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The female executioner for Numerus Brittonum et Exploratorum Nemanigensium

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I lay on my back, nailed with my wrists to the patibulum. As this part is done, the executioner gets herself another sip of posca.

"Lift that man up", that woman executioner says.

Immediately three of the guards put me on my feet. I have no choice, they simply lift up the patibulum, with me, by my wrists nailed to it. I must follow, if I don’t want to suffer unbearable pain by the nails. My stomach turns, my head gets dizzy. Sweat is running all over my face and body. I work to stay right up, standing very shaky on my feet. The weight of that patibulum in my neck does not help either to remain stable. Fortunately, the patibulum and my arms are supported by the guards.

I get some posca. It helps me a little bit. Enough to make me realize that these are the very last steps I will ever walk. It even surprises me that I still can walk in my situation. And how submissive I am behaving, walking so obediently (for a moment, I consider making a swing with my upper body, smashing that patibulum against these savage dumbhead rapist guard’s dumb heads, as a little payback for everything). But it is a bad idea, and the patibulum feels heavy and I am afraid I am too weak to carry out that little vicious plan.

The men guide me to the stipes and move me with my back to it. Hectorius has put up a ladder from the rear to the upright, stepping onto the first rung, while one of the guards is bending over to assist me with my feet.

"Lift him up and unite the crossbeam with the upright".

While Hectorius supports my head, the patibulum (with its human load) is lifted up and attached to the stipes. It immediately causes another situation, as, with my feet lifted from the ground (forever!), I am hanging with my body weight to the nails. It stretches me out, opening some of the whip marks. It is just a few inches above the ground. But it makes a lot of difference. Then, my feet are put on the footrest by a guard.

"Very good Loxuru! He says. “Exactly, bring your heels all the way back to the Stipes and don't worry that your feet are actually a few inches longer then the footrest. Very nice, hold yourself like that. Once Dena has fixed your feet you can then get additional support, by stepping with the forefeet onto the step. The nails will hold everything in place. You can choose if you want to push up with the heels, or if you want to step onto the metal. It will work out fine for you and for us. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

(‘Fun”!? ‘Idiot!’, I think). But actually, I have little choice, as, instinctively, I search for hold with my heels, placing my feet side by side on the footrest, straightening my legs to release the painful strain on my nailed wrists.

Once my feet have found rest, I look around. Checking the executioner out, checking Messaline out, glancing over to Lucia, who is still sitting on the ground next to her Patibulum and her Stipes, that is already secured in the ground. I wait what comes next.

Lucia has regained energy and protests again, stating that Messaline and me deserve our punishment as rebels, but that she has done nothing wrong, and that she is treated with too much humiliation. But all she causes is laughter, mostly among the slaves from her own household.

Their reaction drives Lucia back in defense. She sits down again, head down, covering her nipples poorly with her fingertips. Dena founds it amusing. Still laughing, she steps in front of me, clearly studying how she will place the nails in my feet. She picks out two more nails from the bag and grabs a piece of wood intended as my seat plug.

Standing on my footrest with locked knees, to relieve my wrists, I have the feeling that all the eyes are on me now. Lucia, still trying to cover her modesty, Messaline watching silently from her cross (difficult to judge her mind now), the spectators, the Legionnaires. It feels like even the crucified dead, behind me, do so!

The executioner steps in front of me :

"I'll nail your feet with two nails. First I would like to attach a seat for you, to later give you an opportunity to take your body weight off the nails. Even when you are dead, your body will stay on it. Take a look at the criminal Cire there, even his penis is still resting on the peg."

For a moment, I stare backward to take a glance, but I hardly can see the dead from my current position.

Meanwhile, the executioner prepares to place the peg between my thighs. That thing is some 15 inches long and also has a spike on one end for fixation. Now, that is a scaring thought, nailing that, too close for comfort to a very sensitive organ. For a moment, my whole body stiffens. She grabs my balls and cock and pushes them aside, places the plug a few inches below my crotch, and hammers it into the Stipes. The grabbing and the hammering almost feel as terrible as a straight kick on my balls. I keep my breath, out of fear, any time the hammer falls.
As it is fixed, I immediately sit down on it, while, relieved from the hanging, I lean my back against the Stipes.

She advises two Legionnaires to secure my feet. One of them is picking up my loincloth, to cover my penis:

"Just in case Dena. I don't want him to piss on us when you nail his feet."

She replies :

"I don't think he will piss. When I nailed the wrists he just squirted a little. That was all. But no problem. In that way we are safe."

Kneeling down, she searches the spot where to place the nail.

