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Sympathy for the Pear - Story

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I do live a BDSM lifestyle as a Dom. I have built many devices and done loads of scenes throughout my life. I also give demos on various things so I do have a fair bit of experience being cruel to women. But all those women have a safe word.
Mmmmmmm ! It could be interesting that you describe them or, perhaps, show some photos ... And no doubt that you are certainly a wise Dom ...:rolleyes:
The sister nodded to me “Give her another turn, slowly”

I gripped the handle and slowly expanded the pear more. As I turned it I could feel her womanhood was tight around the pear. Now, as I opened it, I tore the girl. More blood was visible leaking out of the hole from her injuries.

Her screams became more twisted, more frantic as the pear opened up. I noticed a bump on her stomach from the effects of the growing pear. With wide eyes she pulled with every muscle. She could feel every adjustment of the device as I turned the handle, every one.

While screaming, she managed to lift her head to first look at me, then down to her stomach. The horror of seeing the bump on her stomach move as the pear opened obviously affected her. She screamed, she pulled on the restraints, she screamed yet more. She screamed until all the air left her lungs pausing only to inhale before letting out another cry. Her fingers and toes moved erratically giving her no comfort. Yet still she did not confess.

Once I had finished the turn I could see her lips stretched around the pear and even see inside her. It was like a cave of flesh had been revealed, but then after a few moments, the flow of blood told a tale of the damage I was causing.

I was obviously worried by the sight of blood. It was becoming quite substantial. The crimson trickled out, dripping on the stone floor below.

The blood dripped down as we allowed her time to feel the pear. The sister and I just watched as she felt the horror within her. We gave her around thirty minutes at this setting. During this time she would make eye contact with me. Her look was one of despair. She would look for a moment before returning to the throws of pain.

Charlottes face was red and her eyes were full of tears as the Sister walked over to her “Now my child, admit your crimes. The pear has done enough to you”

With her left hand Sister Carlyle lifted Charlottes head so she could look down her body. Then with her right hand she stroked the bump the pear was causing. “Look my girl at what you have caused us to do. Just end this now, for yourself”

Charlotte was shacking but managed some relative quiet as she looked down. She looked up at the sister with her large pain filled eye and simply said “I’m a good Christian”

The Sister rested her head back down on the table “Very well young girl”

She then looked to me with some sadness in her eyes “We have no choice. Open her up”
Charlotte sobbed as she heard me walk back to adjust the pear. As soon as she felt me touch it the bulge on her stomach wobbled and she resumed her screams. Her long wails engulfed the stone room once more as I gripped the handle and continued to open the pear.

She would now feel the pears full destructive force, but only because she would not confess. I found myself looking down at the pear with its parted petals again thinking of the mechanical nature of her torture. With the turn of the handle I awarded her extra pain for her noncompliance.

Her outer lips were now stretched tight and looked like they to, could tear. Part of me admired the workings of the pear and no one could deny its effectiveness. While cruel, it was a perfect tool to use on a woman who refuses to tell the truth. I could see the torture to such a delicate area was working well on Charlotte yet still she would not talk. Turning the handle was the only option. I tried to tell myself this was justified.

Sister Carlyle cringed at the sight of the now mainly open pear and the blood flowing. As a woman she would naturally picture the torture being applied to her, a terrible thought I’m sure. I then remembered the sight of villages destroyed by witchcraft, the starving people and continued to turn the device. It needed to be done.

Her womanhood still presented some resistance as I continued to open but the girls screams were the dominating factor. She tossed her head around shaking it violently with her mouth wide open. The pain going through her mind must have been worse than anything she could imagine.

She appeared to lose her strength and was no longer pulling on the restrains as much, a closer look showed her hands and feet had turned blue. A sign she had lost feeling in them.

Between her legs the pear was now covered in the crimson liquid that dripped down onto the floor. Even her inner lips which were wrapped tightly around the pear began to rip. Right up at the top where the lips connected a tear started to form which now blead like her other injuries. At first it was a little cut but soon widened and grew.

The girl was lost in pain as I continued her treatment until I felt a sudden stiffness. The pear was now fully open. I took a step back and Sister Carlyle ran her eyes up and down charlottes form. We both now looked on at a woman feeling the full bite of the pear.

