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The Gods’ Edicts Chapter XIV: An Example for the Masses

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All five of the condemned girls had been strung up and stripped nude. In order of right to left it was Vayla, the former servant, Holly, the former priestess, and then the slaves, Kalla, Ana, and Ariana, the one who had caused this with her escape.

High Priestess Anjela looked over their naked bodies with a cruel calm. Then she smiled and snapped her fingers at a pair of guards, gesturing at Ariana with a grin that made her terrified.

Ariana’s hook was lowered, and her shoulders felt some relief as she was able to place all of her weight on her feet again. The pair of guards untied her bindings and pulled her arms behind her back. They bound her wrists behind her back and placed a leather collar around her neck with a thick chain attached to it.

The guards yanked on the chain and marched her forward, as the High Priestess led her past the four girls who would suffer and die because of her actions.

Ariana, to her deep shame, could not look them in the eyes as she was marched past them.

Beyond Vayla, she saw that the dozen slave girls who had been brought in were standing obediently against the wall, their hands shackled behind their backs and their necks connected by chains attached to leather collars like her own.

Their eyes were downcast and their barely-covered chests rose and fell anxiously. Ariana looked upon them and wondered how many she had doomed to horrific death.

High Priestess Anjela gave her the answer. “You will not carry your own cross to the stage of your execution. You have much suffering to endure for your sins, and your own strength shall prolong it. These innocent slaves shall carry the three beams for you and those you have condemned. And they too shall be crucified on account of your evil blasphemy. Choose the three whose lives shall end in shame and agony.”

Ariana looked up at the line of slave girls, with fresh tears in her eyes. The High Priestess had spoken loud enough for the dozen slaves to hear her. They kept their eyes down obediently but their chests rose and fell even faster now, some of them trembling visibly.

“No. Please no.” Ariana said in a shocked whisper. “I shall carry—”

“No!” The High Priestess said, grabbing the chain connected to her collar and giving it a harsh yank. “You choose the three you condemn. Or I shall crucify each of them.”

Ariana dropped to her knees, trembling at the horrific decision. She knew what she had to do. Three innocent slave girls being executed was better than twelve. But…to have to choose which three…

Ariana gulped as she realized that she had to choose.
Ariana scanned the line of twelve trembling slave girls on the verge of panic. As she accepted the horrible fact that she was going to choose three of them to suffer and die with her and Ana and Kalla and Holly and Vayla, she decided in her mind that she would choose the eldest of the group, to spare those who had lived the least. Who had the most life yet to live. Not that life as a slave was any sort of life at all…

Ariana felt the horrible knot in her belly tighten. These cruel people had clearly anticipated her pathetic attempt at mercy; all twelve of the slave girls before her were young, all clearly between eighteen and maybe twenty one years of age. All girls her own age. Fellow victims of the Sacred Realm.

The High Priestess stepped behind Ariana as she knelt in powerless horror and grabbed a handful of her curly red hair, yanking her chin up painfully.

“Listen to the Will of the Gods.” She said mockingly. “Which of these supple young slaves needs the cross? Which of them are called to suffer unto the Glory of the Gods?”

Ariana strained against the High Priestess’ painful grip on her hair. She knew that the longer she tarried, the more the High Priestess’ cruelty would grow.

She looked at a trembling, brunette slave who was skinny and appeared rather malnourished. “Her.” Ariana said bitterly.

“Good.” The High Priestess whispered in her ear as a half a dozen guards walked over and undid the shaking slave girl’s collar, pulling her from the group and marching her forward a few paces.

“Eyes up!” The High Priestess ordered, and the line of slaves looked up and watched as the skinny brunette was stripped nude in a number of seconds. Her small, perky breasts hung from her lean chest and her eyes darted around in shame and fear.

Everyone watched as she was then marched over to the three thick beams of wood on the ground. While a pair of guards held her arms, the others unshackled her hands and then thin, strong cords were bound around each wrist. Two of the guards hefted up one of the crossbeams and laid on her skinny shoulders.