Hectorius Is still holding my head, a Legionnaire holds my right foot.

She looks up and asks me :

"Are you ready?"

A little bit confusing question, but she does not await my answer!

Clak. Through the flesh of my right foot, the tip to the wood of the footrest. The first blow makes me shiver upward, shouting from the intense pain, even more intense than in my wrists. But I am missing the energy to keep shouting. Clak, clak. The nail goes into the wood, fixing my bones, splitting them apart. I breathe heavily, keep moaning as the nail is going deeper and deeper, I shake my head. I don’t want this to happen. Then, it is fixed.

I am given no time to recover! Clak, clak, clak. The second nail is securing my left foot. Again threatening hammer blows. I keep moaning! I ask them to stop, but my words are muffled by my confused moaning.

Another ordeal of pain. I try to get away from it, to withdraw my foot, but it is strangely restrained already.

Then, it is over!

I look down. Then, my eyes wander to my wrists, down my body where the Legionnaire is still holding that loincloth, over to Messaline, finally to the laughing and screaming crowd.

A female spectator shouts:

"Take that rag away Legionnaire. We want to see if he will have an erection. If so, we want to see his cock rising."

The Legionnaire replies laughing:

"Here you go," pulls the rag away and says: "When they are dead we will celebrate at the tavern. My cock will still be alright then. It would be good to meet you there."

The executioner and the guards get up and step back, to see if their work is well done.

While they so, it runs to my head, with disbelieve : “I am crucified!”
This is absolutely impressive.
Loxuru gives a great description of how he is crucified here. It becomes wonderfully clear how complex death on the cross is.

There is nothing he can do but help his torturers as good as possible. He is absolutely aware of what's happening around him.

The moment when Dena, Hectorius and the guards step back to look at him and he has to realize he is crucified, horryfying.
You find my account of that stage on page 8 of this thread, to page 10, wheere Dena climbs the ladder to add my titulus.

Her boobs were dangling very closely to my face! I had almost asked :"And who are the two of you!?"
Nothing exciting about it, neither about the fact that she was a female executioner!
Dena did a job, there was nothing personal between us. Strange to look back on how I was a spectator, submitting to my own execution!
Everybody looks at things different. That's thrilling.
It's Dena's self-confident performance. She puts up a deadly show.
(Loxuru said :
... stating that Messaline and me deserve our punishment as rebels ...
... Messaline watching silently from her cross (difficult to judge her mind now) ...)

Am I really a rebell ? Perhaps I was at the bad moment to the bad place ? But, anyway, my pain is too much heavy, I cant think what was my fault ...
I only know that I'm going to the death ; when ? I dont know but it will be welcomed, my pain is so horrible !
My nudity is also my shame : they can see all the details of my intimity, and I'm near to piss but I try to resist ... Ooooooooh ! It's done ! I'm pissing
in front of the crowd ! Everybody is joking me ! " See this pig, she cant avoid to make her natural needs ! Soon she'll be also defecating !!! " They said ...
I'm viewing the other : they are like me ; I suppose that all the crucified people are like us ... Though, it continues to attrack the crowd ! What can they find through our sufferings to like seeing bodies nailed to a bit of wood and waiting for an unavoidable death ?
The pain ? Yes, it's that, of course ! People adore to see other people into the worst sufferings, thinking that never it could happen for them ! If I could, I'll ask for Dena, she could shorten my pain in breaking my legs ...
But, Dena will not do that : she's like the crowd, she adores to see our sufferings (that she was contributing to bring ! ) !
Dena is like everybody ...

PaskellCrux01_5_2b (3).jpg ...
(Loxuru said :
... stating that Messaline and me deserve our punishment as rebels ...
... Messaline watching silently from her cross (difficult to judge her mind now) ...)

Am I really a rebell ? Perhaps I was at the bad moment to the bad place ? But, anyway, my pain is too much heavy, I cant think what was my fault ...
I only know that I'm going to the death ; when ? I dont know but it will be welcomed, my pain is so horrible !
My nudity is also my shame : they can see all the details of my intimity, and I'm near to piss but I try to resist ... Ooooooooh ! It's done ! I'm pissing
in front of the crowd ! Everybody is joking me ! " See this pig, she cant avoid to make her natural needs ! Soon she'll be also defecating !!! " They said ...
I'm viewing the other : they are like me ; I suppose that all the crucified people are like us ... Though, it continues to attrack the crowd ! What can they find through our sufferings to like seeing bodies nailed to a bit of wood and waiting for an unavoidable death ?
The pain ? Yes, it's that, of course ! People adore to see other people into the worst sufferings, thinking that never it could happen for them ! If I could, I'll ask for Dena, she could shorten my pain in breaking my legs ...
But, Dena will not do that : she's like the crowd, she adores to see our sufferings (that she was contributing to bring ! ) !
Dena is like everybody ...