She would scream and as the air left her lungs, the cry would quieten before she breathed in. Then she would fill the room with renewed cries of a twisted nature. We both knew there was no point taking to her. We just had to watch her feel the pear and wait until she showed a sign she would confess. The pear needed no further adjustment to continue being effective, it just worked.

I noticed Charlottes skin turn a shade whiter and small beads of sweat appeared on her. Also the bulge on her stomach had become very visible and looked like the pear could burst right through her. We had undoubtable ruined her womanhood, not only that she would likely soon die from the complications of us needing to use this torture on her.

As I stood between her parted legs with full view of the opened pear I could see the damage the device had done. It was a cruel instrument yet it felt justified, it did a little at least.

The girl’s movements now changed to shacking and over time her screams changed to quieter whimpers. She was weakening but we both knew she was still feeling the full amount of pain.

I leaned back against the wall with full view of the mechanical device protruding from her. The Sister continued to watch with her hands clutched together. We waited.

It was maybe another ten minutes before she raised her head with much struggle. The Sister stepped forward to see the girl.

“I…… Confess……” She said with much strain.

“Very well my dear”

The Sister turned to me “Close the pear a few turns so she can talk”

I did as asked and gripped the pear once more. I turned the handle the other way and watched the bulge on her stomach go down as I did. I was much easier to close it than open it, probably as there was no longer any resistance from the female. I wound it back a bit then nodded to show I was finished.

Charlotte took a few breaths, she was clearly still in pain but it was much less now. The Sister Looked to me again “Hold on to the pear would you. If she does not confess fully you may need to open it again”

I loosely held the device as she looked down at the girl “Now Charlotte…. Confess!”

“I will….. I confess…. I’m a witch. It’s all true”

“So now you admit it. You stupid girl thinking you could take the pear, why did you do that to yourself. Well, no matter now”

The Sister shook her head “So the ingredients you collected were you to cast a spell?”

“Yes…. I was to harm to grain supply” She spoke before taking more deep breaths.

“Who told you to do that?”

“I was told by a woman. She came from the next town and told me how to make the spell”

“What was her name?”

“It was Helen. Now please can I have the pear removed? Please I have told you everything”

“Describe Hellen”

Tears ran down the side of her face “She has brown hair and is 24 years old. Now can you please remove the pear. Please?”

The girl’s eyes darted between the Sister and I.

Sister Carlyle looked at me “Open up the pear again”

“What! NO!!!” Charlotte cried.

I did as commanded and opened the pear fully which pulled open her lips once more and resumed her suffering. As she suffered I looked to the sister who said calmly. “Pull on the pear” She instructed.

I held the handle of the pear and started to pull it as if I was trying to remove it. I could feel her womanhood resist from the force. The brought back more twisted cries from Charlotte.

Her head moved around as the pain continued to work on her. The part where her two lips connected at the top tore even more. I continued for about 15 minutes pulling and twisting the pear until I was asked to stop.

“Loosen the pear please” The sister asked.

With the pear now lose Charlotte calmed down again so she could be questioned. After a minute of heavy breathing Charlotte asked “Why?...... I have confessed? Please no more”

Calmly the sister replied “I know you have confessed but I gave you the chance to confess and be treated humanely at the beginning but you declined. Now you will feel pain until you die”

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry” Charlotte cried out.

“Ivan open up the pear then join me outside”

I held the pear once more as Charlotte raised her head. She looked down her body in terror but did not beg me to stop. Slowly I started to open up the pear once more resulting in Charlotte throwing her head back and screaming as before.

I moved the orientation of the pear slightly so it would now expand in a different way. My hope was this would injure her in a different way causing new pain. This time the pear opened up much easier than before as there was no resistance. I watched as the bulge on her stomach rose up but in a different position and her lips were forced apart once more. Blood once again trickled out of her adding to the small pool on the floor.

Her body twisted as pain filled her again showing how effective the pear can be. I turned more as her screams resonated in the room. It was not long before I had fully opened the pear. I made sure there was no more movement so that she was feeling the full force of the device inside her.