They held it in place while others grabbed the ropes around her wrist and pulled her arms out tightly to her side, affixing the ropes around the sides of the crossbeam, so that she was tightly and securely bound it it.

The soldiers returned to the line of slave girls and the High Priestess tugged viciously on Ariana’s hair. “Next one?” She said icily.
Ariana knew she was completely powerless and that nothing she did would alleviate the horrors and agony to come.

She nodded at the third slave girl from the end of the line, a tan girl with straight black hair, who was of average height but more curvy than average.

The High Priestess barked a few short orders to the soldiers and the terrified looking slave girl was marched forward, stripped nude before all, and then joined the skinny brunette slave girl as the second crossbeam was hefted upon her shoulders, her wrists securely tied to it.

Then Ariana selected the third slave, a slender blonde girl with her curly hair tied in a pig tail. She was also stripped nude and marched over and affixed to a crossbeam.

With three nude slave girls trembling under the weight of the heavy crossbeams, Ariana and her fellow condemned were ready for their march to the place of their execution.

The three slave girls bearing the crossbeams were lined up in a column, with the skinny brunette in the front, the curvy black haired slave behind her, and the petite blonde behind her. Ariana was marched behind her, her hands tightly bound behind her back, the collar and chain still around her neck.

Ana was lowered and had her hands tied anew behind her back, her large tits bouncing around from her naked chest as she submitted to the strong hands of the guards. She was marched behind Ariana and a collar was places around her neck, and the chain was affixed to it, connecting her to Ariana.

This efficient, dehumanizing process was repeated. Next for Kalla, whose big eyes brimmed with tears the entire time. Then for Holly, the former Priestess blushing intently in shame and terror. Then for Vayla, the timid former servant, her plump breasts rising and falling with every anxious breathe.

With the line of eight nude girls ready, the front three leaning forward as their bore the crossbeams, their breasts dangling from their chests as sweat already began to bead on their foreheads, and the rear five bound hands behind their backs, all connected at the neck by collars affixed to a long chain.

Priestess Anjela looked then over with a wide grin then nodded at the soldiers. “Begin the procession!”

With that, a loud grinding resounded through the dim room as a pair of spoken winches were worked, sliding apart one of the walls to make a doorway, the morning sunlight spilling in and illuminating their nude bodies in stark lighting.

“March!” One of the guards shouted as he cracked a whip menacingly.

Ariana watched the three slave girls before her teeter forward slowly, finding the gait that would allow them to bear the heavy the crossbeams. Then, with a whimper, Ariana followed, the slack on her chain affixed to her collar telling her that those she had doomed also marched behind her.

Outside of the palace, she saw the streets lined with people.

No! No! No! No! No! She thought, straining against the ropes around her wrist in an instinctive attempt to cover up her nudity.

Another whip crack kept her moving, despite the heat in her cheeks as she blushed in humiliation and terror…
The march through the streets of the capital city of the Sacred Realm was brutal. Ariana felt the rough dirt road beneath her feet, each step a painful reminder of the torment to come.

Before her, the three innocent slave girls she had doomed to death labored strenuously under the weight of the three wooden crossbeams.

Behind her, Ana, Kalla, Holly, and Vayla marched powerlessly to their deaths along with her.

The procession of eight completely nude condemned women was flanked by nearly two dozen guards.

Ariana wondered if the guards were there to protect their procession from undue harassment or maybe even help from the crowds of citizens beholding them. But the cheers and leers of the citizens of the Realm quickly conveyed to her that they were all excited to revel in her and these other innocents’ torture and death. The guards were merely there to ensure that her and the others did not collapse or slow down.

As Ariana strained her wrists against the strong cords binding her hands behind her back, in an instinctive move to cover her exposed womanhood and breasts from the eyes of the countless onlookers, she whimpered in humiliation and defeat.

