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The Bureau for the Re-education of Intractable Girls (B.R.I.G.)

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Greetings, fellow degenerates. I'm something of a novice 3d artist (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/104593645), and have been working on a setting for a number of years. I like feedback on my work (who doesn't), and figured I'd try using this most excellent forum. Not like I could ask my friends for input, haha - the content of the setting ranges from light (humiliation, forced exposure, moderate flogging) to medium (extreme bondage, constant supervision, degrading commands) to extreme (amputation of limbs, scat, permanent entombment, flaying, etc.). There will be no pedophilia, guro, or snuff.

THE FOUNDING OF B.R.I.G. (background stuff, can skip if uninterested) :

In 20XX, the Western nation of [REDACTED] decided to take a bold move in order to deal with skyrocketing crime and apathy, as well as to stimulate their struggling economy. All male criminals, regardless of offense, were forced to perform arduous labor during their incarceration - toiling away in the mines, hacking trees in the lumber camps, smelting ores in giant refineries, and mass-producing goods in the sweatshops. Enforcing discipline and efficiency in such a system was no joke and required a tremendous rework of the penal system, but the reaped rewards of plentiful resources and produced goods galvanized the economy. Emboldened by the success of this plan, the government of [REDACTED] considered reproducing their success with the women criminals of their country, before a logical flaw was pointed out - considering the resources needed to force the men to work properly, would it really be worthwhile for the same expenditure to be spent on women? After all, their decreased average mass and athleticism did not lend well to the travails of a mining camp. The policymakers were stymied, until an even more outrageous proposal was suggested - utilize the women, not as a labor force, but as a deterrent to ongoing crime and to improve morale. The argument was successfully made, and a new branch of government was established shortly.

The Bureau for the Re-education of Intractable Girls (shortened to BRIG in conversation) was an ambitious policy with a simple idea - bring back the fear of crime among the populace. To this end, any inmates were stripped of their rights as citizens for the duration of their stay, and brutal corporal punishment was mandated in order to maintain control. Clothes were entirely prohibited, a stringent schedule was followed, and varying levels of stricture were permitted - depending on the severity of the crime. While such measures seemed drastic and inhumane, public opinion was still riding high on the back of the previous success, and the construction of BRIGs was begun across the nation, using the new male workforce liberally to speed .
Teams of laborers began erecting sprawling, squat concrete buildings across the country. Unremarkable in both appearance and location, BRIGs had only one floor above the ground and four below (with a 5th subterranean level rumored to be installed in secret). Eventually, after months of secrecy, the first BRIG opened its doors to the public, though only the first floor was made available for access. Regardless, news crews and curious minds immediately thronged to the opening.

Before the first tour, the Warden of the BRIG facility, a reclusive former military general with an unimpeachable field record and a famously iron view on discipline, gave a one-time interview. Speaking strongly and with passion, he opened by reminding everyone at home that the Bureau for the Re-Education of Intractable Girls was designed to hold undesirable and reforming criminals, not the good citizens of [REDACTED]. He cautioned that viewer discretion was advised, as the contents of the first floor of the prison would be graphic in nature, and stressed that anyone under 18 should be barred from watching the broadcast. He reiterated to the journalists that there was to be no disruption of prison proceedings, and again reminded everyone that the government had designed and approved of the facility - everything within was perfectly legal, and was proceeding as intended. The prisoners had legally rejected their status as citizens of [REDACTED] as soon as they had broken the laws of [REDACTED], meaning that the government was essentially free to do as they pleased to them. With this said, the Warden fielded a few more common questions before politely bowing out, returning to his office on the [REDACTED] floor. Thus prepared, the incoming media felt as though they were prepared for any bizarre prison, no matter how outlandish. When they saw the actual Inmates, however, they were aghast.

Total nudity at all times, with not even the small reprieve of covering oneself with one’s hands!
Grueling living conditions worthy of peasants in medieval times!
Every conceivable human right, down to that of privacy in the toilet, is completely disrespected!
Pointless exercises designed to utterly humiliate even the most shameless individuals!
Corporal punishment doled out casually!
Entire living sections involving tiny cages, strict re-education routines, and regular degradation!
And this was only the first level - by all accounts, it got exponentially worse the further down one went!