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I wouldn't say that Dena is just merciless.
After all, she has attached the phallus for you to sit on and the suppedaneum for you to stand on.
Both a great relief for you....right? :D
(Loxuru said :
... stating that Messaline and me deserve our punishment as rebels ...
... Messaline watching silently from her cross (difficult to judge her mind now) ...)

Am I really a rebell ? Perhaps I was at the bad moment to the bad place ? But, anyway, my pain is too much heavy, I cant think what was my fault ...
I only know that I'm going to the death ; when ? I dont know but it will be welcomed, my pain is so horrible !
My nudity is also my shame : they can see all the details of my intimity, and I'm near to piss but I try to resist ... Ooooooooh ! It's done ! I'm pissing
in front of the crowd ! Everybody is joking me ! " See this pig, she cant avoid to make her natural needs ! Soon she'll be also defecating !!! " They said ...
I'm viewing the other : they are like me ; I suppose that all the crucified people are like us ... Though, it continues to attrack the crowd ! What can they find through our sufferings to like seeing bodies nailed to a bit of wood and waiting for an unavoidable death ?
The pain ? Yes, it's that, of course ! People adore to see other people into the worst sufferings, thinking that never it could happen for them ! If I could, I'll ask for Dena, she could shorten my pain in breaking my legs ...
But, Dena will not do that : she's like the crowd, she adores to see our sufferings (that she was contributing to bring ! ) !
Dena is like everybody ...

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Hi Messaline,

I think the people who attend your execution do so for a variety of reasons. Some take pleasure in the suffering inflicted on you and the others crucified with you.

For some, on the other hand, you are just a rebel who is receiving her just punishment. For many, it's a thrill to see you completely helpless.

Normal citizens watch with fascination as you pull yourself up from time to time so that you can take a deep breath and then let yourself sink down again. They enjoy the incomparable feeling of watching the muscles of your flagellated, sweaty naked body as you struggle to die and they don't need to feel guilty about it. You were quite rightly sentenced to death for all these people.
The spectators only take a passing notice when you have to pee. It only takes a few seconds and many people don't even see it. Of course, some people see it and others may make jokes about it. But be honest, wouldn't you do it as a spectator?

For you, however, who are fully aware of it, it is a terrible shame.

You often look into their eyes, but they don't know what you really feel. That is beyond their imagination. They can't guess that you would love to ask Dena for the crurifragium,
just as you don't know what motivates each and every one of them to watch you die.....

Then you got Dena, Hectorius and soldiers like Gordian at the scene. They were just following orders and doing their duty. It is routine for them to crucify criminals and ensure that their victims endure the greatest possible physical and psychological suffering in full view of everyone. All according to Roman law. Cire.
messaline said:
Tôi là một thằng ngốc trần trụi! Tại sao tôi lại vào quán rượu này, nơi mà anh đang đùa giỡn với người dân La Mã và Hoàng đế?
Chính người La Mã đã cho phép tôi được hưởng nền giáo dục La Mã... Tôi đã xác định như vậy khi gặp anh, Loxuru, người nghĩ rằng, với một số bài thơ tiền hại, anh có thể chiến thắng quân đội La Mã !!!
Tôi đã phạm phải một lỗi sai và hiện tại tôi phải trả giá cho nó ......... cho đến chết!

Me ? I said that ? :cbiggrin:

... and no, I cant to give you this photo, I've not ...

"They need to drink"

The moaning and groaning of the executed slowly but steadily increases. This is also a facet of the crucifixion, the increase in agony never ends.
At first, the executed think they can cope well with their situation, but after a while the cries of pain swell and the crucified breathe rapidly and suddenly to supply themselves with air.
The wailing of the dying leaves a lasting impression on the memories of many of those present.
The clothes of the unfortunate execution victims are still lying on the ground in front of them. Dena has not yet put on her tunic, sweat is running down between her tits, the execution site is lined with people enjoying the suffering of others.
Lucia's body, fastened with her face to the cross, twists and spasms. Her shackles chafe her skin but hold her arms and legs mercilessly to the wood. Her screams are shrill.

Dena comes up to me and says:
“It's too hot. If we don't give them something to drink, they'll die too quickly.”

