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"Sister Elizabeth, you have betrayed the Holy Church of Christ by worshipping the devil. Tomorrow you will burn at the stake in the public square. Now tell us the names of your fellow sisters who have sinned with you."
Ummm ... let’s see ... there was Sister Barbara, and Eulalia, and Kathleen, and Malins, and Emily, and Roberta, and Messaline, and Cynthia, and lots more. How many would you like?
Wood has gotten very expensive lately. Will we have enough stakes?
Maybe we should have the blacksmith make some iron stakes and use this newly invented stuff as fuel. I have heard rumours that it is called coal.
"No, please, please, stop! I'm a good Christian woman. I'm not a witch, I swear!"


  • gabriel inquisition 394-1-.jpg
    gabriel inquisition 394-1-.jpg
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Ummm ... let’s see ... there was Sister Barbara, and Eulalia, and Kathleen, and Malins, and Emily, and Roberta, and Messaline, and Cynthia, and lots more. How many would you like?
I confess.... gahhh. I confess! I fornicated with the Devil and his princes. I brought the blight upon the crops. Anything! I’ll tell you anything to make it staaaahp!
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