Now, with the pear open I ducked under one of her outstretched legs heading towards the door. I turned back to see her beautiful body stretched out. Her breasts wobbled as she pulled with her limbs and she squirmed in agony. Her head moved around erratically so her red hair covered her face. It was not often that I got to fully open a pear during questioning so I took a moment to view the sight of a woman taking the full force of the pear.

Leaving her to suffer I left the room.
It's something we've discussed. The kinds of pear one can see in museums, and in photos online, that have sharp points to their 'petals' would surely have been likely to cause severe, probably fatal, haemorrhage. But 'blunt' ones - such as were used in horses' mouths - would have been very painful without so much risk, I think.
It's something we've discussed. The kinds of pear one can see in museums, and in photos online, that have sharp points to their 'petals' would surely have been likely to cause severe, probably fatal, haemorrhage. But 'blunt' ones - such as were used in horses' mouths - would have been very painful without so much risk, I think.

I agree with your thinking
wow, great descriptions!!! :) I have crossed my legs many many time, how dreaful it was!

It seems to me that the damage done by such a device would be important, and the victim would die soon. Anybody more educated on the subject than me can comment?

While there is little proof pears were used in this way I think that smaller blunt ones would be designed to fit into the vaginal cavity with the end touching the cervix and be expanded. These could cause pain by stretching the vaginal wall and given how many nerve ending there are around the G-spot this would be very painful for the female victim. Just this feeling would be an effective punishment or probably get a confession so I think it could be possible a skilled person could torture a woman in this way without killing her. There are even a few of the more extreme members of the bdsm community that do this.

I was shown this a while ago http://www.huse.com/Merchant2/merch..._Code=201034&Category_Code=MEDCL#.WxHEH-6FPIU

I personally have never done this and would not want to as it would be hard for me to know how this is effecting my sub and I would risk injury. It would not be worth the risk for me so I will stick to other methods.

But other pears look like if inserted the spikes would fit into the cervix like I have described. Stretching this would be even more painful and tearing here would probably be fatal. If not from blood loss but infection in this area would be devastating. But luckily this is just a fiction where I use the characters to explore how this might have happened.

Not too much more to go then you can uncross your legs. But you do know that crossing your legs would put more pressure on the pear and cause more pain? The best way a woman could lay was with her legs parted but there ultimately would be no escape.
It's something we've discussed. The kinds of pear one can see in museums, and in photos online, that have sharp points to their 'petals' would surely have been likely to cause severe, probably fatal, haemorrhage. But 'blunt' ones - such as were used in horses' mouths - would have been very painful without so much risk, I think.

I see, quite interesting, thanks a lot Eulalia. Is there a thread where this is discussed?
I read what you wrote in the other thread, thank Eulalia. I might add that even with a blunt pear, the pain would be comparable to giving birth, so not negligible at all...

It would cause that level of pain so it would be very cruel if used. There would also be a huge phycolicical factor as well. The idea that that kind of pain was made to happen slowly by a torturer would change things a great deal. Another thing is if pears were used it would cause fear if others just knowing that had happened. If I ruled your town and you heard the screams of a woman feeling the pear because she spoke against me would you do the same the next day? It is also a terror weapon.
It would cause that level of pain so it would be very cruel if used. There would also be a huge phycolicical factor as well. The idea that that kind of pain was made to happen slowly by a torturer would change things a great deal. Another thing is if pears were used it would cause fear if others just knowing that had happened. If I ruled your town and you heard the screams of a woman feeling the pear because she spoke against me would you do the same the next day? It is also a terror weapon.
A great story which must have taken much time and effort to compose. I always have thought that the best BDSM had a historical basis of the facts and then altered with elements that didn't happen but are imagined. Everything written on the subject indicates that the torture in the witch trials was administered by professionals who worked slowly and deliberately and who used every psychological trick they could as a supplement to or replacement of the grosser aspects of inflicting pain. In those actual scenes in the torture chambers where the witches were brought to "justice" the court personnel were all convinced that they were fighting an uphill battle against dark forces which far outmatched any human being and which required drastic measures.
I think I would like it.
Like a lot of the things we read about here, I'd certainly like to try it, to experience it, to know just what it really feels like....
I think I would like it.
Like a lot of the things we read about here, I'd certainly like to try it, to experience it, to know just what it really feels like....
These remarks started me thinking. WARNING: Windar may say somethng politically incorrect

The US and probably other countries as well are suffering a severe opioid addiction crisis. It has devastated some communities and resulted in a very large number of premature deaths. Many, if not most, of those affected became addicted by taking prescription opioids to treat one or another painful condition. They sought to avoid pain, in other words, even at great cost. Now here we have many members who want to or believe they want to experience it.