She had tasted freedom. For only a mere handful of days. And now she would be subjected to the stark opposite of freedom. Restraint, binding, torture, pain, powerlessness. All up until her final breath…
Their forced march felt like it took an hour, but in reality it was only about half that. At one point the malnourished brunette slave at the front of the procession stumbled and the guards swooped in to yank her back to her feet.

“You’ll pay extra for that, cunt!” One shouted at her, loud enough for Ariana to hear.

Another guard shouted at the two slaves behind her, repeating the threat, lest any of them should falter.

Ariana looked at the petite blonde slave in front of her, straining against the heavy load on her shoulders, sweat cascading down her nude back.

Ariana’s mind was a boiling concoction of feelings dominated by dread and shame, but in that moment, guilt rose up to the top of her roiling torment and made her want to cry out and beg for mercy and an end to this.

But her time as a slave had taught her well that that would only make things worse. Forgetting her place was what landed them all in this death march in the first place.

I am going to die she thought with horrifying and surreal clarity. I am going to be put to death.

Ariana looked at the poor slaves struggling in front of her and over their bowed heads and the ominous crossbeams on their shoulders she saw something rising above the crowds of cheering onlookers; a large wooden stage, over two meters off the ground, centered in the largest city square, with raised seats and balconies in the surrounding buildings.

The stage upon which the entire city could watch the execution unfold. Ariana felt her body freeze in terror. She ceased walking and let out a gasp.

A guard cracked his whip just behind her and she yelped in fright.

“March!” He shouted.

Ariana shook like a leaf in the wind as the massive crowd parted and her and the others made their way towards a wooden staircase on the side of the stage, to ascend it and reach the end of their lives.

Ariana heard one of the girls sobbing behind her, it did not sound like Ana or Kalla. She imagined it was Vayla but it may have been Holly, the former priestess who had crucified so many of her fellow slaves in Master Verlin’s courtyard.

Ariana was halted as the guards flanked the three slave girls bearing crossbeams and escorted up the stairs to the stage, lest any of them lose balance and fall.

Then Ariana was given the order to “March” once again.

As she ascended the stairs, her eyes swept over the area where she would be crucified. On the center of the large stage were three thick wooden pillars laid down and attached to the stage at the base so they could be rotated upright, clearly by mechanisms underneath the stage.

The three slave girls bearing the crossbeams were being maneuvered to straddle these and then be laid back so the crossbeams could be affixed to the vertical shafts. There was a large wooden wheel on the stage, its spokes parallel to the stage, near where their stairs brought them up onto the platform.

At the far end was a comfortable looking throne of gold and plush cloths. High Priestess Anjela sat upon it. She must have been carried by a carriage over here while they were marched nude through the city streets. Next to her stood a muscular, bald man with some short, dark stubble on his rugged jawline. He was completely nude, and his cock was huge, his long shaft dangling down to nearly his knees.

Near the throne where the High Priestess sat, a naked girl knelt, her hands bound behind her back, a collar like the one around Ariana’s neck chaining her to a small stake in the stage a little bit behind her. She was skinny and had big, frightened eyes and perky little breasts that were rising and falling nervously. She looked to be around Ana’s age, her dirty blond hair framing her young face.

Another innocent person I have doomed? Ariana wondered with dread and shame.

Ariana was marched near the front of the stage, towards the High Priestess, so that Ana, Kalla, Holly, and Vayla were lined up behind her.

Guards came to them and removed the collars from their necks and the chain connecting them. Then they were summarily turned to face the crowd and pushed down onto their knees.

Ariana’s heart stopped for a moment. There she was, nude, kneeling upon a stage for all to see, looking out at the cheering crowd of thousands, uncovered and powerless, bereft of all dignity and hope.

She turned and saw Ana and Kalla, who knelt stunned and humiliated and afraid like her. Holly had her chin held up, clearly trying to be stoic, but her trembling lips and watering eyes betrayed her shame and terror. Beyond her, Vayla had tears streaming down her face, her expression horrified and grief-stricken.

The crowd quieted as the High Priestess stood up to address them…
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