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The Greek Girls.

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Staff member
Melissa has been on my case to open this thread. And virtually all of the content will be retreads. But since the site wipe last year this might be necessary.

Well. And so. This is the history of The Greek Girls. Many of you will be bored by this, and if so just click the back button.

It began 8 years ago when a stressed out, post 9/11 New Yorker woke up to this crux kink. And one of the first images I encountered was this one by Yusebby.

What the hell is going on here? The tituli read "Rebel,murderer." And crucifixion was indeed "the punishment of slaves." But these young women are obviously not slaves. Their lush black curls are long, not the close cropped locks of female slaves, and their pubic hair is meticulously plucked. These are upper class women who wound up nailed butt naked to crosses.



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I think I came up with a reasonable scenario of how two upper class Roman women in 19 B.C.E wound up nailed butt naked to crosses.


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The first artist who offered to illustrate the story was WelshWebb, but he was only able to supply a few.


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So I shopped out the story to other artists.

Algabal, he of amazing crux images, consented to contribute. I Think "Callia Looks At Sinon" is my all time favorite Greek Girl illustration. I've attached a few of his other crux pics, just for grins and chuckles.


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Then there's Chincy.

He's an astonishing artist, but is bound up with realspace stuff.

No matter. He can't produce on demand, but what he produces is . . . astonishing.


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More from Chincy. A "before and after." Adonia in a flashback kneels before Sinon on the beach before fellating the bejeezus out of him, and winds up several years later nailed to a cross in just that posture.


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Helmut is working on a series featuring The Greek Girls, but has not finished any renders to his own satisfaction. When he's done, they'll be posted here.

In the meantime, I'll share an in-joke illustration. The luckless ladies herein bear a passing resemblance to The Gilmore Girls (google it if you have to, folks.).

The male figures are fairly accurate avatars of he and me. I'm the one with the receeding hairline and beard.


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Another by Algabal, which perfectly depicts the Girls' agony and horror.

I've also attached Algabal's examples of the two schools of crux kink, the Religious v. Realistic. A lot of folks are into The Blasphemy Component, a naked woman crucified in the manner the capital-C Crucifixion is shown in religious art; that's what gets them off.

Then there are pervs such as myself who insist that the effects of the awful physics of crucifixion be faithfully depicted, and get our jollies thereby.

If you are signed up at The Dark Spot, there's an interesting discussion of these matters there.

http://www.thedarkspot.com/forum/showth ... ht=algabal


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There is surely more than sufficient pics to produce a really good PDF. The resident expert on such matters is of course Hans (Admihoek). What do you think Hans?
melissa said:
There is surely more than sufficient pics to produce a really good PDF. The resident expert on such matters is of course Hans (Admihoek). What do you think Hans?
yep here is another example see the pdf example first 3 pages


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Hi Hans,
The heads on your last two pics need to be reduced in size, but apart from that why not illustrate Apostate's story as a PDF. You are the expert and you will shortly be a Governor! I'd like to see a blue background and a font that isn't Times Roman Whatever. If Apostate doesn't like it we can always play around with it until we get it right. I think this is another good project to work on.
We really must have a party when you become a Governor because you deseve it.
melissa said:
Hi Hans,
The heads on your last two pics need to be reduced in size, but apart from that why not illustrate Apostate's story as a PDF. You are the expert and you will shortly be a Governor! I'd like to see a blue background and a font that isn't Times Roman Whatever. If Apostate doesn't like it we can always play around with it until we get it right. I think this is another good project to work on.
We really must have a party when you become a Governor because you deseve it.

Hans, if you feel you can do a PDF of The Greek Girls with the existing illos, proceed with all my good will. You may wish to wait for a time until Helmut, Chincy, and maybe Algabal and WelshWebb come up with additional pics; there are certain other scenes in the story I'd like to see.
now in the right place example Greeks girls first pages 8)


8 to go perhaps governor with the pdf???


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admihoek said:
now in the right place example Greeks girls first pages 8)


8 to go perhaps governor with the pdf???

Hi Hans,
That is a brilliant front cover! well done. You need to change "An tale by Apostate" to "A tale by Apostate" and change the other credit to "Manipulations by Crusader". You can add other credits later. I would certainly make a start because with a PDF you can always insert bits later and we can do any proof reading as you go along. It looks very promising so far. We shall party when you become a Governor!
Lord love you, Melissa. I wanted to make similar grammar and spelling comments this morning but lacked the time.

Hans, I still urge you to wait for Helmut's illustrations, but proceed. I'm curious about how you will place the images within the text.

I'm attaching the first part of the story I wrote. I rewrote and restructured the narrative, and left out most of how Quintus and Iola got together, and the nature of their relationship. Use it for background.

By the way, in case you haven't got it, attached find "The Final Version."


  • Greek girls, early version.pdf
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  • Greek Girls, Final Version.pdf
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melissa said:
admihoek said:
now in the right place example Greeks girls first pages 8)


8 to go perhaps governor with the pdf???

Hi Hans,
That is a brilliant front cover! well done. You need to change "An tale by Apostate" to "A tale by Apostate" and change the other credit to "Manipulations by Crusader". You can add other credits later. I would certainly make a start because with a PDF you can always insert bits later and we can do any proof reading as you go along. It looks very promising so far. We shall party when you become a Governor!
it is an example and we should work on it with everyone who wants a bit of fun now and then :lol: the last word has (of course) the creator 8)
admihoek said:
melissa said:
admihoek said:
now in the right place example Greeks girls first pages 8)


8 to go perhaps governor with the pdf???

Hi Hans,
That is a brilliant front cover! well done. You need to change "An tale by Apostate" to "A tale by Apostate" and change the other credit to "Manipulations by Crusader". You can add other credits later. I would certainly make a start because with a PDF you can always insert bits later and we can do any proof reading as you go along. It looks very promising so far. We shall party when you become a Governor!
it is an example and we should work on it with everyone who wants a bit of fun now and then :lol: the last word has (of course) the creator 8)

Hi Hans,
Just had a thought. Won't you need the Word/Whatever version of The Greek Girls before it was exported as a PDF in order to insert pics?....or can you convert a PDF to a Word document? I also think it a good idea for people to download the story and then submit any pics for possible inclusion. Of course Apostate has the final say.
Hi Hans,
That is a brilliant front cover! well done. You need to change "An tale by Apostate" to "A tale by Apostate" and change the other credit to "Manipulations by Crusader". You can add other credits later. I would certainly make a start because with a PDF you can always insert bits later and we can do any proof reading as you go along. It looks very promising so far. We shall party when you become a Governor!
it is an example and we should work on it with everyone who wants a bit of fun now and then :lol: the last word has (of course) the creator 8)[/quote]

Hi Hans,
Just had a thought. Won't you need the Word/Whatever version of The Greek Girls before it was exported as a PDF in order to insert pics?....or can you convert a PDF to a Word document? I also think it a good idea for people to download the story and then submit any pics for possible inclusion. Of course Apostate has the final say.

julie and melissa
it is in word; rtf; publisher and all whatever you want i'll place it tomorrow.

oh thanks for sponsoring our pope :mrgreen: :twisted: :lol: :evil:
Hey, you guys have my permission to go wild without let nor hindrance.

Just let me know if you need a fresh version of The Greek Girls. And prepare for revisions when Helmut and WelshWebb come up with additional illustrations.
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