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The Chronicle Of Sir Rupert And The Lost Cross

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Pilus has a little to do with domesticated animals and he would strongly recommend Repertor feed this pair some of hie excellent abbey-brewed beer.
It would be disastrous if our pair became amorous with our intrepid party on their backs. And if Sir Rupert struggles as much as he does on a heaving ship's deck can you imagine his distress on a humping dragon's back? :eek:
Pilus has a little to do with domesticated animals and he would strongly recommend Repertor feed this pair some of his excellent abbey-brewed beer.
DSC_0377-600x600.jpgGulden-Draak-BE--20151110-.jpg IMG_1473.jpg (Gulden Draak = Golden Dragon)

It would be disastrous if our pair became amorous with our intrepid party on their backs. And if Sir Rupert struggles as much as he does on a heaving ship's deck can you imagine his distress on a humping dragon's back? :eek:
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After a couple of glasses of that Sir Rupert and Brother Roland were, once again, the best of friends
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Barb, too, was joining in with the general conviviality.

“What do you get,” asked Barb, “if you cross a chicken with a nun?”
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I am going to kick Kibonreju’s sorry arse! Who’s coming with me?
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Jollyrei picked up the bottle, and checked the label. No, it was proper wine, not some hallucinogen. This was real.

“Erm,” said Wragg. Barb kicked him on the shin. “Me!” said Wragg.
Pilus has a little to do with domesticated animals and he would strongly recommend Repertor feed this pair some of hie excellent abbey-brewed beer.
It would be disastrous if our pair became amorous with our intrepid party on their backs. And if Sir Rupert struggles as much as he does on a heaving ship's deck can you imagine his distress on a humping dragon's back? :eek:
I think it would take more than ginger, Repertor!


Wragg is actually praying for showers en route to Bavaria, to cool the dragon's ardour! :bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart:
And if Sir Rupert struggles as much as he does on a heaving ship's deck can you imagine his distress on a humping dragon's back? :eek:
Wragg is actually praying for showers en route to Bavaria, to cool the dragon's ardour! :bdsm-heart::bdsm-heart:

Good point. If Freddy and Sophie decide to join the mile-high club enroute, there could be some added turbulence.

That'll make in-flight meal service tricky, I imagine.
Corporal Heinrich Schmelling shivered in the early morning chill. There was frost on the leaves and a layer of mist covered the Konigsee. He licked his lips as he thought of the nude women on their crosses in the cave over there. He imagined their nipples extruded from the breasts in the cold cave. He imagined them, writhing and groaning in a painful and fruitless attempt to keep warm.

He sighed. His colleague, Private Erwin Partz, looked across at him. “You OK?”

“Yeah. Wish I could cuddle up to those girls in there to keep warm.”

“You could try. Last person who went into that cave with K came out in two separate pieces. You’d lose your bollocks, at least.”

Partz was right. Apart from that brief glimpse of Messaline as she arrived from the Schlafende Hexe, no-one had been permitted to go far enough down the cave to see any of the crucified women.

And as for the Lieutenant, or, rather the Captain, the sheer bloody injustice of what had happened to him had outraged every single one of the men. The Lieutenant had been popular among the men, and had shown more loyalty and respect to Kibonreju than he had ever earned. By way of reward his head was now at the bottom of the Konigsee. More than half the men had deserted, morale was at rock bottom, and Kibonreju was too stupid, and usually too drunk to notice. He hadn’t even appointed a replacement; there was something of a shortage of volunteers.

Schmelling was tempted to go, himself. On mornings like this, freezing cold, tedious, he was conscious of life passing him by. He had taken this job because it had seemed easy, low risk. Over the years the wages had got worse. And now men were getting killed. Good men, like the Lieutenant. There was no way that Schmelling would put his life on the line for that fat bastard.

There was a quick movement from Partz, startling Schmelling. “Missed it!” commented Partz.

“Missed what?”

“Squirrel. Couple of them just ran into the cave. Might have made a change for supper tonight.”

“K is a messy bastard. Plenty for squirrels and rats in that cave, and well they know it.”

“Fucking squirrels can go look at those crosses. We can’t. Fucking squirrels get more out of K than we do.”

“Quiet, Partz! He’ll hear you!”

“Nah. That tailor brought him a crate of wine last night. He’ll either be pissed or hung over.”

“He doesn’t deserve us, Partz. And I’ll tell you what else – he doesn’t deserve to have women like that Messaline nailed up in there! Did you see her?”

“Did I ever! Best pair of tits I ever saw in my life! Such a shame, a body to die for, nailed out like that. If I could see her just once more I could die happy.”

“Forget it, Partz. Content yourself with the whores in Bischofswiesen.”

“K is a bast…..what the FUCK!???”

From the south, the sound of blasting trumpets. Two dragons appeared, jets of flame from their nostrils, and thunderbolts being hurled down by the riders. A scene from the apocalypse.

