor changes here and there, but in general, she would feel very comfortable. For sure she wouldn't change anything too drastically. She had dinner, opened a bottle of wine from Uncle Ben's wine cellar and went to bed early after the long day.

Summer started the next morning intending to sort out all administration. With a cup of cappuccino in her hand, she started up Uncle Ben's computer and proceeded to browse the files on it. Holiday pics, mostly of her uncle with a good-looking woman at least 20 years younger than him, various music, a large file with very kinky videos.... ooh disgusting. But she might check that out later, she did not want to admit it but she had a kinky side hidden under the surface. Various business communication, but no organized administration. No clear view of Uncle Ben's source of income. She stumbled on a file called cruxmachine. Something with business? It contained what appeared to be blueprints and technical drawings for some kind of machine and a text file that appears to be a manual. Too technical for her, maybe later she would review it. And a series of videos called Diane's session 1 to 32. Out of curiosity, she opened the first one. It showed a woman in a red latex catsuit. She remembered the woman from some of the holiday pictures of her uncle. The woman said: "Hallo viewers. Today I will test out this machine that will crucify me. I do not intend to survive this, it has been my dream to be crucified for real for as long as I can remember."
"Oh my gosh," said Summer. "This is so horrible"..... but the kinky corner of her mind found it intriguing. She closed the video and walked away to calm down and get another cup of coffee.

After a break, she managed to find the folders with her uncle's administration. Quite some chaos, and it took until well after lunch to figure out most of it. It appeared that her uncle has been securing investments for various projects for years, without actually spending any money realizing those projects. All investments were laundered away so Uncle Ben could live a luxurious life. Debths exceeded the assets by millions and millions. Basically, it meant that instead of becoming filthy rich, by accepting the inheritance she was doomed for bankruptcy.

That afternoon, it was sunny. Summer needed some time to let the whole of the situation sink in before she could find a solution to the financial chaos. She took a walk around the vast estate. While exploring the vast gardens surrounding the manor, Summer stumbled upon a hidden door leading to what seemed like a secret underground room. Curiosity got the better of her, she fumbled on her uncle's keyring until she could unlock the heavy oak door. It was dark, but the light switch was quickly found.
Summer had always loved exploring, and she couldn't resist peeking inside the large cellar. What she found was puzzling: a large wooden cross on the floor surrounded by machines. The purpose would have seemed totally unclear if she had not seen Uncle Ben's blueprints. It was the same machine, the cruelly torturous device that would crucify anyone crazy enough to lie down on it and press the activation switch.

The room was cold and damp, but Summer could feel her heart pounding as she looked at the horrific device. She knew it was wrong, but something about the machine fascinated her. It was like nothing she had ever seen before. She stood motionless in the chilly, damp room, staring at the strange and terrifying machine before her. She felt a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through her veins as she approached it tentatively.
As she examined the device more closely, Summer's heart raced with curiosity. It was like nothing she had ever seen before, an intricate contraption that seemed to be designed for one gruesome purpose: crucifixion. It was a wooden cross lying on the ground, with at its base a gearwheel system that could raise it. At the positions where someone's wrists and ankles would be if he or she would lie down on the cross, were modified jackhammers, with power cables connected to them. A control panel could start a timer with settings between one minute and 2 hours. At the expiration of the timer, it would drive the nails through wrists and ankles. There was also a setting marked random, so you would not know when the nails would come down.

This was too much to comprehend right away, and Summer ran out of the cellar. It took some time before her heart was not pounding anymore. Now she was so scared and curious at the same time, but she had to find out if this woman Diane actually did get herself crucified. She went back to Uncle Ben's desk and opened the video again. She saw all of it. She saw Diane lay down on the same machine in the same cellar, and position her wrists and ankles right under the jackhammers. It took 4 minutes and then the nails crushed through her limbs deep in the wood. Diane screamed hell, clearly in extreme agony, while the gearwheel slowly raised the cross. For the rest of the video, she was writhing, screaming and crying until it ended after 90 minutes.
Summer checked also the last video. Diane was still breathing, but there was no more fight left in her. After a good forty minutes, she stopped moving, clearly dead.
There were 32 videos in total. Each being 90 minutes long. So it took Diane almost 48 hours of agony to die on the cross.

After a sleepless night, Summer called her lawyer and asked if she somehow could escape from the inheritance. It took the lawyer a couple of hours to review the paperwork, but already before lunch, he told her basically that because she signed for it, there was no way that she could escape from the huge debth. Summer now knew that she was doomed.
Feeling defeated, she made herself lunch and opened a bottle of expensive wine with it. She was not hungry at all but took several glasses of wine to calm her nerves.
Despite her initial revulsion, something about the machine in the cellar fascinated her. Its dark energy called out to her, tempting her to explore its mysteries further. With no future anyway, she could as well take this final step. Maybe let fate decide and set it on random. If she changed her mind before it activated, she would live. And so, Summer made up her mind to use it on herself.

She went inside the cellar and stripped off her clothes. With trembling hands, she set the timer to random. She stepped onto the cross and positioned her hands and feet in the right spot. And she waited. As the timer beeped every second to indicate it was counting down, Summer couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and terror at what was about to happen.
Then, suddenly, there was a loud snap and a blinding flash of pain as the nails pierced her flesh. Through the haze of suffering, Summer could feel a strange sense of satisfaction creeping over her. She had done it. She had crucified herself. She tried to move, but it caused only pain in her wrists and ankles. Slowly the cross started to rise to let Summer start her deadly dance of agony.


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I saw this pic on this forum a couple of hours ago, I believe on the topic Beach babes, and just had to amend it. She only has to suffer a couple of hours, until high water.


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