San Rafael, interrogation Room C-2, Thursday, February 20, 1:15 pm.
In a dry, unemotional tone, Teniente Coronel Francisco Zúñiga dutifully informed his prisoner that she was to be subjected to ‘la parrilla’, which meant attaching electrodes to her body, one inserted inside her vagina and the two others, in the form of clips, attached to her nipples. And then to inflict on her a series of prolonged electrical shocks, each one successively set at a more powerful amperage than its predecessor. This to go on until either she agrees to talk, in this case to sign a confession, or the highest allowable amperage is reached. Should that happen without a confession, which he highly doubted, she would be removed to a larger interrogation room equipped with the means of inflicting other forms of torture, such as ‘Pau de arara’ or waterboarding.
“Last chance to avoid such unnecessary suffering, Señorita Morales. Resistance, however brave and righteous, is futile.”
Bárbara shut her eyes and said nothing.
He sighed, then nodded his assent to the three men waiting expectantly behind her.
At roughly the same time in Washington DC the National Security Council reconvened in the Roosevelt Room. Justin Merriweather, National Security Advisor to the President, surveyed those assembled, checking to see that everyone was present. An aide entered the room to inform him that the President and her Chief of Staff, Claire McDaniels, were on the phone in the Oval Office but would be joining them shortly.
A quarter of an hour passed before they appeared.
“Good afternoon everyone. Please be seated. Justin, you may proceed with the briefing. What have we learned over the past 24 hours?”
“Well, Madame President, we have a few options that I can lay out for you. First one is to take military action. The Joint Chiefs inform me that the preparation for that would require a minimum of 36 hours, probably more. They envision a complete suppression of air defenses in the San Rafael region, and then the landing of a force sufficient to quickly overwhelm the security forces at the installation there in which Bárbara Morales is being held, free her and extricate her from the country.”
“We’d likely take casualties. Our political opposition here at home would seize upon it and cause considerable trouble. Morales might be killed in the operation.
“Other options?”
“State says they can increase diplomatic pressure by rallying allied governments around the world to condemn the stolen election, and impose severe sanctions on Neuva Valencia’s already struggling economy.”
“Too slow, and likely ineffective.”
“I’d have to agree, Madame President. The third option would be a clandestine operation mounted by the CIA. Langley informs me that they have an asset inside the San Rafael complex where Morales is being held. A mid-level officer there … I believe he holds the rank of Colonel … by the name of Francisco Zúñiga. Contact has been made with him, and he’s indicated a willingness to help … namely by finding a way to remove Morales, at least temporarily, from the maximum security section of the complex. It could be risky, Madame President. It would place an awful lot of trust in the ability of Zúñiga to get her to a place where she might be rescued, an awful lot of faith in him truly being on our side, and trust that a CIA team could successfully reach her and extricate her. Nonetheless, that seems in my opinion to be our best option, Madame President.”
“Alright, we’ll go with the third option, and tell Foggy Bottom to apply diplomatic pressure as well. As for the Joint Chiefs, there’s no harm in them going ahead with preparations, just in case.
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Now, Claire McDaniels and I have something of our own to share that may offer us some hope. Claire has worked through an intermediary in New York City to get in touch with a retired police detective there, by the name of Stan Goldman, who provided security for Morales a year or so ago when she attended a conference there. Seems he and Morales spent a lot of time together … alone in the city over a weekend, some of it ‘intimate’ … his word, not mine … while his partner, whose name by the way is also Barbara, was elsewhere. And I believe Goldman has offered us a useful insight … under strictest confidence … for his own domestic protection … this must go no further than this room.”
“And what could that possibly be?” said Merriweather, his facial expression, along with his words, telegraphing skepticism.
“Well, if Goldman can be believed, Morales …. is intelligent, determined and passionate … absolutely committed to her cause of avenging what Mendoza did to her father and mother, and to restoring true democracy to her country. He believes that she may well be able to withstand torture far better than anyone, including the Mendoza regime, believes. Which, in turn, may buy our special operation, especially if Zúñiga does his part, some much needed time.
She gasped and shook her head from side to side after the contents of a bucket full of cold water hit her square in the face.
She’d just undergone the fourth electro-shock treatment since her ordeal began. Through teary eyes she could make out the cruel face of Rodriguez, who loomed over her, control device gripped in his huge paw … saw him turn expectantly to Teniente Coronel Zúñiga for the go ahead to take the amperage to the next level.
Bárbara had already endured the first four levels. She knew it was going to get worse. But she thought she’d overheard than saying the fifth level was the maximum. She hoped to outlast them … somehow.
It had all begun as her team of torturers came into the interrogation room not long after Zúñiga had offered her an alternative … an offer she’d chosen to refuse.
And they’d moved quickly to wire her up. First by temporarily raising her ass up and forward enough off the metal chair to which she was strapped to allow them to push a wetted cone-shaped steel mesh attached to an electrode up into her vagina. And then by attaching electrodes to her breasts by clipping them to her nipples.
The effect of being then subjected to ‘la parilla’ had been excruciatingly painful, causing her to writhe and squirm about wildly within the limits of her bonds, and to curse and scream until the current was turned off. Only to have it begin all over again after a brief respite, set each time to an ever higher level.
It was as bad as she imagined it would be, actually worse. Just the day before, at the time of her incarceration, she’d briefly witnessed the same method administered to her campaign press secretary, Maria Sanchez. And she knew that ‘la parilla’ had eventually broken Maria. Poor Maria! Poor Maria whom she ‘d subsequently been forced to witness executed before a firing squad. Nevertheless she was determined to withstand the electrical shockings, no matter what.
Zúñiga had indicated his assent. Rodriguez had leaned in to tug at the wires leading to the clips on her breasts. Satisfied that she was still well wired, he’d made a show of holding the control device close to her face, grasping the dial between his fat fingers and abruptly twisting it to its highest level.