“ALARM!!!!” yelled Schmelling. Men began to pour out of the barrack huts. “What’s going on?” demanded a major.

“Sir, we’re under attack! Sounds like an army coming up from the south! And dragons, sir, look!”

“Archers! To your positions!” bellowed the major.

The archers obediently knelt, and fitted arrows to their bows.

Then they saw the two dragons bearing down upon them, exuding white hot flame and bolts in every direction. At that same moment the advanced guard came racing past. “Run! Run like hell! There’s an army of at least a thousand attacking from the south!”

They disappeared up the lakeside path, with the archers hot on their heels.

Schmelling looked at Partz, and Partz looked at Schmelling.

Seconds later they, and the remainder of Kibonreju’s force were departing northwards without having fired a single shot in his defence.

The major shouted after them, half-heartedly, ”Come back! Stand your ground!” Then he said, “Oh, sod it!” and ran after them.

Overhead, the remains of the flying horse cavalry were also fleeing. Repertor, merciful, let them go.
Messaline, who was sleeping to her cross (yes, she can !:D) Messaline crucified on the mountain 004.jpg , is woken by all this racket !Messaline crucified on the mountain 001 (2).jpg :devil:

She says to malins :"Are we dreaming or are there our rescuers coming ??? In this case, be careful ! It will be hot !!!:eek:"
Corporal Schmelling and Private Partz? :p Commanded by Captain S'log, Major Mistake and General Ignorance? :doh:

I'd got Captain Zlogg and Major Laff, but I thought I'd really pushed my luck with Private Partz! :doh:

Not all my readers can follow these English puns.
Corporal Heinrich Schmelling shivered in the early morning chill.

“Squirrel. Couple of them just ran into the cave. Might have made a change for supper tonight.”

Two dragons appeared, jets of flame from their nostrils, and thunderbolts being hurled down by the riders. A scene from the apocalypse.

“Archers! To your positions!” bellowed the major.
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Then they saw the two dragons bearing down upon them, exuding white hot flame and bolts in every direction.
fire-dragon.jpg 3d6f6244e52cdff2ce2b5431fb894f4a_1000x625x1.jpg

“Run! Run like hell! There’s an army of at least a thousand attacking from the south!”

Seconds later they, and the remainder of Kibonreju’s force were departing northwards without having fired a single shot in his defence.

Overhead, the remains of the flying horse cavalry were also fleeing. Repertor, merciful, let them go.

Well might Kibonreju’s forces be forgiven for turning and running. Supported by the terrifying sight of the dragons overhead, the thousand-strong army was making a fearful din. War cries, trumpet blasts, the sound of rattling steel – the bravest men would tremble at the sound.

It was only when the army hove into view that it could be realised that one had, very slightly, overestimated the numbers. But only by nine-hundred and ninety seven. For the thousand were, in fact, three. A French Knight, his armour gleaming in the early morning sun. An English Man-at Arms, slightly more modestly attired, but outdoing the Frenchman for the racket he was making. And, noisiest of all, a slim, dark-haired woman, furiously banging her sword on her shield and yelling “DEATH TO KIBONREJU AND ALL WHO STAND WITH HIM!” at the top of her voice.

The little army doubled in size when it made a rendez-vous with the two dragons, which had landed by the lakeside, and a sorcerer, a priestess, and another Amazon warrior, armed to the teeth and screaming curses down upon the enemy disembarked. Who could have guessed that the latter’s usual daytime activity was perambulating in a sunny garden?

So it was that Kibonreju, woken from his slumber by all the racket, emerged from the cave into the morning sunlight to meet this assemblage of dragons, warriors, and sorcerers.

“Good morning, Kibonreju,” greeted Repertor, conversationally. “I trust you slept well?”

Kibonreju gaped at him, open-mouthed. “GUARDS!!!!” he bellowed.

“I’m sorry, they seem to have taken a holiday,” Eulalia informed him. “You should pay them more.”

Kibonreju was struggling to get his brain around this turn of events. Just as he was beginning to get a grip on things, he heard Messaline’s voice from deep within the cave.

“Stun! Stun!”

“SILENCE, MESSALINE! If you do one thing to assist these ‘friends’ of yours, who left you in my care, then it will go worse for you!! You WILL be thrashed! And then, our sweet little friend Barbie has returned, just so I can crucify her all over again. It's my lucky day!"

This was too much for Barb. For four centuries she’d had to put up with being spoken to like that and abused by this monster. Now, she had a sword in her hand. Now, she was no longer helpless. And now he was threatening the woman who had allowed herself to be crucified for her sake.

“BAAAAAAASTAAAAAAARD!!!!!!!!” she screamed, and flew at him, sword drawn, ready to cut his head off.

But her sword swished uselessly through empty space. Kibonreju had simply disappeared.
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