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The Beauty Of Wooden Pony

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Convicted of gender treason, they are sentenced to ride the wooden horse for an entire day and night. But instead of deterring them, the exquisite agony of its bite upon their wanton cunts only serves to further incite their forbidden passions.


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Convicted of gender treason, they are sentenced to ride the wooden horse for an entire day and night. But instead of deterring them, the exquisite agony of its bite upon their wanton cunts only serves to further incite their forbidden passions.

Imagine the mocking, the taunts and jeers they would endure if this punishment took place in public.
But it seems they would hear none of it...lost in their own private world...not caring in the least if others condemned their passionate, misunderstood love for each other.
This would be an excellent set up for the scaffold in the public square...the frame for public whippings...the option for placing the wooden horse underneath for harsher punishments... something fearful for every female to contemplate each time they pass by...
When the good citizens saw a wooden horse being placed between the sturdy pillars of the frame, it was a sure sign that a female...or females...was to undergo public punishment.
This was an event that guaranteed a huge crowd of onlookers in the square...jostling eachother for the best view...
These two pics are fantastic and deserve to be posted here as well... excellent depictions of a classic flogging astride the wooden horse.
This scene could also have taken place on top of a scaffold in the middle of a town square as a harsh sentence of public punishment.
The horse.... combined with water torture....a devious and harsh combination...a sore pussy and a distended belly make for a VERY unpleasant stay in the dungeon.


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