Public outcry was immediately divisive - religious groups wanted to shut BRIG down on charges of moral corruptness, feminist movements were apoplectic at the mere concept, and even the general public was uncomfortable with what they had seen - especially considering that there were four more levels for more serious inmates, each with worse and worse punishments. Further tours were similarly broadcast to determine that, yes, that hadn’t been a mass hallucination of some kind, and that there was a facility with the sole purpose of making female criminal life uniquely unappealing. Overall, the BRIG program got off to a rocky start.
That all changed, however, as soon as the full effects were seen. Crime rate plummeted to historic lows, while nationwide satisfaction among free men had never been higher. Even the women as whole reported being more cheerful, possibly due to schadenfreude or joy that they are not the ones being humiliated so thoroughly on live television. Entire industries sprang up seemingly overnight, marketing the seedier side of [REDACTED]. A large marketing agency immediately began reserving all the tickets (formerly first-come-first-served) and selling them for increasingly exorbitant rates. The situation was becoming untenable until BRIG themselves outright prohibited the resale of tickets by requiring the Passport Number of every booking and brought the price down to a minimal level, for upkeep. Female celebrities who were charged with minor crimes were stalked through BRIGs by the sleazier, much more popular version of paparazzi - committed to getting as many exposed and revealing shots of the stars. Who needs nip slips when she’ll have it all on display after a DUI charge! Websites dedicated to cutting the various types of ‘kinks’ on display and repackaging them into a more condensed form began flourishing, each one catering to a particular kink. Perhaps most surprisingly, cheap copycats of the institution were opened for the more adventurous perverts. With the promise of total anonymity and hard limits, many of these concerns drew a healthy clientele. After one too many accidents, however, BRIG asserted their copyright on the BRIG-concept, and shut down all the pretenders. Advanced Tourist’ locations were subsequently opened, where masochists, exhibitionists, and (under strict supervision) even sadists of all types could live out their darkest dreams for a nominal fee. These institutes operated at a net loss, of course, but quickly became relatively popular tourist destinations (especially to interested foreigners), and it was deemed that the improved international ties far outweighed the operating costs. All of these were governmentally taxed, of course, and contributed to the ongoing Golden Age of the nation.

While other nations looked on in consternation and (in some nations) curiosity, [REDACTED] proceeded on its way for several decades, experiencing growth rates and citizen satisfaction that were almost unheard of on the global scale. The new generations completely normalized BRIGs around the country, and they became viewed as an integral part of [REDACTED]’s culture. It is in this setting, this dichotomous world of prosperity and misery, that our story is set.


Every level has a General Area and a Punishment Area. General Areas are where the bulk of the prison population is kept. Once an Inmate has accumulated enough Black Marks over the course of her days in the General Area, she is moved to the Punishment Area for a period of time. This is to both facilitate good behavior among the prison population, and also serves to keep Inmates moving downwards - after 10 visits to a Level's Punishment Area, an Inmate will be moved to the next lowest level if eligible.

Level 1 - The Shallows - HUMILIATION - focus on embarrassing and shaming Inmates. The only level that is open to tours of the public. Exposure play, light bondage, light degradation, impact play. Receives prisoners with sentences from 1 month to 3 years.

Level 2 - The Grinder - TRIBULATION - focus on physically exhausting inmates and building their endurance. Weight torture, endurance play, abandonment play. Receives prisoners with sentences from 3 years to 6 years.

Level 3 - The Mausoleum - DOMINATION - focus on total routine control for the Inmates. No sounds are permitted, every action made by an Inmate is supervised, and they are forced to obey authority completely. Stimulation torture, medium bondage, disproportionate punishments. Receives prisoners with sentences from 6 years to 12 years.

Level 4 - The Oubliette - OBJECTIFICATION - reduction of Inmates to mere objects. They are stored in casket-like containers for most of the day and subjected to intense tortures throughout. Focus on control of bodily functions and total breakdown of rebelliousness. Bladder/enema torture, electro torture, intense bondage, sensory deprivation. Receives prisoners with sentences from 12 years to 20 years.

Level 5 - The Kennels - DEHUMANIZATION - The lowest level of B.R.I.G. Here, Inmates are forced to behave like dogs - no talking whatsoever, crawling at all times (of course, their arms and legs are bound such that walking is impossible anyway), pissing with their legs up, etc. This extends to more distasteful areas, as B.R.I.G. wishes to ensure that these Inmates have their will utterly broken. As such, anilingus and urophagia are common, and punished Inmates are forced to consume the waste products of others - much like actual dogs. Total breakdown of the self, extreme bondage, anal plugs to hold in enemas, etc. Receives prisoners with sentences from 20 years to life.

Level 6 - ??? - EXCRUCIATION - The true lowest level of B.R.I.G., intended for Inmates who have been deemed utter wastes to society, fit only to suffer eternally as recompense for their wrongdoings. Their limbs are removed, and they exist in perpetual torment, with no limits laid upon their torturers. This is the reduction of every aspect of the human experience into another means to cause pain.

Attached are some examples of each Level. So far I only have art for Levels 1 and 6, with Level 5 currently in progress.


