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The Coffee Shop

  • Thread starter The Fallen Angel
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I know it's quite random, and again, I know that this is a place for posting squirrel pics. But it happened that Youtube recommended a let's play video of one of my favorite video games today, which made me feel a lot better when I've been going through a super stressful week. (It will last two more days, and I wish I had a fast-forward button for my life.)

It's actually a series which includes two related titles, called "To the Moon" and "Finding Paradise", respectively.

The series was very interesting to me, since I strongly disagree with those people who claim video games can't be a serious narrative device. And the series could be a perfect example to prove them wrong, since the quality of the games in question couldn't be more pathetic except for the soundtrack and story.

And those two elements alone secured its position as the most emotional video game I've ever played so far. And I think I'm not exceptionally sentimental or anything to feel that way (in fact, I'm quite the opposite in real life) because I haven't yet seen a playthrough video of those games on Youtube in which the streamer doesn't shed a few tears at the end, regardless of the gender.

So, if you have a few hours to spare and don't mind crying over a video game, I strongly recommend you to give them a shot :)

P. S.: I don't have any sort of affliation to the games I mentioned!
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