So I ask-why are certain types of pain seen as somehow desirable to suffer or inflict on others yet others are to be treated by any means available? If I said, "May I whip you"? I'd likely get volunteers here-some might not actually do it IRL, but some might. But if I said, "May I give you chronic back pain"? I bet I would get no takers, either in fantasy or reality. Nor would I get many who would say they would get a thrill from watching someone with chronic back pain.

So, no disrespect to the author (since the same could be said of my own stories and most others here), but assuming the pain caused by the pear is similar to that caused by a variety of diseases, why is one interesting and even desirable perhaps, and the other not?
Mad call I it, for, to define true madness, What is 't but to be nothing else but mad?
Ditto masochism. All the same, there are some significant differences between chronic back pain and BDSM -
the enjoyment comes partly from the pain being inflicted - especially (at least for me) by someone who's 'close' to me in significant ways -
in that sense, it's simply a rather rough kind of erotic foreplay. The Pear is obviously a sexual torture, chronic back-pain obviously isn't,
but other pains like whipping do stimulate pheromones (I think, or something of the sort), back-pain doesn't -
I believe violent taste sensations like hot chillis have a similar effect, and some people (more men) get a high from that..
More generally, there's a thrill - that's at least partly erotic - in experimenting with one's body,
perhaps it's a hangover of adolescence, certainly a taste for pain is likely to be discovered or acquired in that phase of life.
And, as I (and others here) have often said, it's the preparation and the waiting that are as arousing as the actual moment of agony -
being stripped naked, tied or shackled, seeing the Torturer preparing the Instruments....

There are risks of course, apart from the danger of actual injury, even death - and I'm very careful, you know why -
any sort of intense experience can become addictive, taking over people's lives just like a drug.

And with regard to other kinds of pain, those caused by illness or injury, I agree they don't score well as erotic experiences
(at least not often, I have occasionally experienced some masochistic pleasure even from those) - I do cope relatively well with pain,
I think those who know me and have treated me would agree, I don't readily resort to painkillers,
though naturally I want to know what's causing the pain and want it stopped - but it's part of life, I accept it -
but I don't know whether that's really anything to do with being a masochist.
Quotes what Eul said "And, as I (and others here) have often said, it's the preparation and the waiting that are as arousing as the actual moment of agony -
being stripped naked, tied or shackled, seeing the Torturer preparing the Instruments....

There are risks of course, apart from the danger of actual injury, even death - and I'm very careful, you know why -
any sort of intense experience can become addictive, taking over people's lives just like a drug. "

I agree that, for me,imagination being stripped nude before public is making me aroused than feeling pain. What I called "feeling shame" while I'm thinking somebody stripped my loin cloth and my legs spread wide lewedly displayed on the cross. But not only this, as like in my crucified mother story.. my arousing is based on putting myself as a matured queen who gets that public shame before my own ppls esp my husband and my baby son. That are the point aroused me most than pain. Ofcuz I wished to die in my orgasm too like in my story. But as like Eul said, I was over addicted on my crux more and more and that caused few important failures in my life...
and mde me abnormal in sexual relationship. I m not a mother in my RL and I am single. So above fantasy caued me thinking in I'm wife of my 15 years old nephew and crucified before him, . ofccuz I was thinking of aunty and nephew relatioship and that caused me mad.
I have to admit I still have my fantasy like it but now I'm under control by pratising of meditation called - Vipassana.
As whatthe grand master said in the merval movie "Doctor Strange".. everybody have a dark side and may use dark force, but we have to just above over it and control it, not to lose it.. That what I'm understanding now :)
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