  • Level_1.jpg
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  • Level_2.jpg
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  • Level_3.jpg
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  • Level_4.jpg
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  • Level_5.jpg
    245.5 KB · Views: 25
Greetings, fellow degenerates. I'm something of a novice 3d artist (https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/104593645), and have been working on a setting for a number of years. I like feedback on my work (who doesn't), and figured I'd try using this most excellent forum. Not like I could ask my friends for input, haha - the content of the setting ranges from light (humiliation, forced exposure, moderate flogging) to medium (extreme bondage, constant supervision, degrading commands) to extreme (amputation of limbs, scat, permanent entombment, flaying, etc.). There will be no pedophilia, guro, or snuff.

THE FOUNDING OF B.R.I.G. (background stuff, can skip if uninterested) :

In 20XX, the Western nation of [REDACTED] decided to take a bold move in order to deal with skyrocketing crime and apathy, as well as to stimulate their struggling economy. All male criminals, regardless of offense, were forced to perform arduous labor during their incarceration - toiling away in the mines, hacking trees in the lumber camps, smelting ores in giant refineries, and mass-producing goods in the sweatshops. Enforcing discipline and efficiency in such a system was no joke and required a tremendous rework of the penal system, but the reaped rewards of plentiful resources and produced goods galvanized the economy. Emboldened by the success of this plan, the government of [REDACTED] considered reproducing their success with the women criminals of their country, before a logical flaw was pointed out - considering the resources needed to force the men to work properly, would it really be worthwhile for the same expenditure to be spent on women? After all, their decreased average mass and athleticism did not lend well to the travails of a mining camp. The policymakers were stymied, until an even more outrageous proposal was suggested - utilize the women, not as a labor force, but as a deterrent to ongoing crime and to improve morale. The argument was successfully made, and a new branch of government was established shortly.

The Bureau for the Re-education of Intractable Girls (shortened to BRIG in conversation) was an ambitious policy with a simple idea - bring back the fear of crime among the populace. To this end, any inmates were stripped of their rights as citizens for the duration of their stay, and brutal corporal punishment was mandated in order to maintain control. Clothes were entirely prohibited, a stringent schedule was followed, and varying levels of stricture were permitted - depending on the severity of the crime. While such measures seemed drastic and inhumane, public opinion was still riding high on the back of the previous success, and the construction of BRIGs was begun across the nation, using the new male workforce liberally to speed .
Teams of laborers began erecting sprawling, squat concrete buildings across the country. Unremarkable in both appearance and location, BRIGs had only one floor above the ground and four below (with a 5th subterranean level rumored to be installed in secret). Eventually, after months of secrecy, the first BRIG opened its doors to the public, though only the first floor was made available for access. Regardless, news crews and curious minds immediately thronged to the opening.

Before the first tour, the Warden of the BRIG facility, a reclusive former military general with an unimpeachable field record and a famously iron view on discipline, gave a one-time interview. Speaking strongly and with passion, he opened by reminding everyone at home that the Bureau for the Re-Education of Intractable Girls was designed to hold undesirable and reforming criminals, not the good citizens of [REDACTED]. He cautioned that viewer discretion was advised, as the contents of the first floor of the prison would be graphic in nature, and stressed that anyone under 18 should be barred from watching the broadcast. He reiterated to the journalists that there was to be no disruption of prison proceedings, and again reminded everyone that the government had designed and approved of the facility - everything within was perfectly legal, and was proceeding as intended. The prisoners had legally rejected their status as citizens of [REDACTED] as soon as they had broken the laws of [REDACTED], meaning that the government was essentially free to do as they pleased to them. With this said, the Warden fielded a few more common questions before politely bowing out, returning to his office on the [REDACTED] floor. Thus prepared, the incoming media felt as though they were prepared for any bizarre prison, no matter how outlandish. When they saw the actual Inmates, however, they were aghast.

Total nudity at all times, with not even the small reprieve of covering oneself with one’s hands!
Grueling living conditions worthy of peasants in medieval times!
Every conceivable human right, down to that of privacy in the toilet, is completely disrespected!
Pointless exercises designed to utterly humiliate even the most shameless individuals!
Corporal punishment doled out casually!
Entire living sections involving tiny cages, strict re-education routines, and regular degradation!
And this was only the first level - by all accounts, it got exponentially worse the further down one went!

