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The Competition

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Oh no, just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, some nun's gone and grabbed the Cruxton cross! :doh:

Matthew 28, verse 32

As they were going out, they met a man from Cyrene named Simon, and forced him to carry Jesus' cross.

Mark 15, verse 21

On the way they met a man named Simon, who was coming into the city from the country, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus' cross

Luke 23, verse 26

The soldier led Jesus away, and as they were going they met a man named Simon who was coming into the city from the country. They seized him, put the cross on him, and made him carry it behind Jesus

Looks to a squirrel like Cruxton is doing it right. Does anyone in this place actually read the damn...ahem Holy Book?
Sister Judith, viewing well that I cant more, asks for a man of the crowd to help me in wearing my cross …He says to me : “Courage, Messaline, it’s nearly finished ! I’m named Simon de Cyrène the gunner

I had already told that in reference to the Holly Book : but who read the posts ?:(

I've also did two other references :
“Oh, Sister Judith, could you be pardoned, you don’t know what you do …”
"Father pardon them, they dont know what they do " Jesus/Messaline says...

...women of Jerusalem Mount St Michel...

"... and Jesus/Messaline met the women of Jerusalem ..."

Just some remarks ....
and the Scots girl is being subjected to subtle psychological torture,
being allowed to win when all she craves is to be humiliated and beaten
(in any sense you like :devil:) - but duty to her Order and obedience to her Abbess
over-ride her desires (and there'll be plenty of opportunity for gratuitous cruelty -
at least, she's counting on it :devil: :devil: :devil:)

I doubt she will be disappointed if the Cardinal has his way.;)
I'm afraid the Cardinal may be taking a more gnostic approach to Simon of Cyrene, in my circumstance.

Switching to first person for the rest of my paragraphs.

Almost as soon as the doors had shut behind us, Barbaria fell into unconsciousness again. Her wrists left her bound to the cross, and I had to carry both her cross and her dead weight dragging across the ground. I was making my way to the middle of cloistered square, where Eulalia and Messaline had already laid down their crosses. As I got closer to the center they both began to dutifully remove their own loincloths, exposing their sex. I wasn't expecting the lack of loincloths, it struck me as wholly immodest, and it was totally unlike all the icons I had seen. But the thought of the women, totally naked on the cross... I understood why the Cardinal would order it. Soon, Barbaria would be pinned to the cross I carried naked, as well. And I'd be able to see it!

As I continued carrying the cross, I saw the Cardinal make a brief hand gesture to the man behind me. At once, he was whipping me! I let out a broken scream. The rapid strokes of the single tail lit my back up, and tore at my remaining underclothing. I had taken Barbaria's place, it seemed! The thought horrified me, being tortured to death on a rough wooden cross, but it excited me even more. However, it was sad that Barbaria hadn't made it, and I would not see the nails driven into her. The whip continued until I had reached the center of the cloister, then the Cardinal gave the signal to stop. I placed Barbaria's cross down between Eulalia's and Messaline's crosses, respectively. Before I could untie Barbaria and take her place. I was dragged into a dark corner of the cloister by two monks.

Well, it took me a moment to realize they were monks. They were wearing the uniforms of a Roman infantryman, although their meek frames could hardly even fill the bulky armor. They violently and unceremoniously stripped me of my remaining garments, then tied my wrists together and strung them up to a П-Shaped whipping post. As I looked back, I could see Eulalia and Messaline laying down on their crosses, and being tied in preparation for the nails. Thessala dropped her cross to the right of Messaline, exhausted from her march, and fell onto it's wooden surface soon after, embracing the brief rest on the wood. Barbaria was being moved onto her cross, still unconscious. Before I could gaze anymore, a blindfold was wrapped over my eyes.

"Lust is sinful, you know." one of the monks whispered to me as he tied the blindfold, "We only want to nail up innocent, blameless woman, not disobedient, horny, deceitful, nuns."

"So, you won't crucify me?" I asked, more bemused than relieved.

"We can't let a nun like you see what you've seen in this room and live," the other monk said. "We'll give you the honor of a crucifixion, but only because the Cardinal insisted on the extra... entertainment value. But you'll have to pay penance for your actions beforehand."

