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Some Sketches

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The believer (1 of 3)

"Thank you officer for your kindness! Jesus bless... you... umm..."
"Wait a bit, good woman. Did you just mentioned the name of the crucified Jewish self-proclaimed king and rebel?"
"Oh, I don't know why... Perhaps by mistake... Please, let me go...!"
"So, you are not only the Christian but a coward. I heard many times that the believers of the Jewish Messiah are obligated to be his witnesses..."
"But I don't want to be punished nor... Please! Please, let me go!"
"No way! Take off your cloack and shoes. Now!"
"Oh, my God... Oh, Jesus, save me, please, please!"
"Well, too late, you stupid woman. Give me your hands, both of them. I must tie your hands on your back..."
"Where are you taking me? I didn't committed any crime!"
"Yes you did! Go, go, don't look back! In two minutes you will know where we're going."
"Please... Please... Don't hurt me...!"
"Your name?"
"What? I'm Agnes, officer, and-"
"Rufus, put her name and a fish sign -ichtis- on the titulus. It will be enough. Thanks. So, dear lady, I must hung the titulus on your neck... well... ready. Let's go!"
"But I am in a hurry! I must go to the fair and-"
"On the contrary, you will have plenty of time. Unlucky, the hilltop is not as crowded as the fair, but on the other hand we have no time to erect another pole there, and on the hilltop we hahe one ready and unused. Go, go!"
"What do you want to do with me, officer!? Please, have mercy!"
"No way. Okay, we are there! Now, you will stay here for a day and perhaps for the night too."
"Oh, sweet Jesus, please-"
"Shut up and stay still, we must undress you. And stop calling your false king, or you will be punched in the face and raped!"
"Oh, Jesus...!"

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@Andyman, when I was a pious parochial school kid, reading the children's stories of the Christian Martyrs, the girls alway miraculously preserved their modesty and "purity," whatever that was, especially St. Agnes.

Your St. Agnes does none of the above. Was that by intent? In any case, profuse thanks. :eeek: :babeando::very_hot:

@Andyman, when I was a pious parochial school kid, reading the children's stories of the Christian Martyrs, the girls alway miraculously preserved their modesty and "purity," whatever that was, especially St. Agnes.

Your St. Agnes does none of the above. Was that by intent? In any case, profuse thanks. :eeek: :babeando::very_hot:

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Maybe so, maybe no. IMO it's slightly more complicated, but there are some particular female given names as Agnes, Beata, Dorothy or Margaret, which are special to me because of the persons important to me, who were named after these saints. Imagining my beloved ones being killed in such a terrible way makes me shiver and helps me to realize the horror of death on the cross. They are rather these women, not the real, first century CE saints, I fantasize about while sketching.
The chieftain of the rebels was finally eliminated. We crucified him. The Roman peace was restored. I was very satisfied. Especially because we eliminated his children as well. The two we killed and we crucified his wife. She wasn't guilty but who cares: if she was pregnant, it solved the problem of his potential successors. That's why I was really happy watching her dying in pain together with the rogue.

If I knew the drunken young man who entered my street food stall, I would be much more cautious. But I didn't know him so when he begun destroying the furniture and breaking the pottery, I simple hit him on the head with a stool. He lost the consciousness. But when I call the bollards, they arrested me instead of him! He proved to be a son of a rich patrician, although he looked like a servant in the simple clothes with no sandals! And when the physician examined the young man and found him badly injured, my fate was decided. The judge was merciless and my completely naked body, nailed with a real iron spikes, piercing my wrists and feet, writhing in pain, was hunged over the slope of the mound where my hometown was built...

Two times the tax collectors agreed to wait few weeks for my money, but when they came to my house for the third time and found me preparing to the long trip abroad, they didn't believe me that it was a simple coincidence. And the judge said so, and he sentenced me to death, and I was executed as a thief. Today in the morning instead of the ship deck, I entered the gallows and was crucified there, full naked like a slave or some barbarian whore... On the crossroads, before my neighbors and clients... And I was dying three long days, suffering the cruelest debasment and unimaginable physical pain...

I realize that in "The Death of Anna" some of the background colors are part of the effect. But for those who want less background...


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And continuing...


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During the Gaul rebellion, general Claudius Viridius as a officer in command ordered the citizens (mostly Gauls, Greeks and Germans) to stay calm and work hard together with his legionnaires. Multiple cracks in the old city walls must be fixed to leave no weak point and the wood, stones and food collected before the enemy would approach. But Irene was stupid or self-confident enough to disobey the orders and try to escape from the endangered city with. She was punished with all the severity and cruelty. However no one was watching her dying because everyone was busy working and no one wanted to be punished like her for the lazyness.

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