Public outcry was immediately divisive - religious groups wanted to shut BRIG down on charges of moral corruptness, feminist movements were apoplectic at the mere concept, and even the general public was uncomfortable with what they had seen - especially considering that there were four more levels for more serious inmates, each with worse and worse punishments. Further tours were similarly broadcast to determine that, yes, that hadn’t been a mass hallucination of some kind, and that there was a facility with the sole purpose of making female criminal life uniquely unappealing. Overall, the BRIG program got off to a rocky start.
That all changed, however, as soon as the full effects were seen. Crime rate plummeted to historic lows, while nationwide satisfaction among free men had never been higher. Even the women as whole reported being more cheerful, possibly due to schadenfreude or joy that they are not the ones being humiliated so thoroughly on live television. Entire industries sprang up seemingly overnight, marketing the seedier side of [REDACTED]. A large marketing agency immediately began reserving all the tickets (formerly first-come-first-served) and selling them for increasingly exorbitant rates. The situation was becoming untenable until BRIG themselves outright prohibited the resale of tickets by requiring the Passport Number of every booking and brought the price down to a minimal level, for upkeep. Female celebrities who were charged with minor crimes were stalked through BRIGs by the sleazier, much more popular version of paparazzi - committed to getting as many exposed and revealing shots of the stars. Who needs nip slips when she’ll have it all on display after a DUI charge! Websites dedicated to cutting the various types of ‘kinks’ on display and repackaging them into a more condensed form began flourishing, each one catering to a particular kink. Perhaps most surprisingly, cheap copycats of the institution were opened for the more adventurous perverts. With the promise of total anonymity and hard limits, many of these concerns drew a healthy clientele. After one too many accidents, however, BRIG asserted their copyright on the BRIG-concept, and shut down all the pretenders. Advanced Tourist’ locations were subsequently opened, where masochists, exhibitionists, and (under strict supervision) even sadists of all types could live out their darkest dreams for a nominal fee. These institutes operated at a net loss, of course, but quickly became relatively popular tourist destinations (especially to interested foreigners), and it was deemed that the improved international ties far outweighed the operating costs. All of these were governmentally taxed, of course, and contributed to the ongoing Golden Age of the nation.

While other nations looked on in consternation and (in some nations) curiosity, [REDACTED] proceeded on its way for several decades, experiencing growth rates and citizen satisfaction that were almost unheard of on the global scale. The new generations completely normalized BRIGs around the country, and they became viewed as an integral part of [REDACTED]’s culture. It is in this setting, this dichotomous world of prosperity and misery, that our story is set.


Every level has a General Area and a Punishment Area. General Areas are where the bulk of the prison population is kept. Once an Inmate has accumulated enough Black Marks over the course of her days in the General Area, she is moved to the Punishment Area for a period of time. This is to both facilitate good behavior among the prison population, and also serves to keep Inmates moving downwards - after 10 visits to a Level's Punishment Area, an Inmate will be moved to the next lowest level if eligible.

Level 1 - The Shallows - HUMILIATION - focus on embarrassing and shaming Inmates. The only level that is open to tours of the public. Exposure play, light bondage, light degradation, impact play. Receives prisoners with sentences from 1 month to 3 years.

Level 2 - The Grinder - TRIBULATION - focus on physically exhausting inmates and building their endurance. Weight torture, endurance play, abandonment play. Receives prisoners with sentences from 3 years to 6 years.

Level 3 - The Mausoleum - DOMINATION - focus on total routine control for the Inmates. No sounds are permitted, every action made by an Inmate is supervised, and they are forced to obey authority completely. Stimulation torture, medium bondage, disproportionate punishments. Receives prisoners with sentences from 6 years to 12 years.

Level 4 - The Oubliette - OBJECTIFICATION - reduction of Inmates to mere objects. They are stored in casket-like containers for most of the day and subjected to intense tortures throughout. Focus on control of bodily functions and total breakdown of rebelliousness. Bladder/enema torture, electro torture, intense bondage, sensory deprivation. Receives prisoners with sentences from 12 years to 20 years.

Level 5 - The Kennels - DEHUMANIZATION - The lowest level of B.R.I.G. Here, Inmates are forced to behave like dogs - no talking whatsoever, crawling at all times (of course, their arms and legs are bound such that walking is impossible anyway), pissing with their legs up, etc. This extends to more distasteful areas, as B.R.I.G. wishes to ensure that these Inmates have their will utterly broken. As such, anilingus and urophagia are common, and punished Inmates are forced to consume the waste products of others - much like actual dogs. Total breakdown of the self, extreme bondage, anal plugs to hold in enemas, etc. Receives prisoners with sentences from 20 years to life.

Level 6 - ??? - EXCRUCIATION - The true lowest level of B.R.I.G., intended for Inmates who have been deemed utter wastes to society, fit only to suffer eternally as recompense for their wrongdoings. Their limbs are removed, and they exist in perpetual torment, with no limits laid upon their torturers. This is the reduction of every aspect of the human experience into another means to cause pain.

Attached are some examples of each Level. So far I only have art for Levels 1 and 6, with Level 5 currently in progress.
Well done
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