Nodding, I run off and fetch a stick with a sponge at the end and a bucket of posca.
I stand a little to the side of Lucia:

“Lucia, it's very hot today. I have something here to cool you down. That will help you.”
The sentence draws the attention of all the executed to me. I dip the sponge with the stick into the posca with my left hand and wet her face with the liquid. Then I moisten her tits, which are parted to the left and right by the stipes, holding each tit slightly away from the wood with my right. Then I go over her thighs.
She whispers, “Let me drink, please, I need to drink.”
I bring the sponge to her lips and she begins to suck greedily.
Next I take the bucket and move on to Loxuru.

Loxuru's muscles are clearly visible on his sweaty body. You can feel the effort it takes him to stand up. The nails are working in the holes everytime he moves. Blood is running down his arms and on the side of his rib cage. Other than that he is not loosing too much blood. At the moment he is sitting on his sedile, a raw wooden stick, with his cock slightly erect. “Even if you're a rebel, a little cooling for you too. The heat is almost unbearable today.”
I dip the sponge in and cool his cock, balls and thighs by wiping over them with the sponge. I do the same with his nipples and belly, which gently rises and falls as he breathes. Then I let him suck on the sponge before I step in front of Marcella.

Marcella has pushed her sedile, in her case a phallus, into her ass and looks at me, moaning, her eyes wide open. The ritual of how I provide the executed with Posca is always the same for me. I dip the sponge in and cool the victim's skin first. This works quite well due to the evaporating alcohol in the posca. The surgeon at our fort gave me the tip. I also start with Marcella's thighs while she watches me closely. I wipe the sweat from her thighs and run the sponge over her pink, swollen cunt. This time I dip the sponge in a second time and wipe her tits from the inside out. The extra liquid runs between her breasts onto her belly, which I also wipe again before I let her drink. I look down at her nailed feet. She is moving her toes some and whispers demanding: “Let me drink, I'm dying of thirst in the heat.”
I hold the sponge in front of her face, forcing her to lean forward. She can now reach the sponge with the tip of her tongue and licks it. Finally, I place the sponge directly in front of her mouth and let her drink while she looks at me.
"It's enough Marcella." I remove the sponge from her and turn to Messaline.
I stand in front of Messaline and look at her. For a moment I enjoy the limitless power I seem to have over her. In contrast to Marcella, she doesn't look at me and behaves much calmer than the other executed people. In her case, too, the blood from her nailed wrists found its way down her arms, over her ribs, down the sides of her hips. When she stands up, this little red stream continues to flow down her legs to her feet and onto her suppedaneum.
Time to cool down Melissa too. Unlike the three before, she just got up to empty her lungs: "Sit back down Melissa. I want to give you some relief and to cool you down. Do like Marcella and sit with your ass on your phallus. Then you can enjoy in a relaxed manner."

Messaline looks down. I say: “Wait a moment.” I wipe her ass with the sponge and wet the phallus: "Now."
With her eyes fixed on the phallus, she places its tip into her anus and lets herself sink down, moaning. The phallus disappears into her asshole, which now holds a large part of her body.
I dip the sponge into the posca and start wiping her thighs. “How do you like that, it cools you down wonderfully.”
Her pussy is also swollen pink, I wipe it several times with the damp sponge. Then I turn to her breasts. I pass the sponge between the boobs first. Then I hold first the left then the right breast to the side and wet it while I work on her nipple with the thumb of my holding hand.
Messaline's nipples become hard and stand up in the areolas as I bring the sponge to her lips and she quickly sucks.....
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"They need to drink"
Yes! Give me Posca, please! Give me the illusion that I will live on!

I dip the sponge in and cool his cock, balls and thighs by wiping over them with the sponge. I do the same with his nipples and belly, which gently rises and falls as he breathes.
The posca stings on my already sun burned skin! But it hurts in a reviving, refreshing way.
The clothes of the unfortunate execution victims are still lying on the ground in front of them.
Reminding us all the time of our degradation we got into!

“It's too hot. If we don't give them something to drink, they'll die too quickly.”

Nodding, I run off and fetch a stick with a sponge at the end and a bucket of posca.
It helps, that posca! It quenches the thirst, it refreshes, it gives strength again, and a somewhat light feeling it the head!
But damn, it makes you pee twice as much as you drunk of it!
Mmmmmmmmmmm ! You will make me cum, Dena ! Not here, not in front of people !........

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Messalineis such a tramp. She overcame the grueling pain of being crucified to beg Dena not to make her cum but the soft touch on her vagina drove her over the edge, even with everyone watching her crucified body!!!
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