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The Beauty Of Wooden Pony

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Find this in Italian: "Il dolore dello spigolo che preme sulla tua carne incomincia a manifestarsi con tutta la sua atrocità, ti senti come azzannata da morsi profondi; il male è continuo, intenso, penetrante, i genitali s’infiammano dopo pochi minuti. Ti agiti, cerchi in qualche modo una posizione che ti renda meno doloroso e più sopportabile quello strumento, ma è tutto inutile; anzi, ogni più piccolo movimento implica un dolore maggiore. Oscilli con il busto, avanti ed indietro, ma quando il peso del corpo si concentra sul clitoride, senti le fitte che ti arrivano al cervello; oscillano le gambe, poi provi a stringere le cosce e le natiche e ti sembra che il dolore non aumenti. Non hai scampo, puoi solo urlare e piangere; dieci minuti dopo sei senza forze, senza più lacrime ..."

I try to translate: "The pain of the edge that presses on your flesh begins to manifest itself with all its atrocity, you feel as if bitten by deep bites; the pain is continuous, intense, penetrating, the genitals inflame after a few minutes. you shake, you look for a position that makes that instrument less painful and more bearable for you, but it's all useless; indeed, every smallest movement implies more pain. focuses on the clitoris, you feel the pangs that reach your brain; they swing your legs, then you try to squeeze your thighs and buttocks and it seems to you that the pain does not increase. You have no escape, you can only scream and cry; ten minutes later you are without strength, without more tears ... "
I'm not sure if this can be classified as a pony...
I love the stretching in her powerful thighs. Depending on how her feet were secured she could flex those big muscles for some time to keep herself off the blades, the searing fire in her muscles would get unbearable. She’d allow herself to drop, onto to feel the sharp steel, transferring to her thighs again, gritting her teeth through the pain, but eventually she couldn’t hang on, finally her taut body would sag, once those teeth started to do their work she’d have no chance. LOVE IT.

Thanks for sharing
snapshots from the movie "the girl and the wooden horse torture". Sorry for quality


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