I felt a sharp, tearing pain descend down on my forehead and scalp, twisting into my curly hair, and letting hot blood drip down onto my face. I now had a crown of my own, and would join the novices and their crux at the eleventh hour. With nothing to look at, I focused on the pain, the digging of the pointed rose thorns, the dripping of blood from the tip of my nose. It was a whole new experience, and I was totally lucid for an agony so severe, I had never experienced it before. And I new that this was only the beginning.

My meditation on my suffering was broken by a dull thud, followed by a scampering of people. The Cardinal issued brief orders about detainment or something like that. Apparently I wasn't the only uninvited guest.

His attention on me was not broken for long, as he ordered my execution in lavish detail, so that everyone could hear it. There would now be five crucifixions. As soon as he had finished his proclamation, the whip lashed out. They were seemingly random in their targets but rapid in their strokes. I couldn't tell where the next lash would hit. Each one was a surprise, a new sliver of my skin on fire. I screamed and wailed, rocking back and forth on my wrists as the strokes continued to fall. Soon, my thighs, lower back, and ass were bloodied by one, while another lashed my upper back and breast. But my torture was just beginning... I felt the sting of a scourge on my back and let out a tremendous screech that quickly turned into inhoherent begs and sobbing. Above my own pain, I could hear the distinctive toc-toc-toc of a hammers hitting nail heads. The novices began their chorus of cries to join mine. It was beautiful, but so cruel. I couldn't see their faces, but I knew that they were twisted in pain as the nails penetrated them and fixed them permanently to the wood.

I was next.
" At least, the cloister !
My cross is put down to the ground ....
Sister Judith seems delivered from a great responsibility ...
I hear the score : Eulalia novice takes the head ... :clapping:
But, I dont care, in fact ....
I'm waiting, nude now, a few stressed ....
Never a nail penetrated my body : I dont know what could be my reaction ...
Sufferings will be certainly soon atrocious !

Suddenly, I see the nails ! Three huge square nails !!!
An unknown man is behind me ....with a hammer !"

arcimboldo_colosseum.jpg ....Thanks to Arcimboldo for his cooperation ...:D
Looks to a squirrel like Cruxton is doing it right. Does anyone in this place actually read the damn...ahem Holy Book?

Of course they do....it's a Cathedral and these are Abbeys, right? They read the Holy Book, right after they check out the latest on cf :)
I had already told that in reference to the Holly Book : but who read the posts ?:(

I've also did two other references :

"Father pardon them, they dont know what they do " Jesus/Messaline says...

"... and Jesus/Messaline met the women of Jerusalem ..."

Just some remarks ....
You expect much, dear Messa for someone to read, much less comment on what was written...

seems a 'like' click is response of choice lately...

and I thought Tree was just a visiting cleric... Oh well, have hammer will travel...

This all has me in a quandary! The whole thing is most worrisome. Floggings and whippings are common practice but this yearly CIRCUS ??????????????

It's true that it excites me and my thoughts drift to rivers of unexplained sensations.

Yet, I can not help but wonder ... what faith places their flock on trees, naked and alone and fighting to be the last to die?

what-fun-tumblr_n0k4a5utBD1rrl0mgo3_500.gif :eek:

... Sister Kathleen ...
This all has me in a quandary! The whole thing is most worrisome. Floggings and whippings are common practice but this yearly CIRCUS ??????????????

It's true that it excites me and my thoughts drift to rivers of unexplained sensations.

Yet, I can not help but wonder ... what faith places their flock on trees, naked and alone and fighting to be the last to die?

View attachment 304221 :eek:

... Sister Kathleen ...

Sister Kathleen is back ... and wondering, thinking...

rainbow-girl_pe.jpg this is not a bad thing, I think .... maybe ... who knows?
You expect much, dear Messa for someone to read, much less comment on what was written...

seems a 'like' click is response of choice lately...

and I thought Tree was just a visiting cleric... Oh well, have hammer will travel...


maybe just a simple visiting cleric...but seems he got himself invited into the cloister .... :rolleyes:
View attachment 304236
...if I had a hammer...

If I had a hammer,
I'd hammer in the morning
I'd hammer in the evening,
All over this land

I'd hammer out danger,
I'd hammer out a warning,
I'd hammer out love between my brothers and my sisters,